/* ****************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
* copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
* you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
* dlr@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
* by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
* ***************************************************************************/
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Runtime;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Utils;
namespace Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting{
/// <summary>
/// Provides host-redirectable IO streams used by DLR languages for default IO.
/// </summary>
public sealed class ScriptIO
: MarshalByRefObject
private readonly SharedIO _io;
public Stream InputStream { get { return _io.InputStream; } }
public Stream OutputStream { get { return _io.OutputStream; } }
public Stream ErrorStream { get { return _io.ErrorStream; } }
public TextReader InputReader { get { return _io.InputReader; } }
public TextWriter OutputWriter { get { return _io.OutputWriter; } }
public TextWriter ErrorWriter { get { return _io.ErrorWriter; } }
public Encoding InputEncoding { get { return _io.InputEncoding; } }
public Encoding OutputEncoding { get { return _io.OutputEncoding; } }
public Encoding ErrorEncoding { get { return _io.ErrorEncoding; } }
internal SharedIO SharedIO { get { return _io; } }
internal ScriptIO(SharedIO io) {
_io = io;
/// <summary>
/// Used if the host stores the output as binary data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Binary stream to write data to.</param>
/// <param name="encoding">Encoding used to convert textual data written to the output by the script.</param>
public void SetOutput(Stream stream, Encoding encoding) {
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(stream, "stream");
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(encoding, "encoding");
_io.SetOutput(stream, new StreamWriter(stream, encoding));
/// <summary>
/// Used if the host handles both kinds of data (textual and binary) by itself.
/// </summary>
public void SetOutput(Stream stream, TextWriter writer) {
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(stream, "stream");
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(writer, "writer");
_io.SetOutput(stream, writer);
public void SetErrorOutput(Stream stream, Encoding encoding) {
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(stream, "stream");
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(encoding, "encoding");
_io.SetErrorOutput(stream, new StreamWriter(stream, encoding));
public void SetErrorOutput(Stream stream, TextWriter writer) {
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(stream, "stream");
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(writer, "writer");
_io.SetErrorOutput(stream, writer);
public void SetInput(Stream stream, Encoding encoding) {
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(stream, "stream");
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(encoding, "encoding");
_io.SetInput(stream, new StreamReader(stream, encoding), encoding);
public void SetInput(Stream stream, TextReader reader, Encoding encoding) {
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(stream, "stream");
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(reader, "writer");
ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(encoding, "encoding");
_io.SetInput(stream, reader, encoding);
public void RedirectToConsole() {
// TODO: Figure out what is the right lifetime
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)]
public override object InitializeLifetimeService() {
return null;