BspLevel.cs :  » Game » RealmForge » Axiom » SceneManagers » Bsp » C# / CSharp Open Source

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#region LGPL License
Axiom Game Engine Library
Copyright (C) 2003  Axiom Project Team

The overall design, and a majority of the core engine and rendering code 
contained within this library is a derivative of the open source Object Oriented 
Graphics Engine OGRE, which can be found at  
Many thanks to the OGRE team for maintaining such a high quality project.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Axiom;
using Axiom.Core;
using Axiom.MathLib;
using Axiom.Graphics;
using Axiom.Collections;
using Axiom.Scripting;

namespace Axiom.SceneManagers.Bsp{
  /// <summary>
  ///    Holds all the data associated with a Binary Space Parition
  ///    (BSP) based indoor level.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  ///    The data used here is populated by loading level files via
  ///    the BspLevelManager.Load method, although application users
  ///    are more likely to call SceneManager.SetWorldGeometry which will
  ///    automatically arrange the loading of the level. Note that this assumes
  ///    that you have asked for an indoor-specialized SceneManager (specify
  ///    SceneType.Indoor when calling Engine.GetSceneManager).</p>
  ///    We currently only support loading from Quake3 Arena level files,
  ///    although any source that can be converted into this classes structure
  ///    could also be used. The Quake3 level load process is in a different
  ///    class called Quake3Level to keep the specifics separate.</p>
  /// </remarks>
  public class BspLevel : Resource 
    public const int LightmapSize = (128 * 128 * 3);

    #region Protected members

    protected BspNode[] nodes;
    protected int numLeaves;
    protected int leafStart;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Vertex data holding all the data for the level, but able to render parts of it/
    /// </summary>
    protected VertexData vertexData;
    /// <summary>
    ///    Array of indexes into the faceGroups array. This buffer is organised
    ///    by leaf node so leaves can just use contiguous chunks of it and
    ///    get repointed to the actual entries in faceGroups.
    /// </summary>
    protected int[] leafFaceGroups;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Array of face groups, indexed into by contents of mLeafFaceGroups.
    ///  </summary>
    protected BspStaticFaceGroup[] faceGroups;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Storage of patches 
    ///  </summary>
    protected HashList patches = new HashList();

    /// <summary>
    ///    Total number of vertices required for all patches.
    /// </summary> 
    protected int patchVertexCount;
    /// <summary>
    ///    Total number of indexes required for all patches.
    /// </summary>
    protected int patchIndexCount;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Indexes for the whole level, will be copied to the real indexdata per frame.
    /// </summary>
    protected int numIndexes;
    protected HardwareIndexBuffer indexes;
    protected BspBrush[] brushes;
    protected ArrayList playerStarts = new ArrayList();
    protected VisData visData;
    internal protected Bsp.Collections.Map objectToNodeMap;
    protected BspOptions bspOptions = new BspOptions();


    #region Public properties
    public BspNode[] Nodes
      get { return nodes; }
    public BspNode RootNode
      get { return nodes[0]; }

    public HardwareIndexBuffer Indexes
      get { return indexes; }

    public int NumLeaves
      get { return numLeaves; }

    public int NumIndexes
      get { return numIndexes; }

    public int NumNodes
      get { return nodes.Length; }

    public int LeafStart
      get { return leafStart; }

    public int[] LeafFaceGroups
      get { return leafFaceGroups; }

    public BspStaticFaceGroup[] FaceGroups
      get { return faceGroups; }

    public VertexData VertexData
      get { return vertexData; }

    public ViewPoint[] PlayerStarts
      get { return (ViewPoint[]) playerStarts.ToArray(typeof(ViewPoint)); }

    public BspOptions BspOptions
      get { return bspOptions; }

    #region Constructor
    /// <summary>
    ///    Default constructor - used by BspResourceManager (do not call directly).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name"></param>
    public BspLevel(string name)
    { = name;
      this.objectToNodeMap = new Bsp.Collections.Map();

    #region Public methods
    /// <summary>
    ///    Determines if one leaf node is visible from another.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="?"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool IsLeafVisible(BspNode from, BspNode to)
      if(to.VisCluster == -1)
        return false;
      if(from.VisCluster == -1)
        // Camera outside world?
        return true;

      if(!from.IsLeaf || !to.IsLeaf)
        throw new AxiomException("Both nodes must be leaf nodes for visibility testing.");

      // Use PVS to determine visibility

      // In wordier terms, the fairly cryptic (but fast) version is doing this:
      //   Could make it a macro for even more speed?

      // Row offset = from cluster number * row size
      int offset = from->mVisCluster*mVisData.rowLength;

      // Column offset (in bytes) = to cluster number divided by 8 (since 8 bits per bytes)
      offset += to->mVisCluster >> 3;

      // Get the right bit within the byte, i.e. bitwise 'and' with bit at remainder position
      int result = *(mVisData.tableData + offset) & (1 << (to->mVisCluster & 7));

      return (result != 0);

      byte visSet = visData.tableData[(from.VisCluster * visData.rowLength) + (to.VisCluster >> 3)];
      int result = visSet & (1 << ((to.VisCluster) & 7)); 

      return (result != 0);

    /// <summary>
    ///    Walks the entire BSP tree and returns the leaf which contains the given point.
    /// </summary>r
    public BspNode FindLeaf(Vector3 point)
      BspNode node = nodes[0];

        node = node.GetNextNode(point);

      return node;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Ensures that the <see cref="Axiom.Core.SceneObject"/> is attached to the right leaves of the BSP tree.
    /// </summary>
    internal void NotifyObjectMoved(SceneObject obj, Vector3 pos)
      IEnumerator objnodes = objectToNodeMap.Find(obj);
      if(objnodes != null)
          ((BspNode) objnodes.Current).RemoveObject(obj);


      TagNodesWithObject(this.RootNode, obj, pos);

    /// <summary>
    ///    Internal method, makes sure an object is removed from the leaves when detached from a node.
    /// </summary>
    internal void NotifyObjectDetached(SceneObject obj)
      IEnumerator objnodes = objectToNodeMap.Find(obj);
      if(objnodes == null)

        ((BspNode) objnodes.Current).RemoveObject(obj);


    #region Protected methods
    /// <summary>
    ///    /** Internal utility function for loading data from Quake3.
    /// </summary>
    protected void LoadQuake3Level(Quake3Level q3lvl)
      SceneManager sm = SceneManagerEnumerator.Instance.GetSceneManager(SceneType.Interior);


      // Vertices
      // Allocate memory for vertices & copy
      vertexData = new VertexData();

      // Create vertex declaration
      VertexDeclaration decl = vertexData.vertexDeclaration;
      int offset = 0;
      int lightTexOffset = 0;
      decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Position);
      offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float3);
      decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Normal);
      offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float3);
      decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 0);
      offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float2);
      decl.AddElement(0, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 1);

      // Build initial patches - we need to know how big the vertex buffer needs to be
      // to accommodate the subdivision
      // we don't want to include the elements for texture lighting, so we clone it
      InitQuake3Patches(q3lvl, (VertexDeclaration) decl.Clone());
      // this is for texture lighting color and alpha
      decl.AddElement(1, lightTexOffset, VertexElementType.Color, VertexElementSemantic.Diffuse);
      lightTexOffset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Color);
      // this is for texture lighting coords
      decl.AddElement(1, lightTexOffset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 2);

      // Create the vertex buffer, allow space for patches
      HardwareVertexBuffer vbuf = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer(
        q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount,
        // the vertices will be read often for texture lighting, use shadow buffer

      // Create the vertex buffer for texture lighting, allow space for patches
      HardwareVertexBuffer texLightBuf = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBuffer(
        q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount,

      // COPY static vertex data - Note that we can't just block-copy the vertex data because we have to reorder
      // our vertex elements; this is to ensure compatibility with older cards when using
      // hardware vertex buffers - Direct3D requires that the buffer format maps onto a
      // FVF in those older drivers. 
      // Lock just the non-patch area for now.

        BspVertex vert = new BspVertex();
        TextureLightMap texLightMap = new TextureLightMap();

        // Keep another base pointer for use later in patch building
        for(int v = 0; v < q3lvl.NumVertices; v++)
          QuakeVertexToBspVertex(q3lvl.Vertices[v], out vert, out texLightMap);

          BspVertex* bvptr = &vert;
                    TextureLightMap* tlptr = &texLightMap;

            v * sizeof(BspVertex),

            v * sizeof(TextureLightMap),

      // Setup binding
      vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding(0, vbuf);
      // Setup texture lighting binding
      vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding(1, texLightBuf);

      // Set other data
      vertexData.vertexStart = 0;
      vertexData.vertexCount = q3lvl.NumVertices + patchVertexCount;

      // Faces
      leafFaceGroups = new int[q3lvl.LeafFaces.Length];
      Array.Copy(q3lvl.LeafFaces, 0, leafFaceGroups, 0, leafFaceGroups.Length);

      faceGroups = new BspStaticFaceGroup[q3lvl.Faces.Length];

      // Set up index buffer
      // NB Quake3 indexes are 32-bit
      // Copy the indexes into a software area for staging
      numIndexes = q3lvl.NumElements + patchIndexCount;
      // Create an index buffer manually in system memory, allow space for patches
      indexes = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateIndexBuffer(

      // Write main indexes
      indexes.WriteData(0, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(uint)) * q3lvl.NumElements, q3lvl.Elements, true);

      // now build patch information
      BuildQuake3Patches(q3lvl.NumVertices, q3lvl.NumElements);

      // Create materials for shaders
      // NB this only works for the 'default' shaders for now
      // i.e. those that don't have a .shader script and thus default
      // to just texture + lightmap
      // TODO: pre-parse all .shader files and create lookup for next stage (use ROGL shader_file_t)

      // Material names are shadername#lightmapnumber
      // This is because I like to define materials up front completely
      // rather than combine lightmap and shader dynamically (it's
      // more generic). It results in more materials, but they're small
      // beer anyway. Texture duplication is prevented by infrastructure.
      // To do this I actually need to parse the faces since they have the
      // shader/lightmap combo (lightmap number is not in the shader since
      // it can be used with multiple lightmaps)
      string shaderName;
      int face = q3lvl.Faces.Length;

      while(face-- > 0)
        // Check to see if existing material
        // Format shader#lightmap
        int shadIdx = q3lvl.Faces[face].shader;

        shaderName = String.Format("{0}#{1}", q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name, q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture);
        Material shadMat = sm.GetMaterial(shaderName);

        if (shadMat == null && !bspOptions.useLightmaps)
          // try the no-lightmap material
          shaderName = String.Format("{0}#n", q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name);
          shadMat = sm.GetMaterial(shaderName);

        if(shadMat == null)
          // Colour layer
          // NB no extension in Q3A(doh), have to try shader, .jpg, .tga
          string tryName = q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name;
          // Try shader first
          Quake3Shader shader = (Quake3Shader) Quake3ShaderManager.Instance.GetByName(tryName);
          if(shader != null)
            shadMat = shader.CreateAsMaterial(sm, q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture);
            // No shader script, try default type texture
            shadMat = sm.CreateMaterial(shaderName);
            Pass shadPass = shadMat.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0);

            // Try jpg
            TextureUnitState tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState(tryName + ".jpg");

              // Try tga
              tex.SetTextureName(tryName + ".tga");

            // Set replace on all first layer textures for now
            tex.TextureAddressing = TextureAddressing.Wrap;

            // for ambient lighting
            tex.ColorBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Manual;

            if(bspOptions.useLightmaps && q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture != -1)
              // Add lightmap, additive blending
              tex = shadPass.CreateTextureUnitState(String.Format("@lightmap{0}", q3lvl.Faces[face].lmTexture));
              // Blend
              // Use 2nd texture co-ordinate set
              tex.TextureCoordSet = 1;

              // Clamp
              tex.TextureAddressing = TextureAddressing.Clamp;

            shadMat.CullingMode = CullingMode.None;
            shadMat.Lighting = false;


        // Copy face data
        BspStaticFaceGroup dest = new BspStaticFaceGroup();
        InternalBspFace src = q3lvl.Faces[face];

        if((q3lvl.Shaders[src.shader].surfaceFlags & SurfaceFlags.Sky) == SurfaceFlags.Sky)
          dest.isSky = true;
          dest.isSky = false;

        dest.materialHandle = shadMat.Handle;
        dest.elementStart = src.elemStart;
        dest.numElements = src.elemCount;
        dest.numVertices = src.vertCount;
        dest.vertexStart = src.vertStart;
        dest.plane = new Plane();

        if (Quake3ShaderManager.Instance.GetByName(q3lvl.Shaders[shadIdx].name) != null)
          // it's a quake shader
          dest.isQuakeShader = true;

        if(src.type == BspFaceType.Normal)
          dest.type = FaceGroup.FaceList;
          // Assign plane
          dest.plane.Normal = new Vector3(
          dest.plane.D = -dest.plane.Normal.Dot(
            new Vector3(

          // Don't rebase indexes here - Quake3 re-uses some indexes for multiple vertex
          // groups eg repeating small details have the same relative vertex data but
          // use the same index data.
        else if(src.type == BspFaceType.Patch)
          // Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0?
          if((dest.numVertices == 0) || (src.meshCtrl[0] == 0))
            dest.type = FaceGroup.Unknown;
            // Set up patch surface
            dest.type = FaceGroup.Patch;
            // Locate the patch we already built
              throw new AxiomException("Patch not found from previous built state.");

            dest.patchSurf = (PatchSurface) patches[face];
        else if(src.type == BspFaceType.Mesh)
          dest.type = FaceGroup.FaceList;

          // Assign plane
          dest.plane.Normal = new Vector3(src.normal[0], src.normal[1], src.normal[2]);
          dest.plane.D = -dest.plane.Normal.Dot(new Vector3([0],[1],[2]));
                    LogManager.Instance.Write("!!! Unknown face type !!!");

        faceGroups[face] = dest;

      // Nodes
      // Allocate memory for all nodes (leaves and splitters)
      nodes = new BspNode[q3lvl.NumNodes + q3lvl.NumLeaves];      
      numLeaves = q3lvl.NumLeaves;
      leafStart = q3lvl.NumNodes;

      // Run through and initialize the array so front/back node pointers 
      // aren't null.
      for(int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
        nodes[i] = new BspNode();
      // Convert nodes
      // In our array, first q3lvl.NumNodes are non-leaf, others are leaves
      for(int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumNodes; i++)
        BspNode node = nodes[i];
        InternalBspNode q3node = q3lvl.Nodes[i];
        node.IsLeaf = false;
        node.Owner = this;

        Plane splitPlane = new Plane();

        // Set plane
        splitPlane.Normal = new Vector3(
        splitPlane.D = -q3lvl.Planes[q3node.plane].distance;

        node.SplittingPlane = splitPlane;

        // Set bounding box        
        node.BoundingBox = new AxisAlignedBox(
          new Vector3(
          new Vector3(

        // Set back pointer
        // Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves.
        if(q3node.back < 0)
          node.BackNode = nodes[leafStart + (~(q3node.back))];
          node.BackNode = nodes[q3node.back];

        // Set front pointer
        // Negative indexes in Quake3 mean leaves
        if(q3node.front < 0)
          node.FrontNode = nodes[leafStart + (~(q3node.front))];
          node.FrontNode = nodes[q3node.front];

      // Brushes
      // Reserve enough memory for all brushes, solid or not (need to maintain indexes)
      brushes = new BspBrush[q3lvl.NumBrushes];

      for(int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumBrushes; i++)
        InternalBspBrush q3brush = q3lvl.Brushes[i];
        // Create a new OGRE brush
        BspBrush brush = new BspBrush();
        int numBrushSides = q3brush.numSides;
        int brushSideIdx = q3brush.firstSide;
        // Iterate over the sides and create plane for each
        while(numBrushSides-- > 0)
          InternalBspPlane side = q3lvl.Planes[q3lvl.BrushSides[brushSideIdx].planeNum];

          // Notice how we normally invert Q3A plane distances, but here we do not
          // Because we want plane normals pointing out of solid brushes, not in.
          Plane brushSide = new Plane(
            new Vector3(
            ), q3lvl.Planes[q3lvl.BrushSides[brushSideIdx].planeNum].distance);


        // Build world fragment
        brush.Fragment.FragmentType = WorldFragmentType.PlaneBoundedRegion;
        brush.Fragment.Planes = brush.Planes;

        brushes[i] = brush;

      // Leaves
      for(int i = 0; i < q3lvl.NumLeaves; ++i)
        BspNode node = nodes[i + this.LeafStart];
        InternalBspLeaf q3leaf = q3lvl.Leaves[i];

        node.IsLeaf = true;
        node.Owner = this;

        // Set bounding box
        node.BoundingBox.Minimum = new Vector3(
        node.BoundingBox.Maximum = new Vector3(

        // Set faces
        node.FaceGroupStart = q3leaf.faceStart;
        node.NumFaceGroups = q3leaf.faceCount;
        node.VisCluster = q3leaf.cluster;

        // Load Brushes for this leaf
        int realBrushIdx = 0, solidIdx = 0;
        int brushCount = q3leaf.brushCount;
        int brushIdx = q3leaf.brushStart;

        node.SolidBrushes = new BspBrush[brushCount];

        while(brushCount-- > 0)
          realBrushIdx = q3lvl.LeafBrushes[brushIdx];
          InternalBspBrush q3brush = q3lvl.Brushes[realBrushIdx];

          // Only load solid ones, we don't care about any other types
          // Shader determines this.
          InternalBspShader brushShader = q3lvl.Shaders[q3brush.shaderIndex];

          if((brushShader.contentFlags & ContentFlags.Solid) == ContentFlags.Solid)
            node.SolidBrushes[solidIdx] = brushes[realBrushIdx];


      // Vis - just copy
      visData.numClusters = q3lvl.VisData.clusterCount;
      visData.rowLength = q3lvl.VisData.rowSize;
      visData.tableData = new byte[q3lvl.VisData.rowSize * q3lvl.VisData.clusterCount];

      Array.Copy(, 0, visData.tableData, 0, visData.tableData.Length);
    /// <summary>
    ///    Internal method for parsing chosen entities.
    /// </summary>
    protected void LoadEntities(Quake3Level q3lvl)
      Vector3 origin = new Vector3();
      float angle = 0;
      bool isPlayerStart = false;
      string[] entities = q3lvl.Entities.Split('\n');

      for(int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
        // Remove whitespace and quotes.
        entities[i] = entities[i].Trim().Replace("\"", "");

        if(entities[i].Length == 0)

        string[] paramList = entities[i].Split(' ');

        if(paramList[0] == "origin")
          float[] vector = new float[3];
          for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
            vector[v] = StringConverter.ParseFloat(paramList[v + 1]);


          origin = new Vector3(vector[0], vector[1], vector[2]);

        if(paramList[0] == "angle")
          angle = StringConverter.ParseFloat(paramList[1]);

        if((paramList[0] == "classname") && (paramList[1] == "info_player_deathmatch"))
          isPlayerStart = true;

        if(paramList[0] == "}")
            ViewPoint vp = new ViewPoint();
            vp.position = origin;

            if (q3lvl.Options.setYAxisUp)
              vp.orientation = Quaternion.FromAngleAxis(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(angle), Vector3.UnitY);
              vp.orientation = Quaternion.FromAngleAxis(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(angle), Vector3.UnitZ);


          isPlayerStart = false;

    protected void QuakeVertexToBspVertex(InternalBspVertex src, out BspVertex dest, out TextureLightMap texLightMap)
      dest = new BspVertex();

      dest.position = new Vector3(src.point[0], src.point[1], src.point[2]);
      dest.normal = new Vector3(src.normal[0], src.normal[1], src.normal[2]);
      dest.texCoords = new Vector2(src.texture[0], src.texture[1]);
      dest.lightMap = new Vector2(src.lightMap[0], src.lightMap[1]);

      texLightMap = new TextureLightMap();
      texLightMap.color = src.color;

    protected void TagNodesWithObject(BspNode node, SceneObject obj, Vector3 pos)
        // Add to movable->node map
        // Insert all the time, will get current if already there
        objectToNodeMap.Insert(obj, node);
        // Find distance to dividing plane
        float dist = node.GetDistance(pos);

        //CHECK: treat obj as bounding box?
        if(MathUtil.Abs(dist) < obj.BoundingRadius)
          // Bounding sphere crosses the plane, do both.
          TagNodesWithObject(node.BackNode, obj, pos);
          TagNodesWithObject(node.FrontNode, obj, pos);
        else if(dist < 0)
          // Do back.
          TagNodesWithObject(node.BackNode, obj, pos);
          // Do front.
          TagNodesWithObject(node.FrontNode, obj, pos);

    public void InitQuake3Patches(Quake3Level q3lvl, VertexDeclaration decl)
      int face;

      patchVertexCount = 0;
      patchIndexCount = 0;

      // We're just building the patch here to get a hold on the size of the mesh
      // although we'll reuse this information later
      face = q3lvl.NumFaces;

      while(face-- > 0)
        InternalBspFace src = q3lvl.Faces[face];
        if(src.type == BspFaceType.Patch)
          // Seems to be some crap in the Q3 level where vertex count = 0 or num control points = 0?
          if((src.vertCount == 0) || (src.meshCtrl[0] == 0))

          PatchSurface ps = new PatchSurface();
          // Set up control points & format.
          // Reuse the vertex declaration.
          // Copy control points into a buffer so we can convert their format.
          BspVertex[] controlPoints = new BspVertex[src.vertCount];
          TextureLightMap texLightMap;
          for(int v = 0; v < src.vertCount; v++)
            QuakeVertexToBspVertex(q3lvl.Vertices[src.vertStart + v], out controlPoints[v], out texLightMap);

          // Define the surface, but don't build it yet (no vertex / index buffer)
          // Get stats
          patchVertexCount += ps.RequiredVertexCount;
          patchIndexCount += ps.RequiredIndexCount;

          // Save the surface for later
          patches.Add(face, ps);
    public void BuildQuake3Patches(int vertOffset, int indexOffset)
      // Loop through the patches
      int currVertOffset = vertOffset;
      int currIndexOffset = indexOffset;
      HardwareVertexBuffer vbuf = vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.GetBuffer(0);

      for(int i = 0; i < patches.Count; i++)
        PatchSurface ps = (PatchSurface) patches[i];

        ps.Build(vbuf, currVertOffset, indexes, currIndexOffset);

        currVertOffset += ps.RequiredVertexCount;
        currIndexOffset += ps.RequiredIndexCount;

    #region Resource implementation
    /// <summary>
    ///    Generic load - called by <see cref="Plugin_BSPSceneManager.BspResourceManager"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public override void Load()
      Hashtable options = SceneManagerEnumerator.Instance.GetSceneManager(SceneType.Interior).Options;

      if (options.ContainsKey("SetYAxisUp"))
        bspOptions.setYAxisUp = (bool)options["SetYAxisUp"];

      if (options.ContainsKey("Scale"))
        bspOptions.scale = (float)options["Scale"];
      if (options.ContainsKey("Move"))
        bspOptions.move = (Vector3)options["Move"];

      if (options.ContainsKey("UseLightmaps"))
        bspOptions.useLightmaps = (bool)options["UseLightmaps"];
      if (options.ContainsKey("AmbientEnabled"))
        bspOptions.ambientEnabled = (bool)options["AmbientEnabled"];
      if (options.ContainsKey("AmbientRatio"))
        bspOptions.ambientRatio = (float)options["AmbientRatio"];

      Quake3Level q3 = new Quake3Level(bspOptions);

      Stream chunk = BspResourceManager.Instance.FindResourceData(name);

      isLoaded = true;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Generic unload - called by <see cref="BspResourceManager"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public override void Unload()
      nodes = null;
      faceGroups = null;
      leafFaceGroups = null;
      brushes = null;

    #region Sub types
    /// <summary>
    ///    Internal lookup table to determine visibility between leaves.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks> 
    ///    Leaf nodes are assigned to 'clusters' of nodes, which are used to group nodes together for
    ///    visibility testing. This data holds a lookup table which is used to determine if one cluster of leaves
    ///    is visible from another cluster. Whilst it would be possible to expand all this out so that
    ///    each node had a list of pointers to other visible nodes, this would be very expensive in terms
    ///    of storage (using the cluster method there is a table which is 1-bit squared per cluster, rounded
    ///    up to the nearest byte obviously, which uses far less space than 4-bytes per linked node per source
    ///    node). Of course the limitation here is that you have to each leaf in turn to determine if it is visible
    ///    rather than just following a list, but since this is only done once per frame this is not such a big
    ///    overhead.
    ///    <p/>
    ///    Each row in the table is a 'from' cluster, with each bit in the row corresponding to a 'to' cluster,
    ///    both ordered based on cluster index. A 0 in the bit indicates the 'to' cluster is not visible from the
    ///    'from' cluster, whilst a 1 indicates it is.
    ///    <p/>
    ///    As many will notice, this is lifted directly from the Quake implementation of PVS.
    ///  </remarks>
    public struct VisData
      public byte[] tableData;
      public int numClusters;
      public int rowLength; 

  /// <summary>
  ///    Vertex format for fixed geometry.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  ///    Note that in this case vertex components (position, normal, texture coords etc)
  ///    are held interleaved in the same buffer. However, the format here is different from 
  ///    the format used by Quake because older Direct3d drivers like the vertex elements
  ///    to be in a particular order within the buffer. See VertexDeclaration for full
  ///    details of this marvellous(not) feature.
  ///  </remarks>
  public struct BspVertex
    public Vector3 position;
    public Vector3 normal;
    public Vector2 texCoords;
    public Vector2 lightMap;

  public class BspOptions
    public bool setYAxisUp;
        public float scale;
    public Vector3 move;
    public bool useLightmaps;
    public bool ambientEnabled;
    public float ambientRatio;

    public BspOptions()
      setYAxisUp = false;
      scale = 1f;
      move = Vector3.Zero;
      useLightmaps = true;
      ambientEnabled = false;
      ambientRatio = 1;
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