X11Display.cs :  » 2.6.4-mono-.net-core » System.Windows.Forms » System » Windows » Forms » X11Internal » C# / CSharp Open Source

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// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
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// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
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// Copyright (c) 2006 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com)

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// Only do the poll when building with mono for now
#if __MonoCS__
using Mono.Unix.Native;

namespace System.Windows.Forms.X11Internal{

  internal class X11Display {

    IntPtr display; /* our X handle */

    // XXX internal because X11Hwnd needs them
    internal IntPtr CustomVisual;    // Visual for window creation
    internal IntPtr CustomColormap;  // Colormap for window creation

    X11Keyboard Keyboard;
    internal X11Dnd Dnd; // XXX X11Hwnd needs it to enable Dnd
    bool detectable_key_auto_repeat;

    X11Atoms atoms;
    X11RootHwnd root_hwnd;
    X11Hwnd foster_hwnd;

    // Clipboard
    IntPtr     ClipMagic;
    ClipboardStruct  Clipboard; // Our clipboard

    // Focus tracking
    internal X11Hwnd ActiveWindow;
    X11Hwnd FocusWindow;

    // Modality support
    Stack ModalWindows; // Stack of our modal windows

    // Caret
    CaretStruct Caret;

    // mouse hover message generation
    // XXX internal because X11Atoms needs to access it..
    internal HoverStruct HoverState;

    // double click message generation
    ClickStruct ClickPending;
    int DoubleClickInterval; // msec; max interval between clicks to count as double click

    // Support for mouse grab
    GrabStruct Grab;

    // Cursors
    IntPtr LastCursorWindow; // The last window we set the cursor on
    IntPtr LastCursorHandle; // The handle that was last set on LastCursorWindow
    IntPtr OverrideCursorHandle; // The cursor that is set to override any other cursors

    // State
    Point MousePosition;     // Last position of mouse, in screen coords
    MouseButtons MouseState; // Last state of mouse buttons

    XErrorHandler  ErrorHandler;    // Error handler delegate
    bool    ErrorExceptions;  // Throw exceptions on X errors

    Thread event_thread; // the background thread that just watches our X socket

#if __MonoCS__
    Pollfd[] pollfds;

    public X11Display (IntPtr display)
      if (display == IntPtr.Zero) {
        throw new ArgumentNullException("Display",
              "Could not open display (X-Server required. Check you DISPLAY environment variable)");

      this.display = display;

      // Debugging support
      if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONO_XSYNC") != null) {
        Xlib.XSynchronize (display, true);

      if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONO_XEXCEPTIONS") != null) {
        ErrorExceptions = true;

      atoms = new X11Atoms (this);

      DoubleClickInterval = 500;

      HoverState.Interval = 500;
      HoverState.Timer = new Timer();
      HoverState.Timer.Enabled = false;
      HoverState.Timer.Interval = HoverState.Interval;
      HoverState.Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(MouseHover);
      HoverState.Size = new Size(4, 4);
      HoverState.X = -1;
      HoverState.Y = -1;

      ActiveWindow = null;
      FocusWindow = null;
      ModalWindows = new Stack(3);

      MouseState = MouseButtons.None;
      MousePosition = new Point(0, 0);

      Caret.Timer = new Timer();
      Caret.Timer.Interval = 500;    // FIXME - where should this number come from?
      Caret.Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(CaretCallback);

      // XXX multiscreen work here
      root_hwnd = new X11RootHwnd (this, Xlib.XRootWindow (display, DefaultScreen));

      // XXX do we need a per-screen foster parent?
      // Create the foster parent
      foster_hwnd = new X11Hwnd (this,
               Xlib.XCreateSimpleWindow (display, root_hwnd.WholeWindow,
                       0, 0, 1, 1, 4, UIntPtr.Zero, UIntPtr.Zero));

#if __MonoCS__
      pollfds = new Pollfd [1];
      pollfds [0] = new Pollfd ();
      pollfds [0].fd = Xlib.XConnectionNumber (display);
      pollfds [0].events = PollEvents.POLLIN;

      Keyboard = new X11Keyboard(display, foster_hwnd.Handle);
      Dnd = new X11Dnd (display, Keyboard);

      ErrorExceptions = false;

      // Handle any upcoming errors
      ErrorHandler = new XErrorHandler (HandleError);
      Xlib.XSetErrorHandler (ErrorHandler);

      X11DesktopColors.Initialize(); // XXX we need to figure out how to make this display specific?

      // Disable keyboard autorepeat
      try {
        Xlib.XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat (display, true, IntPtr.Zero);
        detectable_key_auto_repeat = true;
      } catch {
        Console.Error.WriteLine ("Could not disable keyboard auto repeat, will attempt to disable manually.");
        detectable_key_auto_repeat = false;

      // we re-set our error handler here, X11DesktopColor stuff might have stolen it (gtk does)
      Xlib.XSetErrorHandler (ErrorHandler);

      // create our event thread (just sits on the X socket waiting for events)
      event_thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (XEventThread));
      event_thread.IsBackground = true;
      event_thread.Start ();

    #region  Callbacks
    private void MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
      HoverState.Timer.Enabled = false;

      if (HoverState.Window != IntPtr.Zero) {
        X11Hwnd hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.GetObjectFromWindow (HoverState.Window);
        if (hwnd != null) {
          XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();

          xevent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
          xevent.ClientMessageEvent.display = display;
          xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = HoverState.Window;
          xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = HoverState.Atom;
          xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
          xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = (IntPtr) (HoverState.Y << 16 | HoverState.X);

          hwnd.Queue.Enqueue (xevent);

    private void CaretCallback (object sender, EventArgs e)
      if (Caret.Paused) {
      Caret.On = !Caret.On;

      Xlib.XDrawLine (display, Caret.Hwnd, Caret.gc, Caret.X, Caret.Y, Caret.X, Caret.Y + Caret.Height);

    internal string WhereString ()
      StackTrace  stack;
      StackFrame  frame;
      string    newline;
      string    unknown;
      StringBuilder  sb;
      MethodBase  method;

      newline = String.Format("{0}\t {1} ", Environment.NewLine, Locale.GetText("at"));
      unknown = Locale.GetText("<unknown method>");
      sb = new StringBuilder();
      stack = new StackTrace(true);

      for (int i = 0; i < stack.FrameCount; i++) {
        frame = stack.GetFrame (i);

        method = frame.GetMethod();
        if (method != null) {
          if (frame.GetFileLineNumber() != 0)
            sb.AppendFormat ("{0}.{1} () [{2}:{3}]",
                 method.DeclaringType.FullName, method.Name,
                 Path.GetFileName(frame.GetFileName()), frame.GetFileLineNumber());
            sb.AppendFormat ("{0}.{1} ()", method.DeclaringType.FullName, method.Name);
        } else { 
      return sb.ToString();

    private int HandleError (IntPtr display, ref XErrorEvent error_event)
      if (ErrorExceptions)
        throw new X11Exception (error_event.display, error_event.resourceid,
              error_event.serial, error_event.error_code,
              error_event.request_code, error_event.minor_code);
        Console.WriteLine ("X11 Error encountered: {0}{1}\n",
               X11Exception.GetMessage(error_event.display, error_event.resourceid,
                     error_event.serial, error_event.error_code,
                     error_event.request_code, error_event.minor_code),
      return 0;
    #endregion  // Callbacks

    private void ShowCaret()
      if ((Caret.gc == IntPtr.Zero) || Caret.On) {
      Caret.On = true;

      Xlib.XDrawLine (display, Caret.Window, Caret.gc, Caret.X, Caret.Y, Caret.X, Caret.Y + Caret.Height);

    private void HideCaret()
      if ((Caret.gc == IntPtr.Zero) || !Caret.On) {
      Caret.On = false;

      Xlib.XDrawLine (display, Caret.Window, Caret.gc, Caret.X, Caret.Y, Caret.X, Caret.Y + Caret.Height);

    public void CaretVisible (IntPtr handle, bool visible)
      if (Caret.Hwnd == handle) {
        if (visible) {
          if (!Caret.Visible) {
            Caret.Visible = true;
        } else {
          Caret.Visible = false;

    public void AudibleAlert ()
      Xlib.XBell (display, 0);

    public void Flush ()
      Xlib.XFlush (display);

    public void Close ()
      // XXX shut down the event_thread
      Xlib.XCloseDisplay (display);

    public IntPtr XGetParent(IntPtr handle)
      IntPtr  Root;
      IntPtr  Parent;
      IntPtr  Children;
      int  ChildCount;

      Xlib.XQueryTree (display, handle, out Root, out Parent, out Children, out ChildCount);

      if (Children!=IntPtr.Zero) {

      return Parent;

    public bool SystrayAdd(IntPtr handle, string tip, Icon icon, out ToolTip tt)
      IntPtr SystrayMgrWindow;

      Xlib.XGrabServer (display);
      SystrayMgrWindow = Xlib.XGetSelectionOwner (display, Atoms._NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S);
      Xlib.XUngrabServer (display);

      if (SystrayMgrWindow != IntPtr.Zero) {
        XSizeHints size_hints;
        X11Hwnd hwnd;

        hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);
#if DriverDebug
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Systray Whole:{0:X}, Client:{1:X}",
              hwnd.WholeWindow.ToInt32(), hwnd.ClientWindow.ToInt32());

        // Oh boy.
        if (hwnd.ClientWindow != hwnd.WholeWindow) {
          Xlib.XDestroyWindow (display, hwnd.ClientWindow);
          hwnd.ClientWindow = hwnd.WholeWindow;

          try {
            hwnd.Queue.Lock ();

            /* by virtue of the way the tests are ordered when determining if it's PAINT
               or NCPAINT, ClientWindow == WholeWindow will always be PAINT.  So, if we're
               waiting on an nc_expose, drop it and remove the hwnd from the list (unless
               there's a pending expose). */
            hwnd.PendingNCExpose = false;
          finally {
            hwnd.Queue.Unlock ();

        size_hints = new XSizeHints();

        size_hints.flags = (IntPtr)(XSizeHintsFlags.PMinSize | XSizeHintsFlags.PMaxSize | XSizeHintsFlags.PBaseSize);

         size_hints.min_width = 24;
         size_hints.min_height = 24;
         size_hints.max_width = 24;
         size_hints.max_height = 24;
         size_hints.base_width = 24;
         size_hints.base_height = 24;

        Xlib.XSetWMNormalHints (display, hwnd.WholeWindow, ref size_hints);

        int[] atoms = new int[2];
        atoms [0] = 1;      // Version 1
        atoms [1] = 1;      // we want to be mapped

        // This line cost me 3 days...
        Xlib.XChangeProperty (display,
                  hwnd.WholeWindow, Atoms._XEMBED_INFO, Atoms._XEMBED_INFO, 32,
                  PropertyMode.Replace, atoms, 2);

        // Need to pick some reasonable defaults
        tt = new ToolTip();
        tt.AutomaticDelay = 100;
        tt.InitialDelay = 250;
        tt.ReshowDelay = 250;
        tt.ShowAlways = true;

        if ((tip != null) && (tip != string.Empty)) {
          tt.SetToolTip(Control.FromHandle(handle), tip);
          tt.Active = true;
        } else {
          tt.Active = false;

        SendNetClientMessage (SystrayMgrWindow,

        return true;

      tt = null;
      return false;

    public bool SystrayChange (IntPtr handle, string tip, Icon icon, ref ToolTip tt)
      Control  control;

      control = Control.FromHandle(handle);
      if (control != null && tt != null) {
        tt.SetToolTip(control, tip);
        tt.Active = true;
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;

    public void SystrayRemove(IntPtr handle, ref ToolTip tt)
      X11Hwnd hwnd;

      hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      /* in the XEMBED spec, it mentions 3 ways for a client window to break the protocol with the embedder.
       * 1. The embedder can unmap the window and reparent to the root window (we should probably handle this...)
       * 2. The client can reparent its window out of the embedder window.
       * 3. The client can destroy its window.
       * this call to SetParent is case 2, but in
       * the spec it also mentions that gtk doesn't
       * support this at present.  Looking at HEAD
       * gtksocket-x11.c jives with this statement.
       * so we can't reparent.  we have to destroy.
      SetParent(hwnd.WholeWindow, FosterParent);
      Control  control = Control.FromHandle(handle);
      if (control is NotifyIcon.NotifyIconWindow)
        ((NotifyIcon.NotifyIconWindow)control).InternalRecreateHandle ();

      // The caller can now re-dock it later...
      if (tt != null) {
        tt = null;

    public void ResetMouseHover (X11Hwnd hovering)
      HoverState.Timer.Enabled = hovering != null;
      HoverState.X = MousePosition.X;
      HoverState.Y = MousePosition.Y;
      HoverState.Window = hovering == null ? IntPtr.Zero : hovering.Handle;

    public void ShowCursor (bool show)
      ;  // FIXME - X11 doesn't 'hide' the cursor. we could create an empty cursor

    public void SetModal (X11Hwnd hwnd, bool Modal)
      if (Modal) {
      } else {
        // XXX do we need to pop until the
        // hwnd is off the stack?  or just the
        // most recently pushed hwnd?
        if (ModalWindows.Contains(hwnd)) {

        if (ModalWindows.Count > 0) {
          X11Hwnd top_hwnd = (X11Hwnd)ModalWindows.Peek();

    public TransparencySupport SupportsTransparency ()
      // compiz adds _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY to _NET_SUPPORTED on the root window, check for that
      return ((IList)root_hwnd._NET_SUPPORTED).Contains (Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY) ? TransparencySupport.GetSet : TransparencySupport.None;

    public void SendAsyncMethod (AsyncMethodData method)
      X11Hwnd hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(method.Handle);
      XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();

      xevent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.display = display;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = method.Handle;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = Atoms.AsyncAtom;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = (IntPtr) GCHandle.Alloc (method);

      hwnd.Queue.Enqueue (xevent);

    delegate IntPtr WndProcDelegate (IntPtr hwnd, Msg message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

    public IntPtr SendMessage (IntPtr handle, Msg message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
      X11Hwnd  hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);
      if (hwnd == null)
        return IntPtr.Zero;

      if (hwnd.Queue.Thread != Thread.CurrentThread) {
        AsyncMethodResult  result;
        AsyncMethodData    data;

        result = new AsyncMethodResult ();
        data = new AsyncMethodData ();

        data.Handle = hwnd.Handle;
        data.Method = new WndProcDelegate (NativeWindow.WndProc);
        data.Args = new object[] { hwnd.Handle, message, wParam, lParam };
        data.Result = result;
        SendAsyncMethod (data);
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugThreads
        Console.WriteLine ("Sending {0} message across.", message);

        return IntPtr.Zero;
      else {
        return NativeWindow.WndProc (hwnd.Handle, message, wParam, lParam);

    public int SendInput (IntPtr handle, Queue keys) {
      if (handle == IntPtr.Zero)
        return 0;

      int count = keys.Count;
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      while (keys.Count > 0) {
        MSG msg = (MSG)keys.Dequeue();

        XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();

        xevent.type = (msg.message == Msg.WM_KEYUP ? XEventName.KeyRelease : XEventName.KeyPress);
        xevent.KeyEvent.display = display;

        if (hwnd != null) {
          xevent.KeyEvent.window = hwnd.whole_window;
        } else {
          xevent.KeyEvent.window = IntPtr.Zero;

        xevent.KeyEvent.keycode = Keyboard.ToKeycode((int)msg.wParam);

        hwnd.Queue.EnqueueLocked (xevent);
      return count;

    // FIXME - I think this should just enqueue directly
    public bool PostMessage (IntPtr handle, Msg message, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
      XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();
      X11Hwnd hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      xevent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.display = display;

      if (hwnd != null) {
        xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = hwnd.WholeWindow;
      } else {
        xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = IntPtr.Zero;

      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = Atoms.PostAtom;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = handle;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 = (IntPtr) message;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 = wparam;
      xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr4 = lparam;

      hwnd.Queue.Enqueue (xevent);

      return true;

    public void SendNetWMMessage (IntPtr window, IntPtr message_type, IntPtr l0, IntPtr l1, IntPtr l2)
      XEvent  xev;

      xev = new XEvent();
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.send_event = true;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.window = window;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = message_type;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = l0;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 = l1;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 = l2;

      Xlib.XSendEvent (display, root_hwnd.Handle, false,
           new IntPtr ((int) (EventMask.SubstructureRedirectMask | EventMask.SubstructureNotifyMask)), ref xev);

    public void SendNetClientMessage (IntPtr window, IntPtr message_type, IntPtr l0, IntPtr l1, IntPtr l2)
      XEvent  xev;

      xev = new XEvent();
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.send_event = true;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.window = window;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = message_type;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = l0;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 = l1;
      xev.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 = l2;

      Xlib.XSendEvent (display, window, false, new IntPtr ((int)EventMask.NoEventMask), ref xev);

    public bool TranslateMessage (ref MSG msg)
      return Keyboard.TranslateMessage (ref msg);

    public IntPtr DispatchMessage (ref MSG msg)
      return NativeWindow.WndProc(msg.hwnd, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);

    private void QueryPointer (IntPtr w, out IntPtr root, out IntPtr child,
             out int root_x, out int root_y, out int child_x, out int child_y,
             out int mask)
      /* this code was written with the help of
         glance at gdk.  I never would have realized we
         needed a loop in order to traverse down in the
         hierarchy.  I would have assumed you'd get the
         most deeply nested child and have to do
         XQueryTree to move back up the hierarchy..
         stupid me, of course. */
      IntPtr c;

      //      Xlib.XGrabServer (display);

      Xlib.XQueryPointer (display, w, out root, out c,
              out root_x, out root_y, out child_x, out child_y,
              out mask);

      if (root != w)
        c = root;

      IntPtr child_last = IntPtr.Zero;
      while (c != IntPtr.Zero) {
        child_last = c;
        Xlib.XQueryPointer (display, c, out root, out c,
                out root_x, out root_y, out child_x, out child_y,
                out mask);

      //      Xlib.XUngrabServer (display);

      child = child_last;

    public void SetCursorPos (int x, int y)
      IntPtr root, child;
      int root_x, root_y, child_x, child_y, mask;

      /* we need to do a
       * QueryPointer before warping
       * because if the warp is on
       * the RootWindow, the x/y are
       * relative to the current
       * mouse position
      QueryPointer (RootWindow.Handle,
              out root,
              out child,
              out root_x, out root_y,
              out child_x, out child_y,
              out mask);

      Xlib.XWarpPointer (display, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 0, 0, x - root_x, y - root_y);

      Xlib.XFlush (display);

      /* then we need to a
       * QueryPointer after warping
       * to manually generate a
       * motion event for the window
       * we move into.
      QueryPointer (RootWindow.Handle,
              out root,
              out child,
              out root_x, out root_y,
              out child_x, out child_y,
              out mask);

      X11Hwnd child_hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(child);
      if (child_hwnd == null)

      XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();

      xevent.type = XEventName.MotionNotify;
      xevent.MotionEvent.display = display;
      xevent.MotionEvent.window = child_hwnd.Handle;
      xevent.MotionEvent.root = RootWindow.Handle;
      xevent.MotionEvent.x = child_x;
      xevent.MotionEvent.y = child_y;
      xevent.MotionEvent.x_root = root_x;
      xevent.MotionEvent.y_root = root_y;
      xevent.MotionEvent.state = mask;

      child_hwnd.Queue.Enqueue (xevent);

    public void SetFocus (X11Hwnd new_focus)
      if (new_focus == FocusWindow)

      X11Hwnd prev_focus = FocusWindow;
      FocusWindow = new_focus;

      if (prev_focus != null)
        SendMessage (prev_focus.Handle, Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS,
               FocusWindow == null ? IntPtr.Zero : FocusWindow.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);
      if (FocusWindow != null)
        SendMessage (FocusWindow.Handle, Msg.WM_SETFOCUS,
               prev_focus == null ? IntPtr.Zero : prev_focus.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);

      //XSetInputFocus(DisplayHandle, Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle).ClientWindow, RevertTo.None, IntPtr.Zero);

    public IntPtr DefineCursor (Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap mask, Color cursor_pixel, Color mask_pixel, int xHotSpot, int yHotSpot)
      IntPtr  cursor;
      Bitmap  cursor_bitmap;
      Bitmap  cursor_mask;
      Byte[]  cursor_bits;
      Byte[]  mask_bits;
      Color  c_pixel;
      Color  m_pixel;
      int  width;
      int  height;
      IntPtr  cursor_pixmap;
      IntPtr  mask_pixmap;
      XColor  fg;
      XColor  bg;
      bool  and;
      bool  xor;

      if (Xlib.XQueryBestCursor (display, RootWindow.Handle, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, out width, out height) == 0) {
        return IntPtr.Zero;

      // Win32 only allows creation cursors of a certain size
      if ((bitmap.Width != width) || (bitmap.Width != height)) {
        cursor_bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap, new Size(width, height));
        cursor_mask = new Bitmap(mask, new Size(width, height));
      } else {
        cursor_bitmap = bitmap;
        cursor_mask = mask;

      width = cursor_bitmap.Width;
      height = cursor_bitmap.Height;

      cursor_bits = new Byte[(width / 8) * height];
      mask_bits = new Byte[(width / 8) * height];

      for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
          c_pixel = cursor_bitmap.GetPixel(x, y);
          m_pixel = cursor_mask.GetPixel(x, y);

          and = c_pixel == cursor_pixel;
          xor = m_pixel == mask_pixel;

          if (!and && !xor) {
            // Black
            // cursor_bits[y * width / 8 + x / 8] &= (byte)~((1 << (x % 8)));  // The bit already is 0
            mask_bits[y * width / 8 + x / 8] |= (byte)(1 << (x % 8));
          } else if (and && !xor) {
            // White
            cursor_bits[y * width / 8 + x / 8] |= (byte)(1 << (x % 8));
            mask_bits[y * width / 8 + x / 8] |= (byte)(1 << (x % 8));
#if notneeded
          } else if (and && !xor) {
            // Screen
          } else if (and && xor) {
            // Inverse Screen

            // X11 doesn't know the 'reverse screen' concept, so we'll treat them the same
            // we want both to be 0 so nothing to be done
            //cursor_bits[y * width / 8 + x / 8] &= (byte)~((1 << (x % 8)));
            //mask_bits[y * width / 8 + x / 8] |= (byte)(01 << (x % 8));

      cursor_pixmap = Xlib.XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (display, RootWindow.Handle,
                    cursor_bits, width, height, (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)0, 1);
      mask_pixmap = Xlib.XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (display, RootWindow.Handle,
                  mask_bits, width, height, (IntPtr)1, (IntPtr)0, 1);
      fg = new XColor();
      bg = new XColor();

      fg.pixel = Xlib.XWhitePixel (display, DefaultScreen);
      fg.red = (ushort)65535;
      fg.green = (ushort)65535;
      fg.blue = (ushort)65535;

      bg.pixel = Xlib.XBlackPixel (display, DefaultScreen);

      cursor = Xlib.XCreatePixmapCursor (display, cursor_pixmap, mask_pixmap, ref fg, ref bg, xHotSpot, yHotSpot);

      Xlib.XFreePixmap (display, cursor_pixmap);
      Xlib.XFreePixmap (display, mask_pixmap);

      return cursor;
    public Bitmap DefineStdCursorBitmap (StdCursor id)
      CursorFontShape shape;
      string name;
      IntPtr theme;
      int size;
      Bitmap bmp = null;

      try {
        shape = XplatUIX11.StdCursorToFontShape (id);
        name = shape.ToString ().Replace ("XC_", string.Empty);
        size = XplatUIX11.XcursorGetDefaultSize (Handle);
        theme = XplatUIX11.XcursorGetTheme (Handle);
        IntPtr images_ptr = XplatUIX11.XcursorLibraryLoadImages (name, theme, size);
#if debug
        Console.WriteLine ("DefineStdCursorBitmap, id={0}, #id={1}, name{2}, size={3}, theme: {4}, images_ptr={5}", id, (int) id, name, size, Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (theme), images_ptr);

        if (images_ptr == IntPtr.Zero) {
          return null;

        XcursorImages images = (XcursorImages)Marshal.PtrToStructure (images_ptr, typeof (XcursorImages));
#if debug
        Console.WriteLine ("DefineStdCursorBitmap, cursor has {0} images", images.nimage);

        if (images.nimage > 0) {
          // We only care about the first image.
          XcursorImage image = (XcursorImage)Marshal.PtrToStructure (Marshal.ReadIntPtr (images.images), typeof (XcursorImage));

#if debug
          Console.WriteLine ("DefineStdCursorBitmap, loaded image <size={0}, height={1}, width={2}, xhot={3}, yhot={4}, pixels={5}", image.size, image.height, image.width, image.xhot, image.yhot, image.pixels);
          // A sanity check
          if (image.width <= short.MaxValue && image.height <= short.MaxValue) {
            int [] pixels = new int [image.width * image.height];
            Marshal.Copy (image.pixels, pixels, 0, pixels.Length);
            bmp = new Bitmap (image.width, image.height);
            for (int w = 0; w < image.width; w++) {
              for (int h = 0; h < image.height; h++) {
                bmp.SetPixel (w, h, Color.FromArgb (pixels [h * image.width + w]));

        XplatUIX11.XcursorImagesDestroy (images_ptr);

      } catch (DllNotFoundException ex) {
        Console.WriteLine ("Could not load libXcursor: " + ex.Message + " (" + ex.GetType ().Name + ")");
        return null;

      return bmp;
    public IntPtr DefineStdCursor (StdCursor id)
      CursorFontShape  shape;

      // FIXME - define missing shapes

      switch (id) {
      case StdCursor.AppStarting:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_watch;

      case StdCursor.Arrow:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_top_left_arrow;

      case StdCursor.Cross:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_crosshair;

      case StdCursor.Default:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_top_left_arrow;

      case StdCursor.Hand:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_hand1;

      case StdCursor.Help:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_question_arrow;
      case StdCursor.HSplit:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_sb_v_double_arrow; 

      case StdCursor.IBeam:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_xterm; 

      case StdCursor.No:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_circle; 

      case StdCursor.NoMove2D:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.NoMoveHoriz:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.NoMoveVert:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.PanEast:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.PanNE:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.PanNorth:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.PanNW:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.PanSE:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.PanSouth:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.PanSW:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.PanWest:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_sizing; 

      case StdCursor.SizeAll:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_fleur; 

      case StdCursor.SizeNESW:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_top_right_corner; 

      case StdCursor.SizeNS:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_sb_v_double_arrow;

      case StdCursor.SizeNWSE:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_top_left_corner; 

      case StdCursor.SizeWE:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_sb_h_double_arrow; 

      case StdCursor.UpArrow:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_center_ptr; 

      case StdCursor.VSplit:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_sb_h_double_arrow;

      case StdCursor.WaitCursor:
        shape = CursorFontShape.XC_watch; 

        return IntPtr.Zero;

      return Xlib.XCreateFontCursor (display, shape);

    // XXX this should take an X11Hwnd.
    public void CreateCaret (IntPtr handle, int width, int height)
      XGCValues gc_values;
      X11Hwnd hwnd;

      hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      if (Caret.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)

      Caret.Hwnd = handle;
      Caret.Window = hwnd.ClientWindow;
      Caret.Width = width;
      Caret.Height = height;
      Caret.Visible = false;
      Caret.On = false;

      gc_values = new XGCValues();
      gc_values.line_width = width;

      Caret.gc = Xlib.XCreateGC (display, Caret.Window, new IntPtr ((int)GCFunction.GCLineWidth), ref gc_values);
      if (Caret.gc == IntPtr.Zero) {
        Caret.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;

      Xlib.XSetFunction (display, Caret.gc, GXFunction.GXinvert);

    // XXX this should take an X11Hwnd.
    public void DestroyCaret (IntPtr handle)
      if (Caret.Hwnd == handle) {
        if (Caret.Visible == true) {
          Caret.Timer.Stop ();
        if (Caret.gc != IntPtr.Zero) {
          Xlib.XFreeGC (display, Caret.gc);
          Caret.gc = IntPtr.Zero;
        Caret.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
        Caret.Visible = false;
        Caret.On = false;

    public void SetCaretPos (IntPtr handle, int x, int y)
      if (Caret.Hwnd == handle) {

        Caret.X = x;
        Caret.Y = y;

        if (Caret.Visible == true) {

    public void DestroyCursor (IntPtr cursor)
      Xlib.XFreeCursor (display, cursor);

    private void AccumulateDestroyedHandles (Control c, ArrayList list)
      if (c != null) {
        Control[] controls = c.Controls.GetAllControls ();

        if (c.IsHandleCreated && !c.IsDisposed) {
          X11Hwnd hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(c.Handle);

#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugDestroy
          Console.WriteLine (" + adding {0} to the list of zombie windows", XplatUI.Window (hwnd.Handle));
          Console.WriteLine (" + parent X window is {0:X}", XGetParent (hwnd.WholeWindow).ToInt32());

          list.Add (hwnd);
          CleanupCachedWindows (hwnd);
          hwnd.zombie = true;

        for (int  i = 0; i < controls.Length; i ++) {
          AccumulateDestroyedHandles (controls[i], list);

    void CleanupCachedWindows (X11Hwnd hwnd)
      if (ActiveWindow == hwnd) {
        SendMessage (hwnd.ClientWindow, Msg.WM_ACTIVATE, (IntPtr)WindowActiveFlags.WA_INACTIVE, IntPtr.Zero);
        ActiveWindow = null;

      if (FocusWindow == hwnd) {
        SendMessage (hwnd.ClientWindow, Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
        FocusWindow = null;

      if (Grab.Hwnd == hwnd.Handle) {
        Grab.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
        Grab.Confined = false;

      DestroyCaret (hwnd.Handle);

    public void DestroyWindow (X11Hwnd hwnd)
      CleanupCachedWindows (hwnd);

      hwnd.SendParentNotify (Msg.WM_DESTROY, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);

      ArrayList windows = new ArrayList ();

      AccumulateDestroyedHandles (Control.ControlNativeWindow.ControlFromHandle(hwnd.Handle), windows);

      hwnd.DestroyWindow ();

      foreach (X11Hwnd h in windows) {
        SendMessage (h.Handle, Msg.WM_DESTROY, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

    public X11Hwnd GetActiveWindow ()
      IntPtr  actual_atom;
      int  actual_format;
      IntPtr  nitems;
      IntPtr  bytes_after;
      IntPtr  prop = IntPtr.Zero;
      IntPtr  active = IntPtr.Zero;

      Xlib.XGetWindowProperty (display, RootWindow.Handle,
             Atoms._NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr (1), false,
             Atoms.XA_WINDOW, out actual_atom, out actual_format, out nitems, out bytes_after, ref prop);

      if (((long)nitems > 0) && (prop != IntPtr.Zero)) {
        active = (IntPtr)Marshal.ReadInt32(prop);

      return (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.GetObjectFromWindow(active);

    public void SetActiveWindow (X11Hwnd new_active_window)
      if (new_active_window != ActiveWindow) {
        if (ActiveWindow != null)
          PostMessage (ActiveWindow.Handle, Msg.WM_ACTIVATE,
                 (IntPtr)WindowActiveFlags.WA_INACTIVE, IntPtr.Zero);

        ActiveWindow = new_active_window;

        if (ActiveWindow != null)
          PostMessage (ActiveWindow.Handle, Msg.WM_ACTIVATE,
                 (IntPtr)WindowActiveFlags.WA_ACTIVE, IntPtr.Zero);

      if (ModalWindows.Count > 0) {
        // Modality handling, if we are modal and the new active window is one
        // of ours but not the modal one, switch back to the modal window

        if (ActiveWindow != null &&
            NativeWindow.FromHandle (ActiveWindow.Handle) != null) {
          if (ActiveWindow != (X11Hwnd)ModalWindows.Peek())
            ((X11Hwnd)ModalWindows.Peek()).Activate ();

    public void GetDisplaySize (out Size size)
      XWindowAttributes attributes = new XWindowAttributes();

      // FIXME - use _NET_WM messages instead?
      Xlib.XGetWindowAttributes (display, RootWindow.Handle, ref attributes);

      size = new Size(attributes.width, attributes.height);

    // XXX this method doesn't really fit well anywhere in the backend
    public SizeF GetAutoScaleSize (Font font)
      Graphics  g;
      float    width;
      string    magic_string = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";
      double    magic_number = 44.549996948242189; // XXX my god, where did this number come from?

      g = Graphics.FromHwnd (FosterParent.Handle);

      width = (float) (g.MeasureString (magic_string, font).Width / magic_number);
      return new SizeF(width, font.Height);

    public void GetCursorPos (X11Hwnd hwnd, out int x, out int y)
      IntPtr  use_handle;
      IntPtr  root;
      IntPtr  child;
      int  root_x;
      int  root_y;
      int  win_x;
      int  win_y;
      int  keys_buttons;

      if (hwnd != null)
        use_handle = hwnd.Handle;
        use_handle = RootWindow.Handle;

      QueryPointer (use_handle, out root, out child, out root_x, out root_y, out win_x, out win_y, out keys_buttons);

      if (hwnd != null) {
        x = win_x;
        y = win_y;
      } else {
        x = root_x;
        y = root_y;

    public IntPtr GetFocus ()
      return FocusWindow.Handle;

    public IntPtr GetMousewParam (int Delta)
      int  result = 0;

      if ((MouseState & MouseButtons.Left) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_LBUTTON;

      if ((MouseState & MouseButtons.Middle) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_MBUTTON;

      if ((MouseState & MouseButtons.Right) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_RBUTTON;

      Keys mods = ModifierKeys;
      if ((mods & Keys.Control) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_CONTROL;

      if ((mods & Keys.Shift) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_SHIFT;

      result |= Delta << 16;

      return (IntPtr)result;

    public void GrabInfo (out IntPtr handle, out bool GrabConfined, out Rectangle GrabArea)
      handle = Grab.Hwnd;
      GrabConfined = Grab.Confined;
      GrabArea = Grab.Area;

    public void GrabWindow (X11Hwnd hwnd, X11Hwnd confine_to)
      IntPtr  confine_to_window;

      confine_to_window = IntPtr.Zero;

      if (confine_to != null) {
        Console.WriteLine (Environment.StackTrace);

        XWindowAttributes attributes = new XWindowAttributes();

        Xlib.XGetWindowAttributes (display, confine_to.ClientWindow, ref attributes);

        Grab.Area.X = attributes.x;
        Grab.Area.Y = attributes.y;
        Grab.Area.Width = attributes.width;
        Grab.Area.Height = attributes.height;
        Grab.Confined = true;
        confine_to_window = confine_to.ClientWindow;

      Grab.Hwnd = hwnd.ClientWindow;

      Xlib.XGrabPointer (display, hwnd.ClientWindow, false, 
             EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonMotionMask |
             EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | EventMask.PointerMotionMask,
             GrabMode.GrabModeAsync, GrabMode.GrabModeAsync, confine_to_window, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

    public void UngrabWindow (X11Hwnd hwnd)
      Xlib.XUngrabPointer (display, IntPtr.Zero);
      Xlib.XFlush (display);

      // XXX make sure hwnd is what should have the grab and throw if not
      Grab.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
      Grab.Confined = false;

#if notyet
    private void TranslatePropertyToClipboard (IntPtr property)
      IntPtr actual_atom;
      int actual_format;
      IntPtr nitems;
      IntPtr bytes_after;
      IntPtr prop = IntPtr.Zero;

      Clipboard.Item = null;

      Xlib.XGetWindowProperty (display, FosterParent.Handle,
             property, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr (0x7fffffff), true,
             Atoms.AnyPropertyType, out actual_atom, out actual_format, out nitems, out bytes_after, ref prop);

      if ((long)nitems > 0) {
        if (property == Atoms.XA_STRING) {
          Clipboard.Item = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(prop);
        } else if (property == Atoms.XA_BITMAP) {
          // FIXME - convert bitmap to image
        } else if (property == Atoms.XA_PIXMAP) {
          // FIXME - convert pixmap to image
        } else if (property == Atoms.OEMTEXT) {
          Clipboard.Item = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(prop);
        } else if (property == Atoms.UNICODETEXT) {
          Clipboard.Item = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(prop);


    // XXX should we be using @handle instead of Atoms.CLIPBOARD here?
    public int[] ClipboardAvailableFormats (IntPtr handle)
      // XXX deal with the updatemessagequeue stuff
#if true
      return new int[0];
      DataFormats.Format f;
      int[] result;

      f = DataFormats.Format.List;

      if (Xlib.XGetSelectionOwner (display, Atoms.CLIPBOARD) == IntPtr.Zero) {
        return null;

      Clipboard.Formats = new ArrayList();

      while (f != null) {
        Xlib.XConvertSelection (display, Atoms.CLIPBOARD, (IntPtr)f.Id, (IntPtr)f.Id, FosterParent.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);

        Clipboard.Enumerating = true;
        while (Clipboard.Enumerating) {
        f = f.Next;

      result = new int[Clipboard.Formats.Count];

      for (int i = 0; i < Clipboard.Formats.Count; i++) {
        result[i] = ((IntPtr)Clipboard.Formats[i]).ToInt32 ();

      Clipboard.Formats = null;
      return result;

    public void ClipboardClose (IntPtr handle)
      if (handle != ClipMagic) {
        throw new ArgumentException("handle is not a valid clipboard handle");

    public int ClipboardGetID (IntPtr handle, string format)
      if (handle != ClipMagic) {
        throw new ArgumentException("handle is not a valid clipboard handle");

      if (format == "Text" ) return Atoms.XA_STRING.ToInt32();
      else if (format == "Bitmap" ) return Atoms.XA_BITMAP.ToInt32();
      //else if (format == "MetaFilePict" ) return 3;
      //else if (format == "SymbolicLink" ) return 4;
      //else if (format == "DataInterchangeFormat" ) return 5;
      //else if (format == "Tiff" ) return 6;
      else if (format == "OEMText" ) return Atoms.OEMTEXT.ToInt32();
      else if (format == "DeviceIndependentBitmap" ) return Atoms.XA_PIXMAP.ToInt32();
      else if (format == "Palette" ) return Atoms.XA_COLORMAP.ToInt32();  // Useless
      //else if (format == "PenData" ) return 10;
      //else if (format == "RiffAudio" ) return 11;
      //else if (format == "WaveAudio" ) return 12;
      else if (format == "UnicodeText" ) return Atoms.UNICODETEXT.ToInt32();
      //else if (format == "EnhancedMetafile" ) return 14;
      //else if (format == "FileDrop" ) return 15;
      //else if (format == "Locale" ) return 16;

      return Xlib.XInternAtom (display, format, false).ToInt32();

    public IntPtr ClipboardOpen (bool primary_selection)
      if (!primary_selection)
        ClipMagic = Atoms.CLIPBOARD;
        ClipMagic = Atoms.PRIMARY;

      return ClipMagic;

    // XXX @converter?
    public object ClipboardRetrieve (IntPtr handle, int type, XplatUI.ClipboardToObject converter)
      // XXX deal with the UpdateMessageQueue stuff
#if true
      return null;
      Xlib.XConvertSelection (display, handle, (IntPtr)type, (IntPtr)type, FosterParent, IntPtr.Zero);

      Clipboard.Retrieving = true;
      while (Clipboard.Retrieving) {

      return Clipboard.Item;

    public void ClipboardStore (IntPtr handle, object obj, int type, XplatUI.ObjectToClipboard converter)
      Clipboard.Item = obj;
      Clipboard.Type = type;
      Clipboard.Converter = converter;

      if (obj != null) {
        Xlib.XSetSelectionOwner (display, Atoms.CLIPBOARD, FosterParent.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);
      } else {
        // Clearing the selection
        Xlib.XSetSelectionOwner (display, Atoms.CLIPBOARD, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

    public PaintEventArgs PaintEventStart (ref Message m, IntPtr handle, bool client)
      X11Hwnd hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      if (Caret.Visible == true) {
        Caret.Paused = true;

      return hwnd.PaintEventStart (ref m, client);

    public void PaintEventEnd (ref Message m, IntPtr handle, bool client)
      X11Hwnd hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      hwnd.PaintEventEnd (ref m, client);

      if (Caret.Visible == true) {
        Caret.Paused = false;

    public void SetCursor (IntPtr handle, IntPtr cursor)
      Hwnd  hwnd;

      if (OverrideCursorHandle == IntPtr.Zero) {
        if ((LastCursorWindow == handle) && (LastCursorHandle == cursor))

        LastCursorHandle = cursor;
        LastCursorWindow = handle;

        hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);
        if (cursor != IntPtr.Zero)
          Xlib.XDefineCursor (display, hwnd.whole_window, cursor);
          Xlib.XUndefineCursor (display, hwnd.whole_window);
        Xlib.XFlush (display);
      else {
        hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);
        Xlib.XDefineCursor (display, hwnd.whole_window, OverrideCursorHandle);

    public DragDropEffects StartDrag (IntPtr handle, object data,
              DragDropEffects allowed_effects)
      X11Hwnd hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);

      if (hwnd == null)
        throw new ArgumentException ("Attempt to begin drag from invalid window handle (" + handle.ToInt32 () + ").");

      return Dnd.StartDrag (hwnd.ClientWindow, data, allowed_effects);

    public X11Atoms Atoms {
      get { return atoms; }

    public int CurrentTimestamp {
      get {
        TimeSpan t = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));

        return (int) t.TotalSeconds;

    public Size CursorSize {
      get {
        int  x;
        int  y;

        if (Xlib.XQueryBestCursor (display, RootWindow.Handle, 32, 32, out x, out y) != 0) {
          return new Size (x, y);
        } else {
          return new Size (16, 16);

    public IntPtr Handle {
      get { return display; }

    public Size IconSize {
      get {
        IntPtr    list;
        XIconSize  size;
        int    count;

        if (Xlib.XGetIconSizes (display, RootWindow.Handle, out list, out count) != 0) {
          long    current;
          int    largest;

          current = (long)list;
          largest = 0;

          size = new XIconSize();

          for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            size = (XIconSize)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)current, size.GetType());
            current += Marshal.SizeOf(size);

            // Look for our preferred size
            if (size.min_width == 32) {
              return new Size(32, 32);

            if (size.max_width == 32) {
              return new Size(32, 32);

            if (size.min_width < 32 && size.max_width > 32) {
              int  x;

              // check if we can fit one
              x = size.min_width;
              while (x < size.max_width) {
                x += size.width_inc;
                if (x == 32) {
                  return new Size(32, 32);

            if (largest < size.max_width) {
              largest = size.max_width;

          // We didn't find a match or we wouldn't be here
          return new Size(largest, largest);

        } else {
          return new Size(32, 32);

    public int KeyboardSpeed {
      get {
        // A lot harder: need to do:
        // XkbQueryExtension(0x08051008, 0xbfffdf4c, 0xbfffdf50, 0xbfffdf54, 0xbfffdf58)       = 1
        // XkbAllocKeyboard(0x08051008, 0xbfffdf4c, 0xbfffdf50, 0xbfffdf54, 0xbfffdf58)        = 0x080517a8
        // XkbGetControls(0x08051008, 1, 0x080517a8, 0xbfffdf54, 0xbfffdf58)                   = 0
        // And from that we can tell the repetition rate
        // Notice, the values must map to:
        //   [0, 31] which maps to 2.5 to 30 repetitions per second.
        return 0;

    public int KeyboardDelay {
      get {
        // Return values must range from 0 to 4, 0 meaning 250ms,
        // and 4 meaning 1000 ms.
        return 1; // ie, 500 ms

    public int DefaultScreen {
      get { return Xlib.XDefaultScreen (display); }

    public IntPtr DefaultColormap {
      // XXX multiscreen
      get { return Xlib.XDefaultColormap (display, DefaultScreen); }

    public Keys ModifierKeys {
      get { return Keyboard.ModifierKeys; }

    public IntPtr OverrideCursor {
      get { return OverrideCursorHandle; }
      set {
        if (Grab.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero) {
          Xlib.XChangeActivePointerGrab (display,
                       EventMask.ButtonMotionMask |
                       EventMask.PointerMotionMask |
                       EventMask.ButtonPressMask |
                       value, IntPtr.Zero);

        OverrideCursorHandle = value;

    public X11RootHwnd RootWindow {
      get { return root_hwnd; }

    public Size SmallIconSize {
      get {
        IntPtr    list;
        XIconSize  size;
        int    count;

        if (Xlib.XGetIconSizes (display, RootWindow.Handle, out list, out count) != 0) {
          long    current;
          int    smallest;

          current = (long)list;
          smallest = 0;

          size = new XIconSize();

          for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            size = (XIconSize)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)current, size.GetType());
            current += Marshal.SizeOf(size);

            // Look for our preferred size
            if (size.min_width == 16) {
              return new Size(16, 16);

            if (size.max_width == 16) {
              return new Size(16, 16);

            if (size.min_width < 16 && size.max_width > 16) {
              int  x;

              // check if we can fit one
              x = size.min_width;
              while (x < size.max_width) {
                x += size.width_inc;
                if (x == 16) {
                  return new Size(16, 16);

            if (smallest == 0 || smallest > size.min_width) {
              smallest = size.min_width;

          // We didn't find a match or we wouldn't be here
          return new Size(smallest, smallest);

        } else {
          return new Size(16, 16);

    public X11Hwnd FosterParent {
      get { return foster_hwnd; }

    public int MouseHoverTime {
      get { return HoverState.Interval; }

    public Rectangle VirtualScreen {
      get {
        IntPtr actual_atom;
        int actual_format;
        IntPtr nitems;
        IntPtr bytes_after;
        IntPtr prop = IntPtr.Zero;
        int width;
        int height;

        Xlib.XGetWindowProperty (display, RootWindow.Handle,
               Atoms._NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr (256), false, Atoms.XA_CARDINAL,
               out actual_atom, out actual_format, out nitems, out bytes_after, ref prop);

        if ((long)nitems < 2)
          goto failsafe;

        width = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, 0).ToInt32();
        height = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, IntPtr.Size).ToInt32();

        return new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);

        XWindowAttributes attributes = new XWindowAttributes();

        Xlib.XGetWindowAttributes (display, RootWindow.Handle, ref attributes);

        return new Rectangle(0, 0, attributes.width, attributes.height);

    public Rectangle WorkingArea {
      get {
        IntPtr actual_atom;
        int actual_format;
        IntPtr nitems;
        IntPtr bytes_after;
        IntPtr prop = IntPtr.Zero;
        int width;
        int height;
        int current_desktop;
        int x;
        int y;

        Xlib.XGetWindowProperty (display, RootWindow.Handle, 
               Atoms._NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(1), false, Atoms.XA_CARDINAL,
               out actual_atom, out actual_format, out nitems, out bytes_after, ref prop);

        if ((long)nitems < 1) {
          goto failsafe;

        current_desktop = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, 0).ToInt32();

        Xlib.XGetWindowProperty (display, RootWindow.Handle,
               Atoms._NET_WORKAREA, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr (256), false, Atoms.XA_CARDINAL,
               out actual_atom, out actual_format, out nitems, out bytes_after, ref prop);

        if ((long)nitems < 4 * current_desktop) {
          goto failsafe;

        x = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, IntPtr.Size * 4 * current_desktop).ToInt32();
        y = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, IntPtr.Size * 4 * current_desktop + IntPtr.Size).ToInt32();
        width = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, IntPtr.Size * 4 * current_desktop + IntPtr.Size * 2).ToInt32();
        height = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(prop, IntPtr.Size * 4 * current_desktop + IntPtr.Size * 3).ToInt32();

        return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

        XWindowAttributes attributes = new XWindowAttributes();

        Xlib.XGetWindowAttributes (display, RootWindow.Handle, ref attributes);

        return new Rectangle(0, 0, attributes.width, attributes.height);

    private void XEventThread ()
      while (true) {
#if __MonoCS__
        Syscall.poll (pollfds, 1U, -1);

        while (Xlib.XPending (display) > 0) {
          XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();
          Xlib.XNextEvent (display, ref xevent);

          // this is kind of a gross place to put this, but we don't know about the
          // key repeat state in X11ThreadQueue, nor to we want the queue code calling
          // XPeekEvent.
          if (!detectable_key_auto_repeat &&
              xevent.type == XEventName.KeyRelease &&
              Xlib.XPending (display) > 0) {

            XEvent nextevent = new XEvent ();
            Xlib.XPeekEvent (display, ref nextevent);

            if (nextevent.type == XEventName.KeyPress &&
                nextevent.KeyEvent.keycode == xevent.KeyEvent.keycode &&
                nextevent.KeyEvent.time == xevent.KeyEvent.time) {

          X11Hwnd hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.GetObjectFromWindow(xevent.AnyEvent.window);
          if (hwnd != null)
            hwnd.Queue.Enqueue (xevent);
#if __MonoCS__

    private void RedirectMsgToEnabledAncestor (X11Hwnd hwnd, MSG msg, IntPtr window,
                 ref int event_x, ref int event_y)
      int x, y;

      IntPtr dummy;
      msg.hwnd = hwnd.EnabledHwnd;
      Xlib.XTranslateCoordinates (display, window,
                event_x, event_y,
                out x, out y, out dummy);
      event_x = x;
      event_y = y;
      msg.lParam = (IntPtr)(MousePosition.Y << 16 | MousePosition.X);

    // This is called from the thread owning the corresponding X11ThreadQueue
    [MonoTODO("Implement filtering")]
    public bool GetMessage (object queue_id, ref MSG msg, IntPtr handle, int wFilterMin, int wFilterMax)
      X11ThreadQueue queue = (X11ThreadQueue)queue_id;
      XEvent xevent;
      bool client;
      bool got_xevent = false;

      X11Hwnd hwnd;

      do {
        got_xevent = queue.Dequeue (out xevent);

        if (!got_xevent) {
#if spew
          Console.WriteLine (">");
          Console.Out.Flush ();

#if spew
        Console.Write ("-");
        Console.Out.Flush ();

        hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.GetObjectFromWindow (xevent.AnyEvent.window);

        // Handle messages for windows that are already or are about to be destroyed.

        // we need a special block for this because unless we remove the hwnd from the paint
        // queue it will always stay there (since we don't handle the expose), and we'll
        // effectively loop infinitely trying to repaint a non-existant window.
        if (hwnd != null && hwnd.zombie && xevent.type == XEventName.Expose) {
          hwnd.PendingExpose = hwnd.PendingNCExpose = false;
          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        // We need to make sure we only allow DestroyNotify events through for zombie
        // hwnds, since much of the event handling code makes requests using the hwnd's
        // ClientWindow, and that'll result in BadWindow errors if there's some lag
        // between the XDestroyWindow call and the DestroyNotify event.
        if (hwnd == null || hwnd.zombie) {
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugDestroy
          Console.WriteLine("GetMessage(): Got message {0} for non-existent or already destroyed window {1:X}",
                xevent.type, xevent.AnyEvent.window.ToInt32());
          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        client = hwnd.ClientWindow == xevent.AnyEvent.window;

        msg.hwnd = hwnd.Handle;

        switch (xevent.type) {
        case XEventName.KeyPress:
          Keyboard.KeyEvent (FocusWindow.Handle, xevent, ref msg);
          return true;

        case XEventName.KeyRelease:
          Keyboard.KeyEvent (FocusWindow.Handle, xevent, ref msg);
          return true;

        case XEventName.ButtonPress: {
          switch(xevent.ButtonEvent.button) {
          case 1:
            MouseState |= MouseButtons.Left;
            if (client) {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN;
            } else {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN;
              hwnd.MenuToScreen (ref xevent.ButtonEvent.x, ref xevent.ButtonEvent.y);
            // TODO: For WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN wParam specifies a hit-test value not the virtual keys down

          case 2:
            MouseState |= MouseButtons.Middle;
            if (client) {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_MBUTTONDOWN;
            } else {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN;
              hwnd.MenuToScreen (ref xevent.ButtonEvent.x, ref xevent.ButtonEvent.y);

          case 3:
            MouseState |= MouseButtons.Right;
            if (client) {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_RBUTTONDOWN;
            } else {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN;
              hwnd.MenuToScreen (ref xevent.ButtonEvent.x, ref xevent.ButtonEvent.y);

          case 4:
            msg.hwnd = FocusWindow.Handle;

          case 5:
            msg.hwnd = FocusWindow.Handle;

          msg.lParam=(IntPtr) (xevent.ButtonEvent.y << 16 | xevent.ButtonEvent.x);
          MousePosition.X = xevent.ButtonEvent.x;
          MousePosition.Y = xevent.ButtonEvent.y;

          if (!hwnd.Enabled) {
            RedirectMsgToEnabledAncestor (hwnd, msg, xevent.AnyEvent.window,
                        ref xevent.ButtonEvent.x, ref xevent.ButtonEvent.y);

          if (Grab.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
            msg.hwnd = Grab.Hwnd;

          if (ClickPending.Pending &&
              ((((long)xevent.ButtonEvent.time - ClickPending.Time) < DoubleClickInterval) &&
               (msg.wParam == ClickPending.wParam) &&
               (msg.lParam == ClickPending.lParam) &&
               (msg.message == ClickPending.Message))) {
            // Looks like a genuine double click, clicked twice on the same spot with the same keys
            switch(xevent.ButtonEvent.button) {
            case 1:
              msg.message = client ? Msg.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK;

            case 2:
              msg.message = client ? Msg.WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK : Msg.WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK;

            case 3:
              msg.message = client ? Msg.WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK : Msg.WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK;

            ClickPending.Pending = false;

          else {
            ClickPending.Pending = true;
            ClickPending.Hwnd = msg.hwnd;
            ClickPending.Message = msg.message;
            ClickPending.wParam = msg.wParam;
            ClickPending.lParam = msg.lParam;
            ClickPending.Time = (long)xevent.ButtonEvent.time;

          if (msg.message == Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN || msg.message == Msg.WM_MBUTTONDOWN || msg.message == Msg.WM_RBUTTONDOWN) {
            hwnd.SendParentNotify (msg.message, MousePosition.X, MousePosition.Y);

            // Win32 splurts MouseMove events all over the place, regardless of whether the mouse is actually moving or
            // not, especially after mousedown and mouseup. To support apps relying on mousemove events between and after 
            // mouse clicks to repaint or whatever, we generate a mousemove event here. *sigh*
            XEvent motionEvent = new XEvent ();
            motionEvent.type = XEventName.MotionNotify;
            motionEvent.MotionEvent.display = display;
            motionEvent.MotionEvent.window = xevent.ButtonEvent.window;
            motionEvent.MotionEvent.x = xevent.ButtonEvent.x;
            motionEvent.MotionEvent.y = xevent.ButtonEvent.y;
            hwnd.Queue.Enqueue (motionEvent);

          return true;

        case XEventName.ButtonRelease:
          switch(xevent.ButtonEvent.button) {
          case 1:
            if (client) {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP;
            } else {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_NCLBUTTONUP;
              hwnd.MenuToScreen (ref xevent.ButtonEvent.x, ref xevent.ButtonEvent.y);
            MouseState &= ~MouseButtons.Left;

          case 2:
            if (client) {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_MBUTTONUP;
            } else {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_NCMBUTTONUP;
              hwnd.MenuToScreen (ref xevent.ButtonEvent.x, ref xevent.ButtonEvent.y);
            MouseState &= ~MouseButtons.Middle;

          case 3:
            if (client) {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_RBUTTONUP;
            } else {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_NCRBUTTONUP;
              hwnd.MenuToScreen (ref xevent.ButtonEvent.x, ref xevent.ButtonEvent.y);
            MouseState &= ~MouseButtons.Right;

          case 4:
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          case 5:
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          if (!hwnd.Enabled) {
            RedirectMsgToEnabledAncestor (hwnd, msg, xevent.AnyEvent.window,
                        ref xevent.ButtonEvent.x, ref xevent.ButtonEvent.y);

          if (Grab.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
            msg.hwnd = Grab.Hwnd;

          msg.lParam=(IntPtr) (xevent.ButtonEvent.y << 16 | xevent.ButtonEvent.x);
          MousePosition.X = xevent.ButtonEvent.x;
          MousePosition.Y = xevent.ButtonEvent.y;

            // Win32 splurts MouseMove events all over the place, regardless of whether the mouse is actually moving or
            // not, especially after mousedown and mouseup. To support apps relying on mousemove events between and after 
            // mouse clicks to repaint or whatever, we generate a mousemove event here. *sigh*
          if (msg.message == Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP || msg.message == Msg.WM_MBUTTONUP || msg.message == Msg.WM_RBUTTONUP) {
            XEvent motionEvent = new XEvent ();
            motionEvent.type = XEventName.MotionNotify;
            motionEvent.MotionEvent.display = display;
            motionEvent.MotionEvent.window = xevent.ButtonEvent.window;
            motionEvent.MotionEvent.x = xevent.ButtonEvent.x;
            motionEvent.MotionEvent.y = xevent.ButtonEvent.y;
            hwnd.Queue.Enqueue (motionEvent);
          return true;

        case XEventName.MotionNotify:
          /* XXX move the compression stuff here */

          if (client) {
#if DriverDebugExtra
            Console.WriteLine("GetMessage(): Window {0:X} MotionNotify x={1} y={2}",
                  client ? hwnd.ClientWindow.ToInt32() : hwnd.WholeWindow.ToInt32(),
                  xevent.MotionEvent.x, xevent.MotionEvent.y);

            if (Grab.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
              msg.hwnd = Grab.Hwnd;
              NativeWindow.WndProc(msg.hwnd, Msg.WM_SETCURSOR, msg.hwnd, (IntPtr)HitTest.HTCLIENT);

            msg.message = Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE;
            msg.wParam = GetMousewParam(0);
            msg.lParam = (IntPtr) (xevent.MotionEvent.y << 16 | xevent.MotionEvent.x & 0xFFFF);

            if (!hwnd.Enabled) {
              RedirectMsgToEnabledAncestor (hwnd, msg, xevent.AnyEvent.window,
                          ref xevent.MotionEvent.x, ref xevent.MotionEvent.y);

            MousePosition.X = xevent.MotionEvent.x;
            MousePosition.Y = xevent.MotionEvent.y;

            if ((HoverState.Timer.Enabled) &&
                (((MousePosition.X + HoverState.Size.Width) < HoverState.X) ||
                 ((MousePosition.X - HoverState.Size.Width) > HoverState.X) ||
                 ((MousePosition.Y + HoverState.Size.Height) < HoverState.Y) ||
                 ((MousePosition.Y - HoverState.Size.Height) > HoverState.Y))) {

              HoverState.X = MousePosition.X;
              HoverState.Y = MousePosition.Y;
          else {
            HitTest  ht;
            IntPtr dummy;
            int screen_x;
            int screen_y;

            #if DriverDebugExtra
            Console.WriteLine("GetMessage(): non-client area {0:X} MotionNotify x={1} y={2}",
                  client ? hwnd.ClientWindow.ToInt32() : hwnd.WholeWindow.ToInt32(),
                  xevent.MotionEvent.x, xevent.MotionEvent.y);
            msg.message = Msg.WM_NCMOUSEMOVE;

            if (!hwnd.Enabled) {
              RedirectMsgToEnabledAncestor (hwnd, msg, xevent.AnyEvent.window,
                          ref xevent.MotionEvent.x, ref xevent.MotionEvent.y);

            // The hit test is sent in screen coordinates
            Xlib.XTranslateCoordinates (display, xevent.AnyEvent.window, RootWindow.Handle,
                      xevent.MotionEvent.x, xevent.MotionEvent.y,
                      out screen_x, out screen_y, out dummy);

            msg.lParam = (IntPtr) (screen_y << 16 | screen_x & 0xFFFF);
            ht = (HitTest)NativeWindow.WndProc (hwnd.ClientWindow, Msg.WM_NCHITTEST,
                        IntPtr.Zero, msg.lParam).ToInt32 ();
            NativeWindow.WndProc(hwnd.ClientWindow, Msg.WM_SETCURSOR, msg.hwnd, (IntPtr)ht);

            MousePosition.X = xevent.MotionEvent.x;
            MousePosition.Y = xevent.MotionEvent.y;

          return true;

        case XEventName.EnterNotify:
          if (!hwnd.Enabled)
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          if (xevent.CrossingEvent.mode != NotifyMode.NotifyNormal)
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          msg.message = Msg.WM_MOUSE_ENTER;
          HoverState.X = xevent.CrossingEvent.x;
          HoverState.Y = xevent.CrossingEvent.y;
          HoverState.Timer.Enabled = true;
          HoverState.Window = xevent.CrossingEvent.window;

          return true;

        case XEventName.LeaveNotify:
          if (!hwnd.Enabled)
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          if ((xevent.CrossingEvent.mode != NotifyMode.NotifyNormal) ||
              (xevent.CrossingEvent.window != hwnd.ClientWindow))
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          HoverState.Timer.Enabled = false;
          HoverState.Window = IntPtr.Zero;

          return true;

        case XEventName.ReparentNotify:
          if (hwnd.parent == null) {  // Toplevel
            if ((xevent.ReparentEvent.parent != IntPtr.Zero) && (xevent.ReparentEvent.window == hwnd.WholeWindow)) {
              // We need to adjust x/y
              // This sucks ass, part 2
              // Every WM does the reparenting of toplevel windows different, so there's
              // no standard way of getting our adjustment considering frames/decorations
              // The code below is needed for metacity. KDE doesn't works just fine without this
              int  dummy_int;
              IntPtr  dummy_ptr;
              int  new_x;
              int  new_y;
              int  frame_left;
              int  frame_top;

              hwnd.Reparented = true;

              Xlib.XGetGeometry(display, XGetParent(hwnd.WholeWindow),
                    out dummy_ptr, out new_x, out new_y,
                    out dummy_int, out dummy_int, out dummy_int, out dummy_int);
              hwnd.FrameExtents(out frame_left, out frame_top);
              if ((frame_left != 0) && (frame_top != 0) && (new_x != frame_left) && (new_y != frame_top)) {
                hwnd.x = new_x;
                hwnd.y = new_y;
                hwnd.whacky_wm = true;

              if (hwnd.opacity != 0xffffffff) {
                IntPtr opacity;

                opacity = (IntPtr)(Int32)hwnd.opacity;
                Xlib.XChangeProperty (display, XGetParent(hwnd.WholeWindow),
                          Atoms._NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY, Atoms.XA_CARDINAL, 32,
                          PropertyMode.Replace, ref opacity, 1);
              SendMessage(msg.hwnd, Msg.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);
              goto ProcessNextMessage;
            } else {
              hwnd.Reparented = false;
              goto ProcessNextMessage;
          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        case XEventName.ConfigureNotify:
          hwnd.HandleConfigureNotify (xevent);
          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        case XEventName.MapNotify: {
          if (client && (xevent.ConfigureEvent.xevent == xevent.ConfigureEvent.window)) { // Ignore events for children (SubstructureNotify) and client areas
            hwnd.Mapped = true;
            msg.message = Msg.WM_SHOWWINDOW;
            msg.wParam = (IntPtr) 1;
            // XXX we're missing the lParam..
          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        case XEventName.UnmapNotify: {
          if (client && (xevent.ConfigureEvent.xevent == xevent.ConfigureEvent.window)) { // Ignore events for children (SubstructureNotify) and client areas
            hwnd.Mapped = false;
            msg.message = Msg.WM_SHOWWINDOW;
            msg.wParam = (IntPtr) 0;
            // XXX we're missing the lParam..
          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        case XEventName.FocusIn:
          // We received focus. We use X11 focus only to know if the app window does or does not have focus
          // We do not track the actual focussed window via it. Instead, this is done via FocusWindow internally
          // Receiving focus means we've gotten activated and therefore we need to let the actual FocusWindow know 
          // about it having focus again
          if (xevent.FocusChangeEvent.detail != NotifyDetail.NotifyNonlinear)
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          if (FocusWindow == null) {
            Control c = Control.FromHandle (hwnd.ClientWindow);
            if (c == null)
              goto ProcessNextMessage;
            Form form = c.FindForm ();
            if (form == null)
              goto ProcessNextMessage;
            X11Hwnd new_active = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (form.Handle);
            if (ActiveWindow != new_active) {
              ActiveWindow = new_active;
              SendMessage (ActiveWindow.Handle, Msg.WM_ACTIVATE, (IntPtr) WindowActiveFlags.WA_ACTIVE, IntPtr.Zero);
            goto ProcessNextMessage;
          SendMessage(FocusWindow.Handle, Msg.WM_SETFOCUS, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        case XEventName.FocusOut:
          // Se the comment for our FocusIn handler
          if (xevent.FocusChangeEvent.detail != NotifyDetail.NotifyNonlinear)
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          if (FocusWindow == null)
            goto ProcessNextMessage;


          while (Keyboard.ResetKeyState(FocusWindow.Handle, ref msg))
            SendMessage(FocusWindow.Handle, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);

          SendMessage(FocusWindow.Handle, Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        case XEventName.Expose:
          if (!hwnd.Mapped) {
            hwnd.PendingExpose = hwnd.PendingNCExpose = false;

          msg.hwnd = hwnd.Handle;

          if (client) {
#if DriverDebugExtra
            Console.WriteLine("GetMessage(): Window {0:X} Exposed area {1},{2} {3}x{4}",
                  xevent.ExposeEvent.x, xevent.ExposeEvent.y,
                  xevent.ExposeEvent.width, xevent.ExposeEvent.height);
            msg.message = Msg.WM_PAINT;
          else {
            Graphics g;

            switch (hwnd.border_style) {
            case FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D:
              g = Graphics.FromHwnd(hwnd.WholeWindow);
              ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, new Rectangle(0, 0, hwnd.Width, hwnd.Height),

            case FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle:
              g = Graphics.FromHwnd(hwnd.WholeWindow);
              ControlPaint.DrawBorder(g, new Rectangle(0, 0, hwnd.Width, hwnd.Height),
                    Color.Black, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
#if DriverDebugExtra
            Console.WriteLine("GetMessage(): Window {0:X} Exposed non-client area {1},{2} {3}x{4}",
                  xevent.ExposeEvent.x, xevent.ExposeEvent.y,
                  xevent.ExposeEvent.width, xevent.ExposeEvent.height);

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (xevent.ExposeEvent.x, xevent.ExposeEvent.y,
                    xevent.ExposeEvent.width, xevent.ExposeEvent.height);
            Region region = new Region (rect);
            IntPtr hrgn = region.GetHrgn (null); // Graphics object isn't needed
            msg.message = Msg.WM_NCPAINT;
            msg.wParam = hrgn == IntPtr.Zero ? (IntPtr)1 : hrgn;
            msg.refobject = region;

          return true;
        case XEventName.DestroyNotify:

          // This is a bit tricky, we don't receive our own DestroyNotify, we only get those for our children
          hwnd = (X11Hwnd)Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(xevent.DestroyWindowEvent.window);

          // We may get multiple for the same window, act only one the first (when Hwnd still knows about it)
          if ((hwnd != null) && (hwnd.ClientWindow == xevent.DestroyWindowEvent.window)) {
            CleanupCachedWindows (hwnd);

            #if DriverDebugDestroy
            Console.WriteLine("Received X11 Destroy Notification for {0}", XplatUI.Window(hwnd.ClientWindow));

            msg.hwnd = hwnd.ClientWindow;
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          return true;

        case XEventName.ClientMessage:
          if (Dnd.HandleClientMessage (ref xevent))
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == Atoms.AsyncAtom) {
            goto ProcessNextMessage;

          if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == HoverState.Atom) {
            msg.message = Msg.WM_MOUSEHOVER;
            msg.wParam = GetMousewParam(0);
            msg.lParam = (IntPtr) (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1);
            return true;

          if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == Atoms.PostAtom) {
            msg.hwnd = xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1;
            msg.message = (Msg) xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2.ToInt32 ();
            msg.wParam = xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3;
            msg.lParam = xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr4;

            // if we posted a WM_QUIT message, make sure we return
            // false here as well.
            if (msg.message == (Msg)Msg.WM_QUIT)
              return false;
              return true;

          if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == Atoms._XEMBED) {
#if DriverDebugXEmbed
            Console.WriteLine("GOT EMBED MESSAGE {0:X}, detail {1:X}",
                  xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2.ToInt32(), xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3.ToInt32());

            if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2.ToInt32() == (int)XEmbedMessage.EmbeddedNotify) {
              XSizeHints hints = new XSizeHints();
              IntPtr dummy;

              Xlib.XGetWMNormalHints (display, hwnd.WholeWindow, ref hints, out dummy);

              hwnd.width = hints.max_width;
              hwnd.height = hints.max_height;
              hwnd.ClientRect = Rectangle.Empty;
              SendMessage(msg.hwnd, Msg.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

          if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == Atoms.WM_PROTOCOLS) {
            if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 == Atoms.WM_DELETE_WINDOW) {
              msg.message = Msg.WM_CLOSE;
              return true;

            // We should not get this, but I'll leave the code in case we need it in the future
            if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 == Atoms.WM_TAKE_FOCUS) {
              goto ProcessNextMessage;

          goto ProcessNextMessage;

        case XEventName.PropertyNotify:
          // The Hwnd's themselves handle this
          hwnd.PropertyChanged (xevent);
          goto ProcessNextMessage;
      } while (true);

      msg.hwnd= IntPtr.Zero;
      msg.message = Msg.WM_ENTERIDLE;
      return true;

    [MonoTODO("Implement filtering and PM_NOREMOVE")]
    public bool PeekMessage (object queue_id, ref MSG msg, IntPtr hWnd, int wFilterMin, int wFilterMax, uint flags)
      X11ThreadQueue queue = (X11ThreadQueue) queue_id;
      bool  pending;

      if ((flags & (uint)PeekMessageFlags.PM_REMOVE) == 0) {
        throw new NotImplementedException("PeekMessage PM_NOREMOVE is not implemented yet");  // FIXME - Implement PM_NOREMOVE flag

      try {
        queue.Lock ();
        pending = false;
        if (queue.CountUnlocked > 0)
          pending = true;
      catch {
        return false;
      finally {
        queue.Unlock ();

      queue.CheckTimers ();

      if (!pending)
        return false;

      return GetMessage(queue_id, ref msg, hWnd, wFilterMin, wFilterMax);

    public void DoEvents (X11ThreadQueue queue)
      MSG  msg = new MSG ();

      if (OverrideCursorHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
        OverrideCursorHandle = IntPtr.Zero;

      queue.DispatchIdle = false;

      while (PeekMessage(queue, ref msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, (uint)PeekMessageFlags.PM_REMOVE)) {
        TranslateMessage (ref msg);
        DispatchMessage (ref msg);

      queue.DispatchIdle = true;

    // double buffering support
    public void CreateOffscreenDrawable (IntPtr handle,
                 int width, int height,
                 out object offscreen_drawable)
      IntPtr root_out;
      int x_out, y_out, width_out, height_out, border_width_out, depth_out;

      Xlib.XGetGeometry (display, handle,
             out root_out,
             out x_out, out y_out,
             out width_out, out height_out,
             out border_width_out, out depth_out);

      IntPtr pixmap = Xlib.XCreatePixmap (display, handle, width, height, depth_out);

      offscreen_drawable = pixmap;

    public void DestroyOffscreenDrawable (object offscreen_drawable)
      Xlib.XFreePixmap (display, (IntPtr)offscreen_drawable);

    public Graphics GetOffscreenGraphics (object offscreen_drawable)
      return Graphics.FromHwnd ((IntPtr) offscreen_drawable);

    public void BlitFromOffscreen (IntPtr dest_handle,
                 Graphics dest_dc,
                 object offscreen_drawable,
                 Graphics offscreen_dc,
                 Rectangle r)
      XGCValues gc_values;
      IntPtr gc;

      gc_values = new XGCValues();

      gc = Xlib.XCreateGC (display, dest_handle, IntPtr.Zero, ref gc_values);

      Xlib.XCopyArea (display, (IntPtr)offscreen_drawable, dest_handle,
          gc, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, r.X, r.Y);

      Xlib.XFreeGC (display, gc);

    // reversible screen-level drawing
    IntPtr GetReversibleScreenGC (Color backColor)
      XGCValues  gc_values;
      IntPtr    gc;
      uint pixel;

      XColor xcolor = new XColor();
      xcolor.red = (ushort)(backColor.R * 257);
      xcolor.green = (ushort)(backColor.G * 257);
      xcolor.blue = (ushort)(backColor.B * 257);
      Xlib.XAllocColor (display, DefaultColormap, ref xcolor);
      pixel = (uint)xcolor.pixel.ToInt32();

      gc_values = new XGCValues();

      gc_values.subwindow_mode = GCSubwindowMode.IncludeInferiors;
      gc_values.foreground = (IntPtr)pixel;

      gc = Xlib.XCreateGC (display, RootWindow.Handle, new IntPtr ((int) (GCFunction.GCSubwindowMode | GCFunction.GCForeground)), ref gc_values);
      Xlib.XSetForeground (display, gc, (UIntPtr)pixel);
      Xlib.XSetFunction (display,   gc, GXFunction.GXxor);

      return gc;

    public void DrawReversibleLine (Point start, Point end, Color backColor)
      if (backColor.GetBrightness() < 0.5)
        backColor = Color.FromArgb(255 - backColor.R, 255 - backColor.G, 255 - backColor.B);

      IntPtr gc = GetReversibleScreenGC (backColor);

      Xlib.XDrawLine (display, RootWindow.Handle, gc, start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y);

      Xlib.XFreeGC (display, gc);

    public void FillReversibleRectangle (Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor)
      if (backColor.GetBrightness() < 0.5)
        backColor = Color.FromArgb(255 - backColor.R, 255 - backColor.G, 255 - backColor.B);

      IntPtr gc = GetReversibleScreenGC (backColor);

      if (rectangle.Width < 0) {
        rectangle.X += rectangle.Width;
        rectangle.Width = -rectangle.Width;
      if (rectangle.Height < 0) {
        rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height;
        rectangle.Height = -rectangle.Height;

      Xlib.XFillRectangle (display, RootWindow.Handle, gc, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);

      Xlib.XFreeGC (display, gc);

    public void DrawReversibleFrame (Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor, FrameStyle style)
      if (backColor.GetBrightness() < 0.5)
        backColor = Color.FromArgb(255 - backColor.R, 255 - backColor.G, 255 - backColor.B);

      IntPtr gc = GetReversibleScreenGC (backColor);

      if (rectangle.Width < 0) {
        rectangle.X += rectangle.Width;
        rectangle.Width = -rectangle.Width;
      if (rectangle.Height < 0) {
        rectangle.Y += rectangle.Height;
        rectangle.Height = -rectangle.Height;

      int line_width = 1;
      GCLineStyle line_style = GCLineStyle.LineSolid;
      GCCapStyle cap_style = GCCapStyle.CapButt;
      GCJoinStyle join_style = GCJoinStyle.JoinMiter;

      switch (style) {
      case FrameStyle.Dashed:
        line_style = GCLineStyle.LineOnOffDash;
      case FrameStyle.Thick:
        line_width = 2;

      Xlib.XSetLineAttributes (display, gc, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style);

      Xlib.XDrawRectangle (display, RootWindow.Handle, gc, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);

      Xlib.XFreeGC (display, gc);
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