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class RasterRetained extends GeometryRetained (Code)
A Retained Raster.

Field Summary

Constructor Summary

Method Summary
 voidclearLive(int refCount)
 voidexecute(Canvas3D cv, RenderAtom ra, boolean isNonUniformScale, boolean updateAlpha, float alpha, int screen, boolean ignoreVertexColors)
final  intgetClipMode()
     Retrieves the current clipping mode of this raster object.
final  DepthComponentgetDepthComponent()
     Retrieves the current depth image object.
final  voidgetDstOffset(Point dstOffset)
     Retrieves the current destination pixel offset.
final  ImageComponent2DgetImage()
     Retrieves the current pixel array object.
final  voidgetPosition(Point3f pos)
final  voidgetSize(Dimension size)
     Gets the size of the array of pixels to be copied.
final  voidgetSrcOffset(Point srcOffset)
     Retrieves the current source pixel offset.
final  intgetType()
     Retrieves the current type of this raster object, one of: RASTER_COLOR, RASTER_DEPTH, or RASTER_COLOR_DEPTH.
 voidhandleFrequencyChange(int bit)
final  voidinitImage(ImageComponent2D img)
     Initializes the raster image to the specified image.
 booleanintersect(PickShape pickShape, PickInfo pickInfo, int flags, Point3d iPnt, GeometryRetained geom, int geomIndex)
 booleanintersect(Bounds targetBound)
 booleanintersect(Point3d[] pnts)
 booleanintersect(Transform3D thisToOtherVworld, GeometryRetained geom)
 booleanintersect(Transform3D thisLocalToVworld, Transform3D otherLocalToVworld, GeometryRetained geom)
 booleanintersect(Transform3D thisLocalToVworld, Bounds targetBound)
 voidnotifyImageComponentImageChanged(ImageComponentRetained image, ImageComponentUpdateInfo value)
final  voidsetClipMode(int clipMode)
     Sets the clipping mode of this raster object.
  clipMode - the new clipping mode of this raster,one of: CLIP_POSITION or CLIP_IMAGE.
final  voidsetDepthComponent(DepthComponent depthComponent)
     Sets the depth image used to copy pixels to/from a Canvas3D.
final  voidsetDstOffset(int xDstOffset, int yDstOffset)
     Sets the destination pixel offset of the upper-left corner of the rendered image relative to the transformed position.
final  voidsetImage(ImageComponent2D img)
     Sets the pixel array used to copy pixels to/from a Canvas3D.
 voidsetLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup, int refCount)
final  voidsetPosition(Point3f pos)
final  voidsetSize(int width, int height)
     Sets the number of pixels to be copied from the pixel array.
final  voidsetSrcOffset(int xSrcOffset, int ySrcOffset)
     Sets the offset within the source array of pixels at which to start copying.
final  voidsetType(int type)
     Sets the type of this raster object to one of: RASTER_COLOR, RASTER_DEPTH, or RASTER_COLOR_DEPTH.

Field Detail
DepthComponentRetained depthComponent(Code)

ImageComponent2DRetained image(Code)

Texture2DRetained texture(Code)

int type(Code)
Raster type

Constructor Detail

Method Detail
void clearLive(int refCount)(Code)

void computeBoundingBox()(Code)

void execute(Canvas3D cv, RenderAtom ra, boolean isNonUniformScale, boolean updateAlpha, float alpha, int screen, boolean ignoreVertexColors)(Code)

int getClassType()(Code)

final int getClipMode()(Code)
Retrieves the current clipping mode of this raster object. clipMode the clipping mode of this raster,one of: CLIP_POSITION or CLIP_IMAGE.

final DepthComponent getDepthComponent()(Code)
Retrieves the current depth image object. depthImage DepthComponent containing thedepth (z-buffer) data

final void getDstOffset(Point dstOffset)(Code)
Retrieves the current destination pixel offset.
  dstOffset - the object that will receive the destination offset

final ImageComponent2D getImage()(Code)
Retrieves the current pixel array object. image the ImageComponent2D object containing thecolor data

final void getPosition(Point3f pos)(Code)
Retrieves the Raster's position
  position - the variable to receive the position vector

final void getSize(Dimension size)(Code)
Gets the size of the array of pixels to be copied.
  size - the new size

final void getSrcOffset(Point srcOffset)(Code)
Retrieves the current source pixel offset.
  srcOffset - the object that will receive the source offset

final int getType()(Code)
Retrieves the current type of this raster object, one of: RASTER_COLOR, RASTER_DEPTH, or RASTER_COLOR_DEPTH. type the type of this raster

void handleFrequencyChange(int bit)(Code)

final void initImage(ImageComponent2D img)(Code)
Initializes the raster image to the specified image.
  image - new ImageCompoent2D object used as the raster image

boolean intersect(PickShape pickShape, PickInfo pickInfo, int flags, Point3d iPnt, GeometryRetained geom, int geomIndex)(Code)

boolean intersect(Bounds targetBound)(Code)

boolean intersect(Point3d[] pnts)(Code)

boolean intersect(Transform3D thisToOtherVworld, GeometryRetained geom)(Code)

boolean intersect(Transform3D thisLocalToVworld, Transform3D otherLocalToVworld, GeometryRetained geom)(Code)

boolean intersect(Transform3D thisLocalToVworld, Bounds targetBound)(Code)

void notifyImageComponentImageChanged(ImageComponentRetained image, ImageComponentUpdateInfo value)(Code)

final void setClipMode(int clipMode)(Code)
Sets the clipping mode of this raster object.
  clipMode - the new clipping mode of this raster,one of: CLIP_POSITION or CLIP_IMAGE. The default modeis CLIP_POSITION.

final void setDepthComponent(DepthComponent depthComponent)(Code)
Sets the depth image used to copy pixels to/from a Canvas3D. This is used when the type is RASTER_DEPTH or RASTER_COLOR_DEPTH.
  depthImage - the DepthComponent object containing thedepth (z-buffer) data

final void setDstOffset(int xDstOffset, int yDstOffset)(Code)
Sets the destination pixel offset of the upper-left corner of the rendered image relative to the transformed position.
  xDstOffset - the x coordinate of the new offset
  yDstOffset - the y coordinate of the new offset

final void setImage(ImageComponent2D img)(Code)
Sets the pixel array used to copy pixels to/from a Canvas3D. This is used when the type is RASTER_COLOR or RASTER_COLOR_DEPTH.
  image - the ImageComponent2D object containing thecolor data

void setLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)

final void setPosition(Point3f pos)(Code)
Set the Raster position
  position - new raster position

final void setSize(int width, int height)(Code)
Sets the number of pixels to be copied from the pixel array.
  width - the number of columns in the array of pixels to copy
  height - the number of rows in the array of pixels to copy

final void setSrcOffset(int xSrcOffset, int ySrcOffset)(Code)
Sets the offset within the source array of pixels at which to start copying.
  xSrcOffset - the x offset within the source array of pixelsat which to start copying
  ySrcOffset - the y offset within the source array of pixelsat which to start copying

final void setType(int type)(Code)
Sets the type of this raster object to one of: RASTER_COLOR, RASTER_DEPTH, or RASTER_COLOR_DEPTH.
  type - the new type of this raster

void update()(Code)

Fields inherited from
final static int COMPRESS_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static double EPSILON(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_COMPRESSED(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_GEOMETRYARRAY(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_LINE_STRIP_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_POINT_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_QUAD_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_FAN_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_INDEXED_TRI_STRIP_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_LINE_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_LINE_STRIP_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_NONE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_POINT_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_QUAD_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_RASTER(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_TEXT3D(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_TOTAL(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_TRI_FAN_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_TRI_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int GEO_TYPE_TRI_STRIP_SET(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LINE_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int POINT_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int QUAD_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int RASTER_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TEXT3D_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TRIANGLE_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean boundsDirty(Code)(Java Doc)
int cachedChangedFrequent(Code)(Java Doc)
Point3d centroid(Code)(Java Doc)
int computeGeoBounds(Code)(Java Doc)
BoundingBox geoBounds(Code)(Java Doc)
int geoType(Code)(Java Doc)
GeometryLock geomLock(Code)(Java Doc)
int isDirty(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isEditable(Code)(Java Doc)
Object liveStateLock(Code)(Java Doc)
GeometryRetained mirrorGeometry(Code)(Java Doc)
int nativeId(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean noAlpha(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean recompCentroid(Code)(Java Doc)
ArrayList universeList(Code)(Java Doc)
ArrayList<ArrayList<Shape3DRetained>> userLists(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
void addUser(Shape3DRetained s)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean canBeInDisplayList(boolean alphaEditable)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract void computeBoundingBox()(Code)(Java Doc)
void computeCentroid()(Code)(Java Doc)
void decrComputeGeoBounds()(Code)(Java Doc)
void doSetLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract void execute(Canvas3D cv, RenderAtom ra, boolean isNonUniformScale, boolean updateAlpha, float alpha, int screen, boolean ignoreVertexColors)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract int getClassType()(Code)(Java Doc)
int getVertexFormat()(Code)(Java Doc)
void incrComputeGeoBounds()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract boolean intersect(PickShape pickShape, PickInfo pickInfo, int flags, Point3d iPnt, GeometryRetained geom, int geomIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract boolean intersect(Bounds targetBound)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract boolean intersect(Point3d[] pnts)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract boolean intersect(Transform3D thisToOtherVworld, GeometryRetained geom)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean intersect(Transform3D thisLocalToVworld, Transform3D otherLocalToVworld, GeometryRetained geom)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean intersect(Transform3D thisLocalToVworld, Bounds targetBound)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isEquivalenceClass(GeometryRetained geometry)(Code)(Java Doc)
void removeUser(Shape3DRetained s)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
void storeInterestData(PickInfo pickInfo, int flags, GeometryRetained geom, int geomIndex, int[] vtxIndexArr, Point3d iPnt, double dist)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract void update()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void updateObject()(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
int changedFrequent(Code)(Java Doc)
int compChanged(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean duplicateOnCloneTree(Code)(Java Doc)
NodeComponentRetained mirror(Code)(Java Doc)
int refCnt(Code)(Java Doc)
int refCount(Code)(Java Doc)
ArrayList users(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
void addAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained ms)(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void addUser(NodeRetained node)(Code)(Java Doc)
void clearLive(int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Object clone()(Code)(Java Doc)
void copyMirrorUsers(NodeComponentRetained node)(Code)(Java Doc)
void createMirrorObject()(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void decRefCnt()(Code)(Java Doc)
void doSetLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean getDuplicateOnCloneTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean getInImmCtx()(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void incRefCnt()(Code)(Java Doc)
void initMirrorObject()(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void notifyUsers()(Code)(Java Doc)
void removeAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained ms)(Code)(Java Doc)
void removeMirrorUsers(NodeComponentRetained node)(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void removeUser(NodeRetained node)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void set(NodeComponentRetained nc)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setDuplicateOnCloneTree(boolean duplicate)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setFrequencyChangeMask(int bit, int mask)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setInImmCtx(boolean inCtx)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
void updateMirrorObject(int component, Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
final static int DONT_MERGE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int MERGE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int MERGE_DONE(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean inBackgroundGroup(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean inSetLive(Code)(Java Doc)
int mergeFlag(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean onUpdateList(Code)(Java Doc)
SceneGraphObject source(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
void clearLive(VirtualUniverse univ, int index, boolean sharedGroup, HashKey[] keys)(Code)(Java Doc)
void clearLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Object clone()(Code)(Java Doc)
void compile(CompileState compState)(Code)(Java Doc)
void doSetLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup)(Code)(Java Doc)
void doSetLive(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc)
SceneGraphObject getSource()(Code)(Java Doc)
VirtualUniverse getVirtualUniverse()(Code)(Java Doc)
void handleFrequencyChange(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isInSetLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isStatic()(Code)(Java Doc)
void markAsLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
void merge(CompileState compState)(Code)(Java Doc)
void mergeTransform(TransformGroupRetained xform)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setCompiled()(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLive(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setSource(SceneGraphObject source)(Code)(Java Doc)
void traverse(boolean sameLevel, int level)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
int[][] listIdx(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
synchronized int getIdxUsed(VirtualUniverse u)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract VirtualUniverse getVirtualUniverse()(Code)(Java Doc)
void incIdxUsed()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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