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// SmtpBatchMailer.cs
// This file is based (in parts) on SmtpEmailer code by Steaven Woyan (,
// and by extension on logic/code design from PJ Naughter's C++ SMTP package
// located at
// The original code has been considerably modified for use in Aggie by Ziv Caspi.
// Mode modifications made relative to SmtpEmailer:
// - Various name changes
// - Better encapsulation for SmtpAttachment
// - SmtpAttachment can now be used in multi-threaded environments
// - Massive reorg of shared code into functions
// - Added option of several content-transfer-encoding
// - Separated mailer from the mail message
// - Created a batch mailer, to allow multiple messages to be sent
//   to a single host over a single connection
// - Added configuration component

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading;

using Bitworking.Smtp;

namespace Bitworking.Smtp{
  /// <summary>
  /// How content is encoded before being sent over the SMTP channel.
  /// See RFC 2045, content-transfer-encoding.
  /// </summary>
  public enum ContentTransferEncoding {
    // TODO: Does .NET provide this type of encoding facilities?
    //       If so, use that instead of our own implementation.
    _7bit, _8bit, binary, quoted_printable, base64, ietf_token, x_token

  /// <summary>
  /// This class houses static utility methods.
  /// </summary>
  public class Utils {
    static public string ToString( ContentTransferEncoding encoding ) {
      switch ( encoding ) {
        case ContentTransferEncoding._7bit: return "7bit";
        case ContentTransferEncoding._8bit: return "8bit";
        default: return encoding.ToString();

    public const char InvalidConversionIndicator = '?';
    static public char GetConversionIndicator( ContentTransferEncoding encoding ) {
      switch ( encoding ) {
        case ContentTransferEncoding.quoted_printable: return 'Q';
        case ContentTransferEncoding.base64:           return 'B';
        default: return InvalidConversionIndicator;

    static public string ContentTransferEncode( ContentTransferEncoding how, string what ) {
      return ContentTransferEncode( how, what, 76, "\r\n" );
    } // ContentTransferEncode

    /// <summary>
    /// Encode string according to RFC 2045, section 6
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="how">Encoding method to use.</param>
    /// <param name="what">Content to encode.</param>
    /// <param name="charsPerLine">After how many characters to break the line.</param>
    /// <param name="lineSeparator">What line break to use.</param>
    /// <returns>The encoded string.</returns>
    static public string ContentTransferEncode( ContentTransferEncoding how, string what, int charsPerLine, string lineSeparator ) {
      switch ( how ) {
        case ContentTransferEncoding._7bit:
          return what.ToString();
        case ContentTransferEncoding._8bit:
          return EncodeAs8bit( what );
        case ContentTransferEncoding.binary:
          return what.ToString();
        case ContentTransferEncoding.quoted_printable:
          return EncodeAsQuotedPrintable( what );
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "how", "Currently this type of encoding not supported" );
    } // ContentTransferEncode

    static public string ContentTransferEncode( ContentTransferEncoding how, byte[] what ) {
      return ContentTransferEncode( how, what, 76, "\r\n" );
    } // ContentTransferEncode

    static public string ContentTransferEncode( ContentTransferEncoding how, byte[] what, int charsPerLine, string lineSeparator  ) {
      switch ( how ) {
        case ContentTransferEncoding._8bit:
          return EncodeAs8bit( what );
        case ContentTransferEncoding.base64:
          return EncodeAsBase64( what, charsPerLine, lineSeparator );
          throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "how", "Currently this type of encoding not supported" );
    } // ContentTransferEncode

    /// <summary>
    /// Encode byte array as RFC 2045 Base64 (sect 6.8).
    /// Automatically cuts lines using CRLF pairs.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="what">Byte stream to encode.</param>
    /// <returns>Encoded byte stream.</returns>
    static public string EncodeAsBase64( byte[] what ) {
      return EncodeAsBase64( what, 76, "\r\n" );
    } // EncodeAsBase64

    static public string EncodeAsBase64( byte[] what, int charsPerLine, string lineSeparator ) {
      // For reasons unknown, CLR's base64 encoder does not provide
      // a way to limit the length of the line. RFC 2045 requires
      // that lines will have no more than 76 characters (after encoding).
      string asSingleLine = Convert.ToBase64String( what );
      return BreakIntoLines( asSingleLine, charsPerLine, lineSeparator );
    } // EncodeAsBase64

    static public string BreakIntoLines( string what, int charsPerLine, string lineSeparator ) {
      int length = what.Length;
      int capacity = length + ((length + charsPerLine) * lineSeparator.Length) / charsPerLine; // Estimated length of new string
      StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder( capacity );
      int pos = 0;
      int remaining = length;
      while ( remaining > 0 ) {
        int howManyToAdd = (remaining > charsPerLine) ? charsPerLine : remaining;
        res.Append( what, pos, howManyToAdd );
        pos += howManyToAdd;
        remaining -= howManyToAdd;
        if ( remaining == 0 )
        res.Append( lineSeparator );
      return res.ToString();
    } // BreakIntoLines

    /// <summary>
    /// Encode string as RFC 2045 quoted-printable (sect 6.7).
    /// Original code from PJ Naughter (
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="what">Content to encode.</param>
    /// <returns>The encoded string.</returns>
    static public string EncodeAsQuotedPrintable_( string what ) {
      int whatLength = what.Length;
      int estimatedLength = whatLength + whatLength / 4;
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( estimatedLength );

      for ( int x = 0; x < whatLength; ++x ) {
        char  chr   = what[x];
        sbyte byt = (sbyte) chr;

        // RFC 2045 6.7(2), 6.7(3), 6.7(4)
        // TODO: Replace this with a table-driven implementation!
        if ( ((byt>=33) && (byt<=60))  ||
          ((byt>=62) && (byt<=126)) ||
          (byt=='\r')               ||
          (byt=='\n')               ||
          (byt=='\t')               ||
          (byt==' ') ) {
          buf.Append( chr );
        else {
          buf.Append( '=' );
          buf.Append(((sbyte)((byt & 0xF0) >> 4)).ToString("X"));
          buf.Append(((sbyte) (byt & 0x0F)).ToString("X"));
      } // for

      // RFC 2045 6.7(3), 6.7(4), 6.7(5)
      // Soft-break lines larger than 76 chars, no trailiing whitespace
      // at the end of lines, etc.

      int    start = 0;
      string enc   = buf.ToString();
      buf.Length   = 0;

      for ( int x = 0; x < enc.Length; ++x ) {
        sbyte byt = (sbyte) enc[x];
        // TODO: This is inefficient. 1: Use a table. 2: Limit the loop length so no enc.Length check is necessary
        if ( byt == '\n' || byt == '\r' ||  x == (enc.Length - 1) ) {
          buf.Append( enc.Substring( start, x-start+1) );
          start = x + 1;
        if ( (x-start) > 76 ) {
          bool inWord = true;
          while ( inWord ) {
            inWord = (!char.IsWhiteSpace( enc, x ) && enc[x-2] != '=');
            if ( inWord ) {
              byt = (sbyte) enc[x];
            if ( x == start ) {
              x = start + 76;

          } // while
          buf.Append(enc.Substring(start, x - start + 1));
          start = x + 1;
        } // if on 76
      } // for

      return buf.ToString();
    } // EncodeAsQuotedPrintable_

    /// <summary>
    /// Encode string as RFC 2045 quoted-printable (sect. 6.7).
    /// Similar to EncodeAsQuotedPrintable_, but has simpler (and slower) algorithm
    /// which is easier to maintain.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="what">Content to encode.</param>
    /// <returns>The encoded string.</returns>
    static public string EncodeAsQuotedPrintable( string what ) {
      int whatLength = what.Length;
      int estimatedLength = whatLength + whatLength / 2; // A pessimistic estimation
      StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder( estimatedLength );

      for ( int pos = 0, col = 1; pos < whatLength; ++pos ) {
        char c = what[pos];
        byte b = (byte)c; // TODO: (ZIVC) Hopefully, no one gives us non-7bit code...

        if ( (b >= 33) && (b <= 126) && (b != 61) ) {
          str.Append( c );
          if ( ++col > 70 ) {
            col = 1;
            str.Append( "=\r\n" );
        else if ( (b != '\r') && (b != '\n') ) {
          str.Append( '=' );
          str.Append(((sbyte)((b & 0xF0) >> 4)).ToString("X"));
          str.Append(((sbyte) (b & 0x0F)).ToString("X"));
          col += 3;
          if ( col > 70 ) {
            col = 1;
            str.Append( "=\r\n" );
        else {
          str.Append( c );
          col = 1;
      } // for

      return str.ToString();
    } // EncodeAsQuotedPrintable

    public static string EncodeAs8bit( byte[] what ) {
      // TODO: Dumb test implementation, copied from the function below
      char[] asCharArray = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetChars( what );
      string asStr = new string( asCharArray );
      return EncodeAs8bit( asStr );
    } // EncodeAs8bit
    /// <summary>
    /// Encode string as RFC 2045 8bit.
    /// This means fragmenting lines so that they are not too long.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="what">Content to encode.</param>
    /// <returns>The encoded string.</returns>
    public static string EncodeAs8bit( string what ) {
      // We break lines that are 70 characters long at
      // the first whitespace which appears after that point.
      // This is probably only a temporary solution.
      int whatLength = what.Length;
      int estimatedLength = whatLength + whatLength / 2; // A pessimistic estimation
      StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder( estimatedLength );

      for ( int pos = 0, col = 1; pos < whatLength; ++pos ) {
        char c = what[pos];

        if ( c == '\r' ) {
          col = 1;
          str.Append( '\r' );

        if ( col < 70 ) {
          str.Append( c );

        if ( c == ' ' ) {
          str.Append( "\r\n " );
          col = 2;

        str.Append( c );

      } // for

      return str.ToString();

    } // EncodeAs8bit

    /// <summary>
    /// Ensure that a string exists and is not all whitespace.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="what">String to check for substance.</param>
    /// <param name="paramName">The name of the string to check.</param>
    /// <param name="message">The message that accompanies the exception
    /// if the string has no substance.</param>
    /// <returns>The string to check if it has substance.</returns>
    static public string ValidateExistence( string what, string paramName, string message ) {
      if ( what == null || what.Trim().Length == 0 )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( paramName, message );
      return what;
    } // ValidateExistence
  } // class Utils

  /// <summary>
  /// A single SMTP mail message, in its final form.
  /// (Consider using SmtpMailItem instead, which helps
  /// you build the message from logical parts.)
  /// </summary>
  public class SmtpMessage : ICloneable {
    #region Private data
    private string from_;
    private string to_;
    private string message_;

    #region Getters
    public string From {
      get { return from_; }
    public string To {
      get { return to_; }
    public string Message {
      get { return message_; }

    #region Construction and copy
    public SmtpMessage( string from, string to, string message ) {
      from_    = from;
      to_      = to;
      message_ = message;
    public Object Clone() {
      SmtpMessage clone = (SmtpMessage)this.MemberwiseClone();
      return clone;
    } // Clone

  } // class SmtpMessage

  /// <summary>
  /// A single SMTP mail message to send.
  /// </summary>
  public class SmtpMailItem : ICloneable {
    #region AddressList helper class
    public class AddressList : ICloneable {
      private ArrayList list_;
      public AddressList() {
        list_ = new ArrayList();
      public void Add( string address ) {
        string addr = Utils.ValidateExistence( address, "address", "Invalid address." );
        list_.Add( addr );
      public void Remove( string address ) {
        list_.Remove( address );
      public string ToString( string separator ) {
        // TODO: Do we want to estimate the size of this buffer before allocating it?
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        int howMany = list_.Count;
        if ( howMany > 0 ) {
          buf.Append( list_[0] );
          for ( int i = 1; i < howMany; ++i ) { // Start at 1, as we've added item 0
            buf.Append( separator );
            buf.Append( list_[i] );
        return buf.ToString();
      public int Count {
        get { return list_.Count; }
      public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
        return list_.GetEnumerator();
      public Object Clone() {
        AddressList clone = new AddressList();
        clone.list_ = (ArrayList)this.list_.Clone();
        return clone;
    } // class AddressList

    #region AttachmentList helper class
    public class AttachmentList : ICloneable {
      private ArrayList list_;
      public AttachmentList() {
        list_ = new ArrayList();
      public void Add( SmtpAttachment attachment ) {
        list_.Add( attachment );
      public void Remove( SmtpAttachment attachment ) {
        list_.Remove( attachment );
      public int Count {
        get { return list_.Count; }
      public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
        return list_.GetEnumerator();
      public Object Clone() {
        AttachmentList clone = new AttachmentList();
        clone.list_ = (ArrayList)this.list_.Clone();
        return clone;
    } // class AttachmentList

    #region Construction and copy
    /// <summary>
    /// Empty constructor.
    /// </summary>
    public SmtpMailItem() {

    /// <summary>
    /// Clone an existing item.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Object Clone() {
      // Do a shallow copy, and then fix all the fields
      // which must be deep-copied:
      SmtpMailItem clone = (SmtpMailItem)this.MemberwiseClone();
      clone.recipients_  = (AddressList)this.recipients_.Clone();
      clone.attachments_ = (AttachmentList)this.attachments_.Clone();
      return clone;
    } // Clone

    #region Properties
    /// <summary>
    /// The originator of this mail message.
    /// </summary>
    public string From {
      get { return from_; }
      set { from_ = Utils.ValidateExistence( value, "From", "Invalid mail originator (from) field." ); }

    /// <summary>
    /// The item's subject line.
    /// </summary>
    public string Subject {
      get { return subject_; }
      set { subject_ = Utils.ValidateExistence( value, "Subject", "Invalid mail subject field." ); }

    /// <summary>
    /// The message itself. Empty messages are allowed.
    /// </summary>
    public string Body {
      get { return body_; }
      set { body_ = ((value != null) ? value : ""); }

    /// <summary>
    /// The character-set to use for sending the body.
    /// </summary>
    public Encoding Charset {
      get { return charset_; }
      set { charset_ = value; }
    /// <summary>
    /// The encoding to use when sending the message body.
    /// </summary>
    public ContentTransferEncoding ContentTransferEncoding {
      get { return contentTransferEncoding_; }
      set { contentTransferEncoding_ = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether to send the body as HTML or not.
    /// </summary>
    public bool SendAsHtml {
      get { return sendAsHtml_; }
      set { sendAsHtml_ = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Whom to send the message to.
    /// </summary>
    public SmtpMailItem.AddressList Recipients {
      get { return recipients_; }

    /// <summary>
    /// List of attachments to send along with the message.
    /// </summary>
    public SmtpMailItem.AttachmentList Attachments {
      get { return attachments_; }

    /// <summary>
    /// How many attachments are to be sent inline.
    /// </summary>
    public int InlineAttachmentsCount {
      get {
        return CountAttachments( HowAttached.Inlined );
    public int ExternalAttachmentsCount {
      get {
        return CountAttachments( HowAttached.Externally );

    #region Private members
    private string                  from_;
    private string                  subject_;
    private string                  body_;
    private Encoding                charset_;
    private ContentTransferEncoding contentTransferEncoding_;
    private bool                    sendAsHtml_;
    private AddressList             recipients_ = new AddressList();
    private AttachmentList          attachments_ = new AttachmentList();

    #region Private methods
    private int CountAttachments( HowAttached howAttached ) {
      int count = 0;
      foreach ( object item in attachments_ ) {
        SmtpAttachment attachment = (SmtpAttachment)item;
        if ( attachment.HowAttached == howAttached )
      return count;
    } // CountAttachments
  } // class SmtpMailItem

  /// <summary>
  /// A class for sending multiple email messages with attachments
  /// via a single SMTP connection to a single host.
  /// </summary>
  public class SmtpBatchMailer {
    /* A word on how this class works:
     * This class contains a private thread that it uses to send mail messages.
     * Clients that want to send mail create instances of the SmtpMailItem class,
     * and submit them for sending by this class. Each mail item is then duplicated,
     * and put on an internal queue to be picked up by the sending thread.
     * Note that the sending thread awaits a special command to stop -- failure
     * to call this command currently means the mailer will block the "process"
     * from quitting.
    #region Helper class to indicate a request to stop background activities
    public class PleaseStop {

    #region Construction and Destruction
    // TODO: Add a true dispose pattern here.
    public SmtpBatchMailer( string host )
      : this( host, 25, false ) {
    public SmtpBatchMailer( string host, int port )
      : this( host, port, false ) {
    public SmtpBatchMailer( SmtpConfigInfo config ) {
      if ( config != null )
        Init(, config.port, config.offline, config.username, config.password );
        Init( "", 0, true, "", "" );
    public SmtpBatchMailer( string host, int port, bool offline ) {
      Init( host, port, offline, "", "" );
    private void Init( string host, int port, bool offline, string username, string password ) {
      this.offline = offline;

      if ( !offline ) {
        if ( host == null || host.Trim().Length == 0 )
          throw new ArgumentNullException( "Invalid host name.", "host" );

        if ( port <= 0 )
          throw new ArgumentException( "Invalid port number.", "port" );

        host_ = host;
        port_ = port;
      else {
        // TODO: Is there any reason to cling to the supplied host/port here?
        host_ = "";
        port_ = 25;

      username_ = username;
      password_ = password;

      commandsUnsafe_ = new Queue();
      commands_       = Queue.Synchronized( commandsUnsafe_ );
      hasCommands_    = new ManualResetEvent( false );

      consumerThread_ = new Thread( new ThreadStart( MailThread ) );
    } // SmtpBatchMailer

    public void Close() {
      PleaseStop command = new PleaseStop();
      EnqueueCommand( command );

      // Wait for the consumer thread to actually stop
    } // Close

    #region Public interface
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the mail item to a list of messages to send in the background.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">Mail item to send in the background.</param>
    public void SubmitItemForSending( SmtpMailItem item ) {
      // Duplicate the mail item, so we'll have our own copy to pass
      // to the worker thread
      SmtpMailItem myItem = (SmtpMailItem)item.Clone();

      // Push the mail item on the queue
      // TODO: Currently, we have no optimizations: the consumer thread
      // is always running and looking for mail to consume. A better
      // implementation would be to delay its creation until necessary,
      // close it down when idle, etc.
      EnqueueCommand( myItem );
    } // SubmitItemForSending

    public void SubmitMessageForSending( SmtpMessage message ) {
      SmtpMessage myMessage = (SmtpMessage)message.Clone();
      EnqueueCommand( myMessage );
    } // SubmitMessageForSending

    #region Private members
    private bool offline;
    private string host_ = "";
    private int    port_ = 25;
    private string username_ = "";
    private string password_ = "";
    private Thread consumerThread_;
    // Must not be touched outside of the consumer thread.
    // TODO: We might want to enforce this by removing it out
    // of the members and make it a local var in the thread's function,
    // but then we'll have to pass it around many functions. Ugly.
    // Another way would be to move a lot of this functionality into
    // the SmtpConnection class itself -- this sounds like a better idea.
    private SmtpConnection connection_;
    private StreamWriter debugWriter_;
    // commandsUnsafe, and hasCommands_ are sync'ed. Must only be used by
    // the constructor, consumer thread, and the EnqueueCommand() method.
    private Queue            commandsUnsafe_;
    private Queue            commands_;
    private ManualResetEvent hasCommands_;

    #region Private thread
    private void EnqueueCommand( object command ) {
      // NOTE: The order of these two operations is crucial,
      //       or we might get the "lost event" syndrom.
      commands_.Enqueue( command );
    } // EnqueueCommand

    /// <summary>
    /// Go into a loop in which we consume all mail items
    /// put on our queue by mailing them to the target.
    /// Do not stop until told to.
    /// </summary>
    private void MailThread() {
      // The consumer thread waits for the hasCommands_ event to
      // be raised, indicating that we have a command waiting
      // in our command queue (commands_). It then wakes up
      // and checks what the command is, performs it, and
      // goes back to sleep.

      bool wantsToStop = false; // When set, thread quits

      while ( !wantsToStop ) {
        // Here is how items are removed from the command queue:
        // 1. We remove all items from the queue and act on them
        // 2. We reset the event that indicates there are items
        // 3. We test to see if there are any MORE items on the queue
        // That third step is necessary to handle
        // an enqueue operation being done between steps 1 and 2.
        while ( commands_.Count > 0 )
          MailThreadConsumeCommands( ref wantsToStop );
        while ( commands_.Count > 0 )
          MailThreadConsumeCommands( ref wantsToStop );

        // No need to go waiting if we've been asked to stop
        if ( wantsToStop )

        // At this point we've either consumed all commands
        // and the event is clear, or there are more commands
        // and the event is set.
        int timeout_ms = ((connection_ == null) ? Timeout.Infinite : 10000); // 10 seconds
        bool ok = hasCommands_.WaitOne( timeout_ms, false );
        if ( !ok ) {
          // We've timed-out. Might as well stop the connection
      } // while
    } // MailThread

    private void MailThreadConsumeCommands( ref bool wantsToStop ) {
      // Precondition: We're called when there's at least one command to consume
      Object command = commands_.Dequeue();
      Type commandType = command.GetType();
      if ( commandType == typeof( SmtpMailItem ) ) {
        MailThreadSendMail( command as SmtpMailItem );
      else if ( commandType == typeof( SmtpMessage ) )
        MailThreadSendMail( command as SmtpMessage );
      else if ( commandType == typeof( SmtpBatchMailer.PleaseStop ) ) {
        wantsToStop = true;

    } // MailThreadConsumeCommands

    private void MailThreadSendMail( SmtpMessage message ) {
      // TODO: Validation
      if ( connection_ == null )
      SendMailItem( message );
    } // MailThreadSendMail

    private void MailThreadSendMail( SmtpMailItem item ) {
      // Validate some fields
      Utils.ValidateExistence( item.From, "From", "Mail item has an invalid From field" );
      if ( item.Recipients.Count == 0 )
        throw new ArgumentException( "Mail item has no recipients set" );

      // If the connection is down, this is the time to bring it up
      // (this is a small optimization that delays opening the connection
      // until we really need to)
      if ( connection_ == null )

      SendMailItem( item );
    } // MailThreadSendMail

    private void MailThreadDropConnection() {
      if ( connection_ == null )

    #region Private utility functions to send/receive data over the SMTP connection
    private void SendRequestGetReply( ref StringBuilder buf, string format, params object[] args ) {
      string response;
      int    code;
      SendRequestGetReply( out response, out code, ref buf, format, args );
    } // SendRequestGetReply

    private void SendRequestGetReply( out string response, out int code, ref StringBuilder buf, string format, params object[] args ) {
      SendRequest( ref buf, format, args );
      connection_.GetReply( out response, out code );
    } // SendRequestGetReply

    private void SendRequest( ref StringBuilder buf, string format, params object[] args ) {
      buf.Length = 0;
      buf.AppendFormat( format, args );
      string what = buf.ToString();
      if ( debugWriter_ != null )
        debugWriter_.WriteLine( what );
      connection_.SendCommand( what );
      buf.Length = 0;
    } // SendRequest

    private void SendRequest( string what ) {
      if ( debugWriter_ != null )
        debugWriter_.WriteLine( what );
      connection_.SendCommand( what );
    } // SendRequest

    #region Private utility functions to bring up and tear down the SMTP connection
    private void EstablishConnection() {
      // Open connection to the server
      if ( connection_ != null )
        throw new Exception( "Attempted to establish a connection with an SMTP server" +
          " while a connection already exists" ); // TODO: We need a better exception class here
      connection_ = new SmtpConnection();
      connection_.Offline = offline;
      connection_.Open( host_, port_ );

      // Exchange greetings with the server
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 256 );

      // Server announces itself...
      string response;
      int code;
      connection_.GetReply( out response, out code );

      // If we need to do authentication, use ESMTP. Otherwise,
      // can simply using RFC 821.
      if ( username_ != "" || password_ != "" ) {
        // RFC 1869 EHLO
        SendRequestGetReply( out response, out code, ref buf, "EHLO {0}", host_ );
        if ( code != 250 ) {
          // TODO: How do we report errors here?
          throw new Exception( "SMTP server responded " + response + " to EHLO. Expecting 250" );

      else {
        // RFC 821 HELO
        SendRequestGetReply( ref buf, "HELO {0}", host_ );
    } // EstablishConnection

    private void Authenticate() {
      int code;
      string response;
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 256 );
      // C: "AUTH LOGIN"
      // S: "334 " base64("Username:")
      SendRequestGetReply( out response, out code, ref buf, "AUTH LOGIN" );
      if ( code != 334 ) {
        throw new Exception( "SMTP server responded " + response + " to AUTH LOGIN. Expecting 334" );

      // For debugging only:
      response = response.Substring( 4, response.Length - 4 );
      byte[] asciiResponse = Convert.FromBase64String( response );
      response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( asciiResponse );

      // C: base64(username)
      // S: "334 " base64("Password:")
      // TODO: What encoding does the server expect us to use?
      byte[] username = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( username_ );
      SendRequestGetReply( out response, out code, ref buf, Convert.ToBase64String( username ) );
      if ( code != 334 ) {
        throw new Exception( "SMTP server responses " + response + " to our username. Expecting 334" );

      // For debugging only:
      response = response.Substring( 4, response.Length - 4 );
      asciiResponse = Convert.FromBase64String( response );
      response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( asciiResponse );

      // C: base64(password)
      // S: "235"
      // TODO: What encoding does the server expect us to use?
      byte[] password = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes( password_ );
      SendRequestGetReply( out response, out code, ref buf, Convert.ToBase64String( password ) );
      if ( code != 235 ) {
        throw new Exception( "SMTP server responses " + response + " to our username. Expecting 235" );

    } // Authenticate

    private void TeardownConnection() {
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 10 );
      SendRequestGetReply( ref buf, "QUIT" );
      connection_ = null;

    private void SendMailItem( SmtpMailItem item ) {
      // Preconditions: Connection established, and belongs to us

      // TODO: (ZIVC) Push this uglyness out of this function. It is too long as it is.
      bool sendAsHtml = item.SendAsHtml;
      bool hasInlines = (item.InlineAttachmentsCount > 0);
      bool hasAttachments = (item.ExternalAttachmentsCount > 0 );

      if ( item.Charset == null )
        item.Charset = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

      // contentTypeBodyLine and contentTransferEncodingLine go with
      // the actual body text ONLY.
      string contentTypeBodyLine
        = "Content-Type: text/"
        + (sendAsHtml ? "html" : "plain" )
        + "; charset="
        + item.Charset.WebName;
      string contentTransferEncodingLine
        = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: "
        + Utils.ToString( item.ContentTransferEncoding ) + "\r\n";

      // Convert body (a string) into a byte array according to the text
      // encoding (here called "charset", and then encode it for transfer
      byte[] bodyEncoded = item.Charset.GetBytes( item.Body );
      //string body = Utils.ContentTransferEncode( item.ContentTransferEncoding, item.Body );
      string body = Utils.ContentTransferEncode( item.ContentTransferEncoding, bodyEncoded );

      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( body.Length + 256 );
      HeaderFieldEncoder header = new HeaderFieldEncoder( item.Charset, item.ContentTransferEncoding );

      // TODO: Currently, no linebreaks are allowed in the following fields
      //       (Are there any other evil chars we should remove?)
      // TODO: Other fields we might like to do this:
      item.Subject = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace( item.Subject, "\\r|\\n", " " );

      // NOTE: Currently we don't encode RFC 821 fields. Only RFC 822 fields.
      // RFC 821 MAIL
      SendRequestGetReply( ref buf, "MAIL FROM:<{0}>", item.From );

      // RFC 821 RCPT
      foreach( object obj in item.Recipients ) {
        SendRequestGetReply( ref buf, "RCPT TO:<{0}>", obj );

      // RFC 821 DATA
      SendRequest( "DATA" );
      // TODO: Server should answer here 354. We need to eat it! (ZivC)

      // Debugging support: Uncomment the next line for the mailer
      //   to leave an email file in the current directory of each mail sent
      //debugWriter_ = new StreamWriter( System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".eml", true );
      using ( debugWriter_ ) {

        // RFC 822 headers
        SendRequest( "X-Mailer: Aggie SmtpBatchMailer" );
        SendRequest( ref buf, header.Encode( "DATE",     "{0}", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() ) );
        SendRequest( ref buf, header.Encode( "FROM",     "{0}", item.From ) );
        SendRequest( ref buf, header.Encode( "TO",       "{0}", item.Recipients.ToString( ";" ) ) );
        SendRequest( ref buf, header.Encode( "REPLY-TO", "{0}", item.From ) );
        SendRequest( ref buf, header.Encode( "SUBJECT",  "{0}", item.Subject ) );

        // MIME...
        // We always declare ourselves as a MIME message, with multipart contents.
        // The body itself is encoded, and so requires Content-Transfer-Encoding header.
        SendRequest( "MIME-Version: 1.0" );

        if ( !sendAsHtml
          ( sendAsHtml
          ( hasInlines || hasAttachments )
          ) {
          SendRequest( "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"#SEPERATOR1#\"\r\n" );
          SendRequest( "This is a multi-part message.\r\n\r\n--#SEPERATOR1#");

        if ( sendAsHtml ) {
          SendRequest( "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"#SEPERATOR2#\"");
          SendRequest( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n" );
          SendRequest( "--#SEPERATOR2#" );

        if ( sendAsHtml && hasInlines ) {
          SendRequest( "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"#SEPERATOR3#\"" );
          SendRequest( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n" );
          SendRequest( "--#SEPERATOR3#" );
          SendRequest( contentTypeBodyLine );
          SendRequest( contentTransferEncodingLine );
          SendRequest( body );
          SendRequest( "--#SEPERATOR3#" );
          SendRequest( "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1" );
          SendRequest( "\r\nIf you can see this, then your email client does not support MHTML messages." );
          SendRequest( "--#SEPERATOR3#--\r\n" );
          SendRequest( "--#SEPERATOR2#\r\n" );
          SendMailAttachments( ref buf, item, HowAttached.Inlined );
        else {
          SendRequest( contentTypeBodyLine );
          SendRequest( contentTransferEncodingLine );
          SendRequest( body );

        if ( sendAsHtml ) {
          SendRequest( "\r\n--#SEPERATOR2#--" );

        if ( hasAttachments ) {
          SendMailAttachments( ref buf, item, HowAttached.Externally );

        // Wrapup
        SendRequest( "" );
        if ( hasInlines  || hasAttachments ) {
          SendRequest( "--#SEPERATOR1#--" );
        SendRequestGetReply( ref buf, "." );
      debugWriter_ = null;

    } // SendMailItem

    private void SendMailItem( SmtpMessage message ) {
      // Preconditions: Connection established, and belongs to us
      StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( message.Message.Length + 256 );

      // RFC 821 MAIL
      SendRequestGetReply( ref buf, "MAIL FROM:<{0}>", message.From );

      // RFC 821 RCPT
      SendRequestGetReply( ref buf, "RCPT TO:<{0}>", message.To );

      // RFC 821 DATA
      SendRequest( "DATA" );
      // TODO: Isn't the server supposed to send a response after DATA?
      //       If so, we don't consume it here, which means that we might
      //       consume it in the wrong place!

      SendRequest( message.Message );
      X-Mailer: Aggie SmtpBatchMailer
      DATE: 26 Aug 76 1429 EDT
      FROM: Aggie SmtpBatchMailer SmtpMessage <>
      TO: Ziv Caspi <>
      SUBJECT: A test
      MIME-Version: 1.0
      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
      Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
      This is a test text
      // Wrapup
      SendRequest( "" );
      SendRequestGetReply( ref buf, "." );

    } // SendMailItem

    private void SendMailAttachments( ref StringBuilder buf, SmtpMailItem mail, HowAttached type ) {
      // TODO: (ZIVC) As I have already indicated, I have not yet touched this function.
      buf.Length = 0;
      byte[] fbuf = new byte[2048];
      int num;
      SmtpAttachment attachment;
      string seperator = type == HowAttached.Externally ? "\r\n--#SEPERATOR1#" : "\r\n--#SEPERATOR2#";
      buf.Length = 0;
      foreach(object o in mail.Attachments) {
        attachment = (SmtpAttachment) o;
        if(attachment.HowAttached != type) {
        CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(new FileStream(attachment.Filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read), new ToBase64Transform(), CryptoStreamMode.Read);

        SendRequest( seperator );
        SendRequest( ref buf, "Content-Type: {0}; name={1}",
          attachment.ContentType, Path.GetFileName( attachment.Filename) );

        SendRequest( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" );
        SendRequest( ref buf, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={0}",
          Path.GetFileName(attachment.Filename) );
        SendRequest( ref buf, "Content-ID: {0}\r\n",
          Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( attachment.Filename) );
        num = cs.Read( fbuf, 0, 2048 );
        while ( num > 0 ) {
          connection_.SendData( Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(fbuf, 0, num), 0, num );
          num = cs.Read( fbuf, 0, 2048 );

    } // SendMailAttachments

  } // class SmtpBatchMailer

  /// <summary>
  /// Utility class to encode RFC 822 header fields.
  /// </summary>
  public class HeaderFieldEncoder {
    private ContentTransferEncoding encoding;
    private Encoding                charset; // Charset is of type encoding. Confusing, heh?

    public HeaderFieldEncoder( Encoding charset, ContentTransferEncoding encoding ) {
      this.charset  = charset;
      this.encoding = encoding;
    } // HeaderFieldEncodeer

    public string Encode( string header, string format, params object[] args ) {
      // Combine the format string and the arguments to create
      // a header field string
      StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
      buff.AppendFormat( format, args );
      string result;

      // If the string has only characters less than 128, we're done.
      int pos;
      for ( pos = 0; pos < buff.Length; pos++ ) {
        if ( 127 < (int)buff[pos] ) {
      if ( pos == buff.Length ) {
        result = header + ": " + buff.ToString();
        return result;

      // There are non-7bit chars in the string. Encode it
      char conversionIndicator = Utils.GetConversionIndicator( encoding );
      if ( conversionIndicator == Utils.InvalidConversionIndicator ) {
        // The conversion cannot be done. We could throw, but it seems
        // better just to push the characters forward and let the receiver
        // use what it can
        result = header + ": " + buff.ToString();
        return result;

      byte[] encodedBytes = charset.GetBytes( buff.ToString() );
      string encoded = Utils.ContentTransferEncode( encoding, encodedBytes, int.MaxValue, "" );
      result = header + ": =?" + charset.WebName + "?" + conversionIndicator + "?"
        + encoded + "?=";

      // TODO: We currently don't break the line if it's too long
      return result;
    } // Encode

  } // class HeaderFieldEncoder
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