1. | Set, HashSet and TreeSet | | |
2. | Things you can do with Sets | |  |
3. | Set operations: union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference, is subset, is superset | | |
4. | Set implementation that use == instead of equals() | | |
5. | Set that compares object by identity rather than equality | | |
6. | Set union and intersection | | |
7. | Set with values iterated in insertion order. | | |
8. | Putting your own type in a Set | |  |
9. | Use set | |  |
10. | Another Set demo | | |
11. | Set subtraction | |  |
12. | Working with HashSet and TreeSet | |  |
13. | TreeSet Demo | |  |
14. | Show the union and intersection of two sets | | |
15. | Demonstrate the Set interface | | |
16. | TreeSet Test | | |
17. | Array Set extends AbstractSet | |  |
18. | Sync Test | | |
19. | Set Copy | | |
20. | Set and TreeSet | | |
21. | Tail | | |
22. | What you can do with a TreeSet | |  |
23. | Remove all elements from a set | | |
24. | Copy all the elements from set2 to set1 (set1 += set2), set1 becomes the union of set1 and set2 | | |
25. | Remove all the elements in set1 from set2 (set1 -= set2), set1 becomes the asymmetric difference of set1 and set2 | | |
26. | Get the intersection of set1 and set2, set1 becomes the intersection of set1 and set2 | | |
27. | Extend AbstractSet to Create Simple Set | | |
28. | Int Set | | |
29. | One Item Set | | |
30. | Small sets whose elements are known to be unique by construction | | |
31. | List Set implements Set | | |
32. | Converts a char array to a Set | | |
33. | Converts a string to a Set | | |
34. | Implements the Set interface, backed by a ConcurrentHashMap instance | | |
35. | An IdentitySet that uses reference-equality instead of object-equality | | |
36. | An implementation of the java.util.Stack based on an ArrayList instead of a Vector, so it is not synchronized to protect against multi-threaded access. | | |
37. | A thin wrapper around a List transforming it into a modifiable Set. | | |
38. | A thread-safe Set that manages canonical objects | | |