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System.Web » System » Web » UI » Page.cs
// System.Web.UI.Page.cs
// Authors:
//   Duncan Mak  (
//   Gonzalo Paniagua (
//   Andreas Nahr (
//   Marek Habersack (
// (C) 2002,2003 Ximian, Inc. (
// Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Novell, Inc (
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Web.Compilation;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Web.UI.Adapters;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Reflection;

namespace System.Web.UI{
// CAS
[AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[DefaultEvent ("Load"), DesignerCategory ("ASPXCodeBehind")]
[ToolboxItem (false)]
[Designer ("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.WebForms.WebFormDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblyMicrosoft_VisualStudio_Web, typeof (IRootDesigner))]

public partial class Page : TemplateControl, IHttpHandler
  static string machineKeyConfigPath = "system.web/machineKey";
  bool _eventValidation = true;
  object [] _savedControlState;
  bool _doLoadPreviousPage;
  string _focusedControlID;
  bool _hasEnabledControlArray;
  bool _viewState;
  bool _viewStateMac;
  string _errorPage;
  bool is_validated;
  bool _smartNavigation;
  int _transactionMode;
  ValidatorCollection _validators;
  bool renderingForm;
  string _savedViewState;
  ArrayList _requiresPostBack;
  ArrayList _requiresPostBackCopy;
  ArrayList requiresPostDataChanged;
  IPostBackEventHandler requiresRaiseEvent;
  IPostBackEventHandler formPostedRequiresRaiseEvent;
  NameValueCollection secondPostData;
  bool requiresPostBackScript;
  bool postBackScriptRendered;
  bool requiresFormScriptDeclaration;
  bool formScriptDeclarationRendered;
  bool handleViewState;
  string viewStateUserKey;
  NameValueCollection _requestValueCollection;
  string clientTarget;
  ClientScriptManager scriptManager;
  bool allow_load; // true when the Form collection belongs to this page (GetTypeHashCode)
  PageStatePersister page_state_persister;
  CultureInfo _appCulture;
  CultureInfo _appUICulture;

  // The initial context
  HttpContext _context;
  // cached from the initial context
  HttpApplicationState _application;
  HttpResponse _response;
  HttpRequest _request;
  Cache _cache;
  HttpSessionState _session;
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  public const string postEventArgumentID = "__EVENTARGUMENT";

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  public const string postEventSourceID = "__EVENTTARGET";

  const string ScrollPositionXID = "__SCROLLPOSITIONX";
  const string ScrollPositionYID = "__SCROLLPOSITIONY";
  const string EnabledControlArrayID = "__enabledControlArray";
  internal const string LastFocusID = "__LASTFOCUS";
  internal const string CallbackArgumentID = "__CALLBACKARGUMENT";
  internal const string CallbackSourceID = "__CALLBACKTARGET";
  internal const string PreviousPageID = "__PREVIOUSPAGE";

  int maxPageStateFieldLength = -1;
  string uniqueFilePathSuffix;
  HtmlHead htmlHeader;
  MasterPage masterPage;
  string masterPageFile;
  Page previousPage;
  bool isCrossPagePostBack;
  bool isPostBack;
  bool isCallback;
  List <Control> requireStateControls;
  HtmlForm _form;

  string _title;
  string _theme;
  string _styleSheetTheme;
  Hashtable items;

  bool _maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack;

  bool asyncMode = false;
  TimeSpan asyncTimeout;
  const double DefaultAsyncTimeout = 45.0;
  List<PageAsyncTask> parallelTasks;
  List<PageAsyncTask> serialTasks;

  ViewStateEncryptionMode viewStateEncryptionMode;
  bool controlRegisteredForViewStateEncryption = false;

  #region Constructors  
  public Page ()
    scriptManager = new ClientScriptManager (this);
    Page = this;
    ID = "__Page";
    PagesSection ps = WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/pages") as PagesSection;
    if (ps != null) {
      asyncTimeout = ps.AsyncTimeout;
      viewStateEncryptionMode = ps.ViewStateEncryptionMode;
      _viewState = ps.EnableViewState;
      _viewStateMac = ps.EnableViewStateMac;
    } else {
      asyncTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (DefaultAsyncTimeout);
      viewStateEncryptionMode = ViewStateEncryptionMode.Auto;
      _viewState = true;


  #region Properties

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public HttpApplicationState Application {
    get { return _application; }

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  protected bool AspCompatMode {
    get { return false; }
    set { throw new NotImplementedException (); }

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public bool Buffer {
    get { return Response.BufferOutput; }
    set { Response.BufferOutput = value; }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public Cache Cache {
    get {
      if (_cache == null)
        throw new HttpException ("Cache is not available.");
      return _cache;

  [EditorBrowsableAttribute (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false), DefaultValue ("")]
  [WebSysDescription ("Value do override the automatic browser detection and force the page to use the specified browser.")]
  public string ClientTarget {
    get { return (clientTarget == null) ? "" : clientTarget; }
    set {
      clientTarget = value;
      if (value == "")
        clientTarget = null;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public int CodePage {
    get { return Response.ContentEncoding.CodePage; }
    set { Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (value); }

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public string ContentType {
    get { return Response.ContentType; }
    set { Response.ContentType = value; }

  protected internal override HttpContext Context {
    get {
      if (_context == null)
        return HttpContext.Current;

      return _context;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public string Culture {
    get { return Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name; }
    set { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = GetPageCulture (value, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture); }

  public virtual bool EnableEventValidation {
    get { return _eventValidation; }
    set {
      if (IsInited)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("The 'EnableEventValidation' property can be set only in the Page_init, the Page directive or in the <pages> configuration section.");
      _eventValidation = value;

  [Browsable (false)]
  public override bool EnableViewState {
    get { return _viewState; }
    set { _viewState = value; }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  public bool EnableViewStateMac {
    get { return _viewStateMac; }
    set { _viewStateMac = value; }

  internal bool EnableViewStateMacInternal {
    get { return _viewStateMac; }
    set { _viewStateMac = value; }
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false), DefaultValue ("")]
  [WebSysDescription ("The URL of a page used for error redirection.")]
  public string ErrorPage {
    get { return _errorPage; }
    set {
      HttpContext ctx = Context;
      _errorPage = value;
      if (ctx != null)
        ctx.ErrorPage = value;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  protected ArrayList FileDependencies {
    set {
      if (Response != null)
        Response.AddFileDependencies (value);

  [Browsable (false)]
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  public override string ID {
    get { return base.ID; }
    set { base.ID = value; }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public bool IsPostBack {
    get { return isPostBack; }

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never), Browsable (false)]
  public bool IsReusable {
    get { return false; }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public bool IsValid {
    get {
      if (!is_validated)
        throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("Page.IsValid cannot be called before validation has taken place. It should be queried in the event handler for a control that has CausesValidation=True and initiated the postback, or after a call to Page.Validate."));

      foreach (IValidator val in Validators)
        if (!val.IsValid)
          return false;
      return true;

  public IDictionary Items {
    get {
      if (items == null)
        items = new Hashtable ();
      return items;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public int LCID {
    get { return Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.LCID; }
    set { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo (value); }

  [Browsable (false)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  public bool MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack {
    get { return _maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack; }
    set { _maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = value; }

  public PageAdapter PageAdapter {
    get {
      return Adapter as PageAdapter;

  string _validationStartupScript;
  string _validationOnSubmitStatement;
  string _validationInitializeScript;
  string _webFormScriptReference;

  internal string WebFormScriptReference {
    get {
      if (_webFormScriptReference == null)
        _webFormScriptReference = IsMultiForm ? theForm : "window";
      return _webFormScriptReference;

  internal string ValidationStartupScript {
    get {
      if (_validationStartupScript == null) {
        _validationStartupScript =
" + WebFormScriptReference + @".Page_ValidationActive = false;
" + WebFormScriptReference + @".ValidatorOnLoad();
" + WebFormScriptReference + @".ValidatorOnSubmit = function () {
  if (this.Page_ValidationActive) {
    return this.ValidatorCommonOnSubmit();
  return true;
      return _validationStartupScript;

  internal string ValidationOnSubmitStatement {
    get {
      if (_validationOnSubmitStatement == null)
        _validationOnSubmitStatement = "if (!" + WebFormScriptReference + ".ValidatorOnSubmit()) return false;";
      return _validationOnSubmitStatement;

  internal string ValidationInitializeScript {
    get {
      if (_validationInitializeScript == null)
        _validationInitializeScript = "WebFormValidation_Initialize(" + WebFormScriptReference + ");";
      return _validationInitializeScript;

  internal IScriptManager ScriptManager {
    get { return (IScriptManager) Items [typeof (IScriptManager)]; }
  internal string theForm {
    get {
      return "theForm";
  internal bool IsMultiForm {
    get { return false; }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public HttpRequest Request {
    get {
      if (_request == null)
        throw new HttpException("Request is not available in this context.");
      return _request;

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public HttpResponse Response {
    get {
      if (_response == null)
        throw new HttpException ("Response is not available in this context.");
      return _response;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public string ResponseEncoding {
    get { return Response.ContentEncoding.WebName; }
    set { Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (value); }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public HttpServerUtility Server {
    get { return Context.Server; }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public virtual HttpSessionState Session {
    get {
      if (_session != null)
        return _session;

      try {
        _session = Context.Session;
      } catch {
        // ignore, should not throw
      if (_session == null)
        throw new HttpException ("Session state can only be used " +
            "when enableSessionState is set to true, either " +
            "in a configuration file or in the Page directive.");

      return _session;

  [FilterableAttribute (false)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public bool SmartNavigation {
    get { return _smartNavigation; }
    set { _smartNavigation = value; }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Filterable (false)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public virtual string StyleSheetTheme {
    get { return _styleSheetTheme; }
    set { _styleSheetTheme = value; }

  [Browsable (false)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  public virtual string Theme {
    get { return _theme; }
    set { _theme = value; }

  void InitializeStyleSheet ()
    if (_styleSheetTheme == null) {
      PagesSection ps = WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/pages") as PagesSection;
      if (ps != null)
        _styleSheetTheme = ps.StyleSheetTheme;
    if (_styleSheetTheme != null && _styleSheetTheme != "")
      _styleSheetPageTheme = ThemeDirectoryCompiler.GetCompiledInstance (_styleSheetTheme, Context);
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (_styleSheetTheme)) {
      string virtualPath = "~/App_Themes/" + _styleSheetTheme;
      _styleSheetPageTheme = BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath (virtualPath, typeof (PageTheme)) as PageTheme;

  void InitializeTheme ()
    if (_theme == null) {
      PagesSection ps = WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/pages") as PagesSection;
      if (ps != null)
        _theme = ps.Theme;
    if (_theme != null && _theme != "") {
      _pageTheme = ThemeDirectoryCompiler.GetCompiledInstance (_theme, Context);
      _pageTheme.SetPage (this);
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (_theme)) {
      string virtualPath = "~/App_Themes/" + _theme;
      _pageTheme = BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath (virtualPath, typeof (PageTheme)) as PageTheme;
      if (_pageTheme != null)
        _pageTheme.SetPage (this);

  [Localizable (true)] 
  [Bindable (true)] 
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  public string Title {
    get {
      if (_title == null) {
        if (htmlHeader != null && htmlHeader.Title != null)
          return htmlHeader.Title;
        return String.Empty;
      return _title;

    set {
      if (htmlHeader != null)
        htmlHeader.Title = value;
        _title = value;

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public TraceContext Trace {
    get { return Context.Trace; }

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public bool TraceEnabled {
    get { return Trace.IsEnabled; }
    set { Trace.IsEnabled = value; }

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public TraceMode TraceModeValue {
    get { return Trace.TraceMode; }
    set { Trace.TraceMode = value; }

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  protected int TransactionMode {
    get { return _transactionMode; }
    set { _transactionMode = value; }

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public string UICulture {
    get { return Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name; }
    set { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = GetPageCulture (value, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture); }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public IPrincipal User {
    get { return Context.User; }

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public ValidatorCollection Validators {
    get { 
      if (_validators == null)
        _validators = new ValidatorCollection ();
      return _validators;

  [MonoTODO ("Use this when encrypting/decrypting ViewState")]
  [Browsable (false)]
  public string ViewStateUserKey {
    get { return viewStateUserKey; }
    set { viewStateUserKey = value; }

  [Browsable (false)]
  public override bool Visible {
    get { return base.Visible; }
    set { base.Visible = value; }


  #region Methods

  CultureInfo GetPageCulture (string culture, CultureInfo deflt)
    if (culture == null)
      return deflt;
    CultureInfo ret = null;
    if (culture.StartsWith ("auto", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) {
      if (!Context.IsServletRequest)
        return deflt;
      string[] languages = Request.UserLanguages;
      try {
        if (languages != null && languages.Length > 0)
          ret = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture (languages[0]);
      } catch {
      if (ret == null)
        ret = deflt;
    } else
      ret = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture (culture);

    return ret;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  protected IAsyncResult AspCompatBeginProcessRequest (HttpContext context,
                   AsyncCallback cb, 
                   object extraData)
    throw new NotImplementedException ();

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  protected void AspCompatEndProcessRequest (IAsyncResult result)
    throw new NotImplementedException ();
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  protected virtual HtmlTextWriter CreateHtmlTextWriter (TextWriter tw)
    if (Request.BrowserMightHaveSpecialWriter)
      return Request.Browser.CreateHtmlTextWriter(tw);
      return new HtmlTextWriter (tw);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  public void DesignerInitialize ()
    InitRecursive (null);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  protected internal virtual NameValueCollection DeterminePostBackMode ()
    // if request was transfered from other page such Transfer
    if (_context.IsProcessingInclude)
      return null;
    HttpRequest req = Request;
    if (req == null)
      return null;

    NameValueCollection coll = null;
    if (0 == String.Compare (Request.HttpMethod, "POST", true, Helpers.InvariantCulture)
      || !_context.IsServletRequest
      coll = req.Form;
    else {
      string query = Request.QueryStringRaw;
      if (query == null || query.Length == 0)
        return null;

      coll = req.QueryString;

    WebROCollection c = (WebROCollection) coll;
    allow_load = !c.GotID;
    if (allow_load)
      c.ID = GetTypeHashCode ();
      allow_load = (c.ID == GetTypeHashCode ());

    if (coll != null && coll ["__VIEWSTATE"] == null && coll ["__EVENTTARGET"] == null)
      return null;
    if (getFacesContext () != null && _context.Handler != _context.CurrentHandler) {
      // check if it is PreviousPage
      string prevViewId = coll [PreviousPageID];
      if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (prevViewId)) {
        string appPath = VirtualPathUtility.RemoveTrailingSlash (Request.ApplicationPath);
        prevViewId = prevViewId.Substring (appPath.Length);
        isCrossPagePostBack = String.Compare (prevViewId, getFacesContext ().getExternalContext ().getRequestPathInfo (), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0;
    return coll;

  public override Control FindControl (string id) {
    if (id == ID)
      return this;
      return base.FindControl (id);

  Control FindControl (string id, bool decode) {
    if (decode)
      id = DecodeNamespace (id);
    return FindControl (id);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public string GetPostBackClientEvent (Control control, string argument)
    return scriptManager.GetPostBackEventReference (control, argument);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public string GetPostBackClientHyperlink (Control control, string argument)
    return scriptManager.GetPostBackClientHyperlink (control, argument);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public string GetPostBackEventReference (Control control)
    return scriptManager.GetPostBackEventReference (control, "");

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public string GetPostBackEventReference (Control control, string argument)
    return scriptManager.GetPostBackEventReference (control, argument);

  internal void RequiresFormScriptDeclaration ()
    requiresFormScriptDeclaration = true;
  internal void RequiresPostBackScript ()
    if (requiresPostBackScript)
    ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField (postEventSourceID, String.Empty);
    ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField (postEventArgumentID, String.Empty);
    requiresPostBackScript = true;
    RequiresFormScriptDeclaration ();

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  public virtual int GetTypeHashCode ()
    return 0;

  [MonoTODO("The following properties of OutputCacheParameters are silently ignored: CacheProfile, SqlDependency")]
  protected internal virtual void InitOutputCache(OutputCacheParameters cacheSettings)
    if (cacheSettings.Enabled) {

      HttpResponse response = Response;
      HttpCachePolicy cache = response != null ? response.Cache : null;
      if (cache != null && cacheSettings.NoStore)
        cache.SetNoStore ();
  [MonoTODO ("varyByContentEncoding is not currently used")]
  protected virtual void InitOutputCache(int duration,
                 string varyByContentEncoding,
                 string varyByHeader,
                 string varyByCustom,
                 OutputCacheLocation location,
                 string varyByParam)
    HttpResponse response = Response;
    HttpCachePolicy cache = response.Cache;
    bool set_vary = false;
    HttpContext ctx = Context;
    DateTime timestamp = ctx != null ? ctx.Timestamp : DateTime.Now;
    switch (location) {
      case OutputCacheLocation.Any:
        cache.SetCacheability (HttpCacheability.Public);
        cache.SetMaxAge (new TimeSpan (0, 0, duration));
        cache.SetLastModified (timestamp);
        set_vary = true;
      case OutputCacheLocation.Client:
        cache.SetCacheability (HttpCacheability.Private);
        cache.SetMaxAge (new TimeSpan (0, 0, duration));
        cache.SetLastModified (timestamp);
      case OutputCacheLocation.Downstream:
        cache.SetCacheability (HttpCacheability.Public);
        cache.SetMaxAge (new TimeSpan (0, 0, duration));
        cache.SetLastModified (timestamp);
      case OutputCacheLocation.Server:      
        cache.SetCacheability (HttpCacheability.Server);
        set_vary = true;
      case OutputCacheLocation.None:

    if (set_vary) {
      if (varyByCustom != null)
        cache.SetVaryByCustom (varyByCustom);

      if (varyByParam != null && varyByParam.Length > 0) {
        string[] prms = varyByParam.Split (';');
        foreach (string p in prms)
          cache.VaryByParams [p.Trim ()] = true;
        cache.VaryByParams.IgnoreParams = false;
      } else {
        cache.VaryByParams.IgnoreParams = true;
      if (varyByHeader != null && varyByHeader.Length > 0) {
        string[] hdrs = varyByHeader.Split (';');
        foreach (string h in hdrs)
          cache.VaryByHeaders [h.Trim ()] = true;

      if (PageAdapter != null) {
        if (PageAdapter.CacheVaryByParams != null) {
          foreach (string p in PageAdapter.CacheVaryByParams)
            cache.VaryByParams [p] = true;
        if (PageAdapter.CacheVaryByHeaders != null) {
          foreach (string h in PageAdapter.CacheVaryByHeaders)
            cache.VaryByHeaders [h] = true;

    response.IsCached = true;
    cache.Duration = duration;
    cache.SetExpires (timestamp.AddSeconds (duration));

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  protected virtual void InitOutputCache (int duration,
            string varyByHeader,
            string varyByCustom,
            OutputCacheLocation location,
            string varyByParam)
    InitOutputCache (duration, null, varyByHeader, varyByCustom, location, varyByParam);

  public bool IsClientScriptBlockRegistered (string key)
    return scriptManager.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered (key);

  public bool IsStartupScriptRegistered (string key)
    return scriptManager.IsStartupScriptRegistered (key);

  public string MapPath (string virtualPath)
    return Request.MapPath (virtualPath);

  protected internal override void Render (HtmlTextWriter writer)
    if (MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack) {
      ClientScript.RegisterWebFormClientScript ();

      ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField (ScrollPositionXID, Request [ScrollPositionXID]);
      ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField (ScrollPositionYID, Request [ScrollPositionYID]);

      StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder ();
      script.AppendLine ("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
      script.AppendLine (ClientScriptManager.SCRIPT_BLOCK_START);
      script.AppendLine (theForm + ".oldSubmit = " + theForm + ".submit;");
      script.AppendLine (theForm + ".submit = function () { " + WebFormScriptReference + ".WebForm_SaveScrollPositionSubmit(); }");
      script.AppendLine (theForm + ".oldOnSubmit = " + theForm + ".onsubmit;");
      script.AppendLine (theForm + ".onsubmit = function () { " + WebFormScriptReference + ".WebForm_SaveScrollPositionOnSubmit(); }");
      if (IsPostBack) {
        script.AppendLine (theForm + ".oldOnLoad = window.onload;");
        script.AppendLine ("window.onload = function () { " + WebFormScriptReference + ".WebForm_RestoreScrollPosition (); };");
      script.AppendLine (ClientScriptManager.SCRIPT_BLOCK_END);
      script.AppendLine ("</script>");
      ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript (typeof (Page), "MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBackStartup", script.ToString());
    if (bool.Parse (WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings [RenderBodyContentOnlyKey] ?? "false")) {
      for (Control c = this.Form; c != null; c = c.Parent) {
        HtmlGenericControl ch = (c as HtmlGenericControl);
        if (ch != null && ch.TagName == "body") {
          ch.RenderChildren (writer);
    base.Render (writer);

  void RenderPostBackScript (HtmlTextWriter writer, string formUniqueID)
    writer.WriteLine ();
    ClientScriptManager.WriteBeginScriptBlock (writer);
    RenderClientScriptFormDeclaration (writer, formUniqueID);
    writer.WriteLine (WebFormScriptReference + "._form = " + theForm + ";");
    writer.WriteLine (WebFormScriptReference + ".__doPostBack = function (eventTarget, eventArgument) {");
    writer.WriteLine ("\tif(" + theForm + ".onsubmit && " + theForm + ".onsubmit() == false) return;");
    writer.WriteLine ("\t" + theForm + "." + postEventSourceID + ".value = eventTarget;");
    writer.WriteLine ("\t" + theForm + "." + postEventArgumentID + ".value = eventArgument;");
    writer.WriteLine ("\t" + theForm + ".submit();");
    writer.WriteLine ("}");
    ClientScriptManager.WriteEndScriptBlock (writer);

  void RenderClientScriptFormDeclaration (HtmlTextWriter writer, string formUniqueID)
    if (formScriptDeclarationRendered)
    if (PageAdapter != null) {
       writer.WriteLine ("\tvar {0} = {1};\n", theForm, PageAdapter.GetPostBackFormReference(formUniqueID));
    } else {
      writer.WriteLine ("\tvar {0};\n\tif (document.getElementById) {{ {0} = document.getElementById ('{1}'); }}", theForm, formUniqueID);
      writer.WriteLine ("\telse {{ {0} = document.{1}; }}", theForm, formUniqueID);
    // TODO implement callback on portlet
    string serverUrl = Request.RawUrl;
    writer.WriteLine ("\t{0}.serverURL = {1};", theForm, ClientScriptManager.GetScriptLiteral (serverUrl));
    writer.WriteLine ("\twindow.TARGET_J2EE = true;");
    writer.WriteLine ("\twindow.IsMultiForm = {0};", IsMultiForm ? "true" : "false");
    formScriptDeclarationRendered = true;

  internal void OnFormRender (HtmlTextWriter writer, string formUniqueID)
    if (renderingForm)
      throw new HttpException ("Only 1 HtmlForm is allowed per page.");

    renderingForm = true;
    writer.WriteLine ();

    if (requiresFormScriptDeclaration || (scriptManager != null && scriptManager.ScriptsPresent) || PageAdapter != null) {
      ClientScriptManager.WriteBeginScriptBlock (writer);
      RenderClientScriptFormDeclaration (writer, formUniqueID);
      ClientScriptManager.WriteEndScriptBlock (writer);

    if (handleViewState)
      if (getFacesContext () != null) {
        javax.faces.application.ViewHandler viewHandler = getFacesContext ().getApplication ().getViewHandler ();
        javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter oldFacesWriter = SetupResponseWriter (writer);
        try {
          viewHandler.writeState (getFacesContext ());
        finally {
          getFacesContext ().setResponseWriter (oldFacesWriter);
      } else
        scriptManager.RegisterHiddenField ("__VIEWSTATE", _savedViewState);

    scriptManager.WriteHiddenFields (writer);
    if (requiresPostBackScript) {
      RenderPostBackScript (writer, formUniqueID);
      postBackScriptRendered = true;

    scriptManager.WriteWebFormClientScript (writer);
    scriptManager.WriteClientScriptBlocks (writer);

  internal IStateFormatter GetFormatter ()
    return new ObjectStateFormatter (this);

  internal string GetSavedViewState ()
    return _savedViewState;

  internal void OnFormPostRender (HtmlTextWriter writer, string formUniqueID)
    scriptManager.SaveEventValidationState ();
    scriptManager.WriteExpandoAttributes (writer);
    scriptManager.WriteHiddenFields (writer);
    if (!postBackScriptRendered && requiresPostBackScript)
      RenderPostBackScript (writer, formUniqueID);
    scriptManager.WriteWebFormClientScript (writer);
    scriptManager.WriteArrayDeclares (writer);
    scriptManager.WriteStartupScriptBlocks (writer);
    renderingForm = false;
    postBackScriptRendered = false;

  void ProcessPostData (NameValueCollection data, bool second)
    NameValueCollection requestValues = _requestValueCollection == null ?
      new NameValueCollection () :
    if (data != null && data.Count > 0) {
      Hashtable used = new Hashtable ();
      foreach (string id in data.AllKeys) {
        if (id == "__VIEWSTATE" || id == postEventSourceID || id == postEventArgumentID || id == ClientScriptManager.EventStateFieldName)
        if (used.ContainsKey (id))

        used.Add (id, id);

        Control ctrl = FindControl (id, true);
        if (ctrl != null) {
          IPostBackDataHandler pbdh = ctrl as IPostBackDataHandler;
          IPostBackEventHandler pbeh = ctrl as IPostBackEventHandler;

          if (pbdh == null) {
            if (pbeh != null)
              formPostedRequiresRaiseEvent = pbeh;
          if (pbdh.LoadPostData (id, requestValues) == true) {
            if (requiresPostDataChanged == null)
              requiresPostDataChanged = new ArrayList ();
            requiresPostDataChanged.Add (pbdh);
          if (_requiresPostBackCopy != null)
            _requiresPostBackCopy.Remove (id);

        } else if (!second) {
          if (secondPostData == null)
            secondPostData = new NameValueCollection ();
          secondPostData.Add (id, data [id]);

    ArrayList list1 = null;
    if (_requiresPostBackCopy != null && _requiresPostBackCopy.Count > 0) {
      string [] handlers = (string []) _requiresPostBackCopy.ToArray (typeof (string));
      foreach (string id in handlers) {
        IPostBackDataHandler pbdh = FindControl (id, true) as IPostBackDataHandler;
        if (pbdh != null) {      
          _requiresPostBackCopy.Remove (id);
          if (pbdh.LoadPostData (id, requestValues)) {
            if (requiresPostDataChanged == null)
              requiresPostDataChanged = new ArrayList ();
            requiresPostDataChanged.Add (pbdh);
        } else if (!second) {
          if (list1 == null)
            list1 = new ArrayList ();
          list1.Add (id);
    _requiresPostBackCopy = second ? null : list1;
    if (second)
      secondPostData = null;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  public virtual void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context)
    SetContext (context);
    bool wasException = false;
    IHttpHandler jsfHandler = getFacesContext () != null ? EnterThread () : null;
    if (clientTarget != null)
      Request.ClientTarget = clientTarget;

    WireupAutomaticEvents ();
    //-- Control execution lifecycle in the docs

    // Save culture information because it can be modified in FrameworkInitialize()
    _appCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
    _appUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
    FrameworkInitialize ();
    context.ErrorPage = _errorPage;

    try {
      InternalProcessRequest ();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      wasException = true;
      HandleException (ex);
    } catch (ThreadAbortException taex) {
      if (FlagEnd.Value == taex.ExceptionState)
        Thread.ResetAbort ();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      ProcessException (e);
    } finally {
      if (getFacesContext () != null)
        ExitThread (jsfHandler);
      else if (!wasException)
      ProcessUnload ();

  void ProcessException (Exception e) {
    // We want to remove that error, as we're rethrowing to stop
    // further processing.
    Trace.Warn ("Unhandled Exception", e.ToString (), e);
    _context.AddError (e); // OnError might access LastError
    OnError (EventArgs.Empty);
    if (_context.HasError (e)) {
      _context.ClearError (e);
      vmw.common.TypeUtils.Throw (e);
      throw new HttpUnhandledException (null, e);

  void ProcessUnload () {
      try {
        RenderTrace ();
        UnloadRecursive (true);
      } catch {}
      if (getFacesContext () != null) {
          _context.Items [CrossPagePostBack] = this;
      if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Equals (_appCulture) == false)
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = _appCulture;

      if (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Equals (_appUICulture) == false)
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = _appUICulture;
      _appCulture = null;
      _appUICulture = null;
  delegate void ProcessRequestDelegate (HttpContext context);

  sealed class DummyAsyncResult : IAsyncResult
    readonly object state;
    readonly WaitHandle asyncWaitHandle;
    readonly bool completedSynchronously;
    readonly bool isCompleted;

    public DummyAsyncResult (bool isCompleted, bool completedSynchronously, object state) 
      this.isCompleted = isCompleted;
      this.completedSynchronously = completedSynchronously;
      this.state = state;
      if (isCompleted) {
        asyncWaitHandle = new ManualResetEvent (true);
      else {
        asyncWaitHandle = new ManualResetEvent (false);

    #region IAsyncResult Members

    public object AsyncState {
      get { return state; }

    public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle {
      get { return asyncWaitHandle; }

    public bool CompletedSynchronously {
      get { return completedSynchronously; }

    public bool IsCompleted {
      get { return isCompleted; }


  protected IAsyncResult AsyncPageBeginProcessRequest (HttpContext context, AsyncCallback callback, object extraData) 
    ProcessRequest (context);
    DummyAsyncResult asyncResult = new DummyAsyncResult (true, true, extraData);

    if (callback != null) {
      callback (asyncResult);
    return asyncResult;

  protected void AsyncPageEndProcessRequest (IAsyncResult result) 
  void InternalProcessRequest ()
    if (PageAdapter != null)
      _requestValueCollection = PageAdapter.DeterminePostBackMode();
      _requestValueCollection = this.DeterminePostBackMode();

    if (_requestValueCollection != null) {
      if (!isCrossPagePostBack && _requestValueCollection [PreviousPageID] != null && _requestValueCollection [PreviousPageID] != Request.FilePath) {
        _doLoadPreviousPage = true;
      } else {
        isCallback = _requestValueCollection [CallbackArgumentID] != null;
        // LAMESPEC: on Callback IsPostBack is set to false, but true.
        //isPostBack = !isCallback;
        isPostBack = true;
      string lastFocus = _requestValueCollection [LastFocusID];
      if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (lastFocus))
        _focusedControlID = UniqueID2ClientID (lastFocus);
    if (!isCrossPagePostBack) {
      if (_context.PreviousHandler is Page)
        previousPage = (Page) _context.PreviousHandler;

    Trace.Write ("", "Begin PreInit");
    OnPreInit (EventArgs.Empty);
    Trace.Write ("", "End PreInit");

    InitializeTheme ();
    ApplyMasterPage ();
    Trace.Write ("", "Begin Init");
    InitRecursive (null);
    Trace.Write ("", "End Init");

    Trace.Write ("", "Begin InitComplete");
    OnInitComplete (EventArgs.Empty);
    Trace.Write ("", "End InitComplete");
    renderingForm = false;  

    if (getFacesContext () != null)
      if (IsPostBack || IsCallback)

    RestorePageState ();
    ProcessPostData ();
    ProcessRaiseEvents ();
    if (ProcessLoadComplete ())
    if (getFacesContext () != null) {
      getFacesContext ().renderResponse ();
    RenderPage ();

  void RestorePageState ()
    if (IsPostBack || IsCallback) {
      if (_requestValueCollection != null)
        scriptManager.RestoreEventValidationState (
          _requestValueCollection [ClientScriptManager.EventStateFieldName]);
      Trace.Write ("", "Begin LoadViewState");
      LoadPageViewState ();
      Trace.Write ("", "End LoadViewState");

  void ProcessPostData ()
    if (IsPostBack || IsCallback) {
      Trace.Write ("", "Begin ProcessPostData");
      ProcessPostData (_requestValueCollection, false);
      Trace.Write ("", "End ProcessPostData");

    ProcessLoad ();
    if (IsPostBack || IsCallback) {
      Trace.Write ("", "Begin ProcessPostData Second Try");
      ProcessPostData (secondPostData, true);
      Trace.Write ("", "End ProcessPostData Second Try");

  void ProcessLoad ()
    Trace.Write ("", "Begin PreLoad");
    OnPreLoad (EventArgs.Empty);
    Trace.Write ("", "End PreLoad");

    Trace.Write ("", "Begin Load");
    LoadRecursive ();
    Trace.Write ("", "End Load");

  void ProcessRaiseEvents ()
    if (IsPostBack || IsCallback) {
      Trace.Write ("", "Begin Raise ChangedEvents");
      RaiseChangedEvents ();
      Trace.Write ("", "End Raise ChangedEvents");
      Trace.Write ("", "Begin Raise PostBackEvent");
      RaisePostBackEvents ();
      Trace.Write ("", "End Raise PostBackEvent");

  bool ProcessLoadComplete ()
    Trace.Write ("", "Begin LoadComplete");
    OnLoadComplete (EventArgs.Empty);
    Trace.Write ("", "End LoadComplete");

    if (IsCrossPagePostBack)
      return true;

    if (IsCallback) {
      if (getFacesContext () != null) {
        _callbackTarget = GetCallbackTarget ();
        ProcessRaiseCallbackEvent (_callbackTarget, ref _callbackEventError);
        return true;
      string result = ProcessCallbackData ();
      HtmlTextWriter callbackOutput = new HtmlTextWriter (Response.Output);
      callbackOutput.Write (result);
      callbackOutput.Flush ();
      return true;
    Trace.Write ("", "Begin PreRender");
    PreRenderRecursiveInternal ();
    Trace.Write ("", "End PreRender");
    ExecuteRegisteredAsyncTasks ();

    Trace.Write ("", "Begin PreRenderComplete");
    OnPreRenderComplete (EventArgs.Empty);
    Trace.Write ("", "End PreRenderComplete");

    Trace.Write ("", "Begin SaveViewState");
    SavePageViewState ();
    Trace.Write ("", "End SaveViewState");
    Trace.Write ("", "Begin SaveStateComplete");
    OnSaveStateComplete (EventArgs.Empty);
    Trace.Write ("", "End SaveStateComplete");
    return false;

  internal void RenderPage ()
    scriptManager.ResetEventValidationState ();
    Trace.Write ("", "Begin Render");
     HtmlTextWriter output = CreateHtmlTextWriter (Response.Output);
    RenderControl (output);
    Trace.Write ("", "End Render");

  internal void SetContext (HttpContext context)
    _context = context;

    _application = context.Application;
    _response = context.Response;
    _request = context.Request;
    _cache = context.Cache;

  void RenderTrace ()
    TraceManager traceManager = HttpRuntime.TraceManager;

    if (Trace.HaveTrace && !Trace.IsEnabled || !Trace.HaveTrace && !traceManager.Enabled)
    Trace.SaveData ();

    if (!Trace.HaveTrace && traceManager.Enabled && !traceManager.PageOutput) 

    if (!traceManager.LocalOnly || Context.Request.IsLocal) {
      HtmlTextWriter output = new HtmlTextWriter (Response.Output);
      Trace.Render (output);
  void RaisePostBackEvents ()
    Control targetControl;
    if (requiresRaiseEvent != null) {
      RaisePostBackEvent (requiresRaiseEvent, null);

    if (formPostedRequiresRaiseEvent != null) {
      RaisePostBackEvent (formPostedRequiresRaiseEvent, null);
    NameValueCollection postdata = _requestValueCollection;
    if (postdata == null)

    string eventTarget = postdata [postEventSourceID];
    if (eventTarget == null || eventTarget.Length == 0) {
      if (formPostedRequiresRaiseEvent != null)
        RaisePostBackEvent (formPostedRequiresRaiseEvent, null);
        Validate ();

    targetControl = FindControl (eventTarget, true);
    IPostBackEventHandler target = targetControl as IPostBackEventHandler;
    if (target == null)

    string eventArgument = postdata [postEventArgumentID];
    RaisePostBackEvent (target, eventArgument);

  internal void RaiseChangedEvents ()
    if (requiresPostDataChanged == null)

    foreach (IPostBackDataHandler ipdh in requiresPostDataChanged)
      ipdh.RaisePostDataChangedEvent ();

    requiresPostDataChanged = null;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  protected virtual void RaisePostBackEvent (IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, string eventArgument)
    sourceControl.RaisePostBackEvent (eventArgument);
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public void RegisterArrayDeclaration (string arrayName, string arrayValue)
    scriptManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration (arrayName, arrayValue);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public virtual void RegisterClientScriptBlock (string key, string script)
    scriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock (key, script);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public virtual void RegisterHiddenField (string hiddenFieldName, string hiddenFieldInitialValue)
    scriptManager.RegisterHiddenField (hiddenFieldName, hiddenFieldInitialValue);

  [MonoTODO("Not implemented, Used in HtmlForm")]
  internal void RegisterClientScriptFile (string a, string b, string c)
    throw new NotImplementedException ();

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public void RegisterOnSubmitStatement (string key, string script)
    scriptManager.RegisterOnSubmitStatement (key, script);

  internal string GetSubmitStatements ()
    return scriptManager.WriteSubmitStatements ();

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public void RegisterRequiresPostBack (Control control)
    if (!(control is IPostBackDataHandler))
      throw new HttpException ("The control to register does not implement the IPostBackDataHandler interface.");
    if (_requiresPostBack == null)
      _requiresPostBack = new ArrayList ();

    if (_requiresPostBack.Contains (control.UniqueID))

    _requiresPostBack.Add (control.UniqueID);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public virtual void RegisterRequiresRaiseEvent (IPostBackEventHandler control)
    requiresRaiseEvent = control;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public virtual void RegisterStartupScript (string key, string script)
    scriptManager.RegisterStartupScript (key, script);

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public void RegisterViewStateHandler ()
    handleViewState = true;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  protected virtual void SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium (object viewState)
    PageStatePersister persister = this.PageStatePersister;
    if (persister == null)
    Pair pair = viewState as Pair;
    if (pair != null) {
      persister.ViewState = pair.First;
      persister.ControlState = pair.Second;
    } else
      persister.ViewState = viewState;
    persister.Save ();

  internal string RawViewState {
    get {
      NameValueCollection postdata = _requestValueCollection;
      string view_state;
      if (postdata == null || (view_state = postdata ["__VIEWSTATE"]) == null)
        return null;

      if (view_state == "")
        return null;
      return view_state;
    set { _savedViewState = value; }

  protected virtual PageStatePersister PageStatePersister {
    get {
      if (page_state_persister == null && PageAdapter != null)
          page_state_persister = PageAdapter.GetStatePersister();          
      if (page_state_persister == null)
        page_state_persister = new HiddenFieldPageStatePersister (this);
      return page_state_persister;
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  protected virtual object LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium ()
    PageStatePersister persister = this.PageStatePersister;
    if (persister == null)
      return null;
    persister.Load ();
    return new Pair (persister.ViewState, persister.ControlState);

  internal void LoadPageViewState ()
    Pair sState = LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium () as Pair;
    if (sState != null) {
      if (allow_load || isCrossPagePostBack) {
        LoadPageControlState (sState.Second);

        Pair vsr = sState.First as Pair;
        if (vsr != null) {
          LoadViewStateRecursive (vsr.First);
          _requiresPostBackCopy = vsr.Second as ArrayList;

  internal void SavePageViewState ()
    if (!handleViewState)

    object controlState = SavePageControlState ();
    Pair vsr = null;
    object viewState = null;
    if (EnableViewState)
      viewState = SaveViewStateRecursive ();
    object reqPostback = (_requiresPostBack != null && _requiresPostBack.Count > 0) ? _requiresPostBack : null;
    if (viewState != null || reqPostback != null)
      vsr = new Pair (viewState, reqPostback);

    Pair pair = new Pair ();
    pair.First = vsr;
    pair.Second = controlState;
    if (pair.First == null && pair.Second == null)
      SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium (null);
      SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium (pair);


  public virtual void Validate ()
    is_validated = true;
    ValidateCollection (_validators);

  internal bool AreValidatorsUplevel ()
    return AreValidatorsUplevel (String.Empty);

  internal bool AreValidatorsUplevel (string valGroup)
    bool uplevel = false;

    foreach (IValidator v in Validators) {
      BaseValidator bv = v as BaseValidator;
      if (bv == null)

      if (valGroup != bv.ValidationGroup)
      if (bv.GetRenderUplevel()) {
        uplevel = true;

    return uplevel;

  bool ValidateCollection (ValidatorCollection validators)
    if (validators == null || validators.Count == 0)
      return true;

    bool all_valid = true;
    foreach (IValidator v in validators){
      v.Validate ();
      if (v.IsValid == false)
        all_valid = false;

    return all_valid;

  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public virtual void VerifyRenderingInServerForm (Control control)
    if (Context == null)
    if (IsCallback)
    if (!renderingForm)
      throw new HttpException ("Control '" +
             control.ClientID +
             "' of type '" +
             control.GetType ().Name +
             "' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.");

  protected override void FrameworkInitialize ()
    base.FrameworkInitialize ();
    InitializeStyleSheet ();
  public ClientScriptManager ClientScript {
    get { return scriptManager; }

  internal static readonly object InitCompleteEvent = new object ();
  internal static readonly object LoadCompleteEvent = new object ();
  internal static readonly object PreInitEvent = new object ();
  internal static readonly object PreLoadEvent = new object ();
  internal static readonly object PreRenderCompleteEvent = new object ();
  internal static readonly object SaveStateCompleteEvent = new object ();
  int event_mask;
  const int initcomplete_mask = 1;
  const int loadcomplete_mask = 1 << 1;
  const int preinit_mask = 1 << 2;
  const int preload_mask = 1 << 3;
  const int prerendercomplete_mask = 1 << 4;
  const int savestatecomplete_mask = 1 << 5;
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public event EventHandler InitComplete {
    add {
      event_mask |= initcomplete_mask;
      Events.AddHandler (InitCompleteEvent, value);
    remove { Events.RemoveHandler (InitCompleteEvent, value); }
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public event EventHandler LoadComplete {
    add {
      event_mask |= loadcomplete_mask;
      Events.AddHandler (LoadCompleteEvent, value);
    remove { Events.RemoveHandler (LoadCompleteEvent, value); }
  public event EventHandler PreInit {
    add {
      event_mask |= preinit_mask;
      Events.AddHandler (PreInitEvent, value);
    remove { Events.RemoveHandler (PreInitEvent, value); }
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public event EventHandler PreLoad {
    add {
      event_mask |= preload_mask;
      Events.AddHandler (PreLoadEvent, value);
    remove { Events.RemoveHandler (PreLoadEvent, value); }
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public event EventHandler PreRenderComplete {
    add {
      event_mask |= prerendercomplete_mask;
      Events.AddHandler (PreRenderCompleteEvent, value);
    remove { Events.RemoveHandler (PreRenderCompleteEvent, value); }
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public event EventHandler SaveStateComplete {
    add {
      event_mask |= savestatecomplete_mask;
      Events.AddHandler (SaveStateCompleteEvent, value);
    remove { Events.RemoveHandler (SaveStateCompleteEvent, value); }
  protected virtual void OnInitComplete (EventArgs e)
    if ((event_mask & initcomplete_mask) != 0) {
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (Events [InitCompleteEvent]);
      if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
  protected virtual void OnLoadComplete (EventArgs e)
    if ((event_mask & loadcomplete_mask) != 0) {
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (Events [LoadCompleteEvent]);
      if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
  protected virtual void OnPreInit (EventArgs e)
    if ((event_mask & preinit_mask) != 0) {
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (Events [PreInitEvent]);
      if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
  protected virtual void OnPreLoad (EventArgs e)
    if ((event_mask & preload_mask) != 0) {
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (Events [PreLoadEvent]);
      if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
  protected virtual void OnPreRenderComplete (EventArgs e)
    if ((event_mask & prerendercomplete_mask) != 0) {
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (Events [PreRenderCompleteEvent]);
      if (eh != null) eh (this, e);

    if (Form == null)
    if (!Form.DetermineRenderUplevel ())

    string defaultButtonId = Form.DefaultButton;
    /* figure out if we have some control we're going to focus */
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (_focusedControlID)) {
      _focusedControlID = Form.DefaultFocus;
      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (_focusedControlID))
        _focusedControlID = defaultButtonId;

    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (_focusedControlID)) {
      ClientScript.RegisterWebFormClientScript ();
      ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript (
        "\n" + WebFormScriptReference + ".WebForm_AutoFocus('" + _focusedControlID + "');\n", true);
    if (Form.SubmitDisabledControls && _hasEnabledControlArray) {
      ClientScript.RegisterWebFormClientScript ();

      ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement (
        typeof (Page),
        WebFormScriptReference + ".WebForm_ReEnableControls();");

  internal void RegisterEnabledControl (Control control)
    if (Form == null || !Page.Form.SubmitDisabledControls || !Page.Form.DetermineRenderUplevel ())
    _hasEnabledControlArray = true;
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterArrayDeclaration (EnabledControlArrayID, String.Concat ("'", control.ClientID, "'"));
  protected virtual void OnSaveStateComplete (EventArgs e)
    if ((event_mask & savestatecomplete_mask) != 0) {
      EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) (Events [SaveStateCompleteEvent]);
      if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
  public HtmlForm Form {
    get { return _form; }
  internal void RegisterForm (HtmlForm form)
    _form = form;

  public string ClientQueryString {
    get { return Request.UrlComponents.Query; }

  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  public Page PreviousPage {
    get {
      if (_doLoadPreviousPage) {
        _doLoadPreviousPage = false;
        LoadPreviousPageReference ();
      return previousPage;

  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public bool IsCallback {
    get { return isCallback; }
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  public bool IsCrossPagePostBack {
    get { return isCrossPagePostBack; }

  public new virtual char IdSeparator {
    get {
      //TODO: why override?
      return base.IdSeparator;
  string ProcessCallbackData ()
    ICallbackEventHandler target = GetCallbackTarget ();
    string callbackEventError = String.Empty;
    ProcessRaiseCallbackEvent (target, ref callbackEventError);
    return ProcessGetCallbackResult (target, callbackEventError);

  ICallbackEventHandler GetCallbackTarget ()
    string callbackTarget = _requestValueCollection [CallbackSourceID];
    if (callbackTarget == null || callbackTarget.Length == 0)
      throw new HttpException ("Callback target not provided.");

    Control targetControl = FindControl (callbackTarget, true);
    ICallbackEventHandler target = targetControl as ICallbackEventHandler;
    if (target == null)
      throw new HttpException (string.Format ("Invalid callback target '{0}'.", callbackTarget));
    return target;

  void ProcessRaiseCallbackEvent (ICallbackEventHandler target, ref string callbackEventError)
    string callbackArgument = _requestValueCollection [CallbackArgumentID];

    try {
      target.RaiseCallbackEvent (callbackArgument);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      callbackEventError = String.Concat ("e", RuntimeHelpers.DebuggingEnabled ? ex.ToString () : ex.Message);

  string ProcessGetCallbackResult (ICallbackEventHandler target, string callbackEventError)
    string callBackResult;
    try {
      callBackResult = target.GetCallbackResult ();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      return String.Concat ("e", RuntimeHelpers.DebuggingEnabled ? ex.ToString () : ex.Message);
    string eventValidation = ClientScript.GetEventValidationStateFormatted ();
    return callbackEventError + (eventValidation == null ? "0" : eventValidation.Length.ToString ()) + "|" +
      eventValidation + callBackResult;

  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  public HtmlHead Header {
    get { return htmlHeader; }
  internal void SetHeader (HtmlHead header)
    htmlHeader = header;
    if (_title != null) {
      htmlHeader.Title = _title;
      _title = null;

  protected bool AsyncMode {
    get { return asyncMode; }
    set { asyncMode = value; }

  public TimeSpan AsyncTimeout {
    get { return asyncTimeout; }
    set { asyncTimeout = value; }

  public bool IsAsync {
    get { return AsyncMode; }

  protected internal virtual string UniqueFilePathSuffix {
    get {
      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (uniqueFilePathSuffix))
        uniqueFilePathSuffix = "__ufps=" + AppRelativeVirtualPath.GetHashCode ().ToString ("x");
      return uniqueFilePathSuffix;

  [MonoTODO ("Actually use the value in code.")]
  public int MaxPageStateFieldLength {
    get { return maxPageStateFieldLength; }
    set { maxPageStateFieldLength = value; }

  public void AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync (BeginEventHandler beginHandler, EndEventHandler endHandler)
    AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync (beginHandler, endHandler, null);

  public void AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync (BeginEventHandler beginHandler, EndEventHandler endHandler, Object state)
    if (!IsAsync) {
      throw new InvalidOperationException ("AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync called and Page.IsAsync == false");

    if (IsPrerendered) {
      throw new InvalidOperationException ("AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync can only be called before and during PreRender.");

    if (beginHandler == null) {
      throw new ArgumentNullException ("beginHandler");

    if (endHandler == null) {
      throw new ArgumentNullException ("endHandler");

    RegisterAsyncTask (new PageAsyncTask (beginHandler, endHandler, null, state, false));

  List<PageAsyncTask> ParallelTasks {
    get {
      if (parallelTasks == null)
        parallelTasks = new List<PageAsyncTask>();
      return parallelTasks;

  List<PageAsyncTask> SerialTasks {
    get {
      if (serialTasks == null)
        serialTasks = new List<PageAsyncTask> ();
      return serialTasks;

  public void RegisterAsyncTask (PageAsyncTask task) 
    if (task == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException ("task");

    if (task.ExecuteInParallel)
      ParallelTasks.Add (task);
      SerialTasks.Add (task);

  public void ExecuteRegisteredAsyncTasks ()
    if ((parallelTasks == null || parallelTasks.Count == 0) &&
      (serialTasks == null || serialTasks.Count == 0)){

    if (parallelTasks != null) {
      DateTime startExecution = DateTime.Now;
      List<PageAsyncTask> localParallelTasks = parallelTasks;
      parallelTasks = null; // Shouldn't execute tasks twice
      List<IAsyncResult> asyncResults = new List<IAsyncResult>();
      foreach (PageAsyncTask parallelTask in localParallelTasks) {
        IAsyncResult result = parallelTask.BeginHandler (this, EventArgs.Empty, new AsyncCallback (EndAsyncTaskCallback), parallelTask.State);
        if (result.CompletedSynchronously)
          parallelTask.EndHandler (result);
          asyncResults.Add (result);

      if (asyncResults.Count > 0) {
        TimeSpan timeout = AsyncTimeout;
        long t1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
        bool signalled = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < asyncResults.Count; i++) {
          if (asyncResults [i].IsCompleted)

          if (signalled)
            signalled = asyncResults [i].AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne (timeout, false);

          if (signalled) {
            long t2 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            timeout = AsyncTimeout - TimeSpan.FromTicks (t2 - t1);
            if (timeout.Ticks <= 0)
              signalled = false;
          } else
            localParallelTasks [i].TimeoutHandler (asyncResults [i]);
        WaitHandle [] waitArray = new WaitHandle [asyncResults.Count];
        int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < asyncResults.Count; i++) {
          waitArray [i] = asyncResults [i].AsyncWaitHandle;
        bool allSignalled = WaitHandle.WaitAll (waitArray, AsyncTimeout, false);
        if (!allSignalled) {
          for (i = 0; i < asyncResults.Count; i++) {
            if (!asyncResults [i].IsCompleted) {
              localParallelTasks [i].TimeoutHandler (asyncResults [i]);
      DateTime endWait = DateTime.Now;
      TimeSpan elapsed = endWait - startExecution;
      if (elapsed <= AsyncTimeout)
        AsyncTimeout -= elapsed;
        AsyncTimeout = TimeSpan.FromTicks(0);

    if (serialTasks != null) {
      List<PageAsyncTask> localSerialTasks = serialTasks;
      serialTasks = null; // Shouldn't execute tasks twice
      foreach (PageAsyncTask serialTask in localSerialTasks) {
        DateTime startExecution = DateTime.Now;

        IAsyncResult result = serialTask.BeginHandler (this, EventArgs.Empty, new AsyncCallback (EndAsyncTaskCallback), serialTask);
        if (result.CompletedSynchronously)
          serialTask.EndHandler (result);
        else {
          bool done = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne (AsyncTimeout, false);
          if (!done && !result.IsCompleted) {
            serialTask.TimeoutHandler (result);
        DateTime endWait = DateTime.Now;
        TimeSpan elapsed = endWait - startExecution;
        if (elapsed <= AsyncTimeout)
          AsyncTimeout -= elapsed;
          AsyncTimeout = TimeSpan.FromTicks (0);
    AsyncTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (DefaultAsyncTimeout);

  void EndAsyncTaskCallback (IAsyncResult result) 
    PageAsyncTask task = (PageAsyncTask)result.AsyncState;
    task.EndHandler (result);

  public static HtmlTextWriter CreateHtmlTextWriterFromType (TextWriter tw, Type writerType)
    Type htmlTextWriterType = typeof (HtmlTextWriter);
    if (!htmlTextWriterType.IsAssignableFrom (writerType)) {
      throw new HttpException (String.Format ("Type '{0}' cannot be assigned to HtmlTextWriter", writerType.FullName));

    ConstructorInfo constructor = writerType.GetConstructor (new Type [] { typeof (TextWriter) });
    if (constructor == null) {
      throw new HttpException (String.Format ("Type '{0}' does not have a consturctor that takes a TextWriter as parameter", writerType.FullName));

    return (HtmlTextWriter) Activator.CreateInstance(writerType, tw);

  public ViewStateEncryptionMode ViewStateEncryptionMode {
    get { return viewStateEncryptionMode; }
    set { viewStateEncryptionMode = value; }

  public void RegisterRequiresViewStateEncryption ()
    controlRegisteredForViewStateEncryption = true;

  static byte [] AES_IV = null;
  static byte [] TripleDES_IV = null;
  static object locker = new object ();
  static bool isEncryptionInitialized = false;

  static void InitializeEncryption () 
    if (isEncryptionInitialized)

    lock (locker) {
      if (isEncryptionInitialized)

      string iv_string = "0BA48A9E-736D-40f8-954B-B2F62241F282";
      AES_IV = new byte [16];
      TripleDES_IV = new byte [8];

      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < AES_IV.Length; i++) {
        AES_IV [i] = (byte) iv_string [i];

      for (i = 0; i < TripleDES_IV.Length; i++) {
        TripleDES_IV [i] = (byte) iv_string [i];

      isEncryptionInitialized = true;

  internal ICryptoTransform GetCryptoTransform (CryptoStreamMode cryptoStreamMode) 
    ICryptoTransform transform = null;
    MachineKeySection config = (MachineKeySection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection (machineKeyConfigPath);
    byte [] vk = MachineKeySectionUtils.ValidationKeyBytes (config);

    switch (config.Validation) {
      case MachineKeyValidation.SHA1:
        transform = SHA1.Create ();

      case MachineKeyValidation.MD5:
        transform = MD5.Create ();

      case MachineKeyValidation.AES:
        InitializeEncryption ();
        if (cryptoStreamMode == CryptoStreamMode.Read){
          transform = Rijndael.Create().CreateDecryptor(vk, AES_IV);
        } else {
          transform = Rijndael.Create().CreateEncryptor(vk, AES_IV);

      case MachineKeyValidation.TripleDES:
        InitializeEncryption ();
        if (cryptoStreamMode == CryptoStreamMode.Read){
          transform = TripleDES.Create().CreateDecryptor(vk, TripleDES_IV);
        } else {
          transform = TripleDES.Create().CreateEncryptor(vk, TripleDES_IV);

    return transform;

  internal bool NeedViewStateEncryption {
    get {
      return (ViewStateEncryptionMode == ViewStateEncryptionMode.Always ||
          (ViewStateEncryptionMode == ViewStateEncryptionMode.Auto &&


  void ApplyMasterPage ()
    if (masterPageFile != null && masterPageFile.Length > 0) {
      ArrayList appliedMasterPageFiles = new ArrayList ();

      if (Master != null) {
        MasterPage.ApplyMasterPageRecursive (Master, appliedMasterPageFiles);

        Master.Page = this;
        Controls.Clear ();
        Controls.Add (Master);

  [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
  public virtual string MasterPageFile {
    get { return masterPageFile; }
    set {
      masterPageFile = value;
      masterPage = null;
  [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
  [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
  public MasterPage Master {
    get {
      if (Context == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty (masterPageFile))
        return null;

      if (masterPage == null)
        masterPage = MasterPage.CreateMasterPage (this, Context, masterPageFile, contentTemplates);

      return masterPage;
  public void SetFocus (string clientID)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (clientID))
      throw new ArgumentNullException ("control");

    if (IsPrerendered)
      throw new InvalidOperationException ("SetFocus can only be called before and during PreRender.");

      throw new InvalidOperationException ("A form tag with runat=server must exist on the Page to use SetFocus() or the Focus property.");

    _focusedControlID = clientID;

  public void SetFocus (Control control)
    if (control == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException ("control");

    SetFocus (control.ClientID);
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public void RegisterRequiresControlState (Control control)
    if (control == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException ("control");

    if (RequiresControlState (control))

    if (requireStateControls == null)
      requireStateControls = new List <Control> ();
    requireStateControls.Add (control);
    int n = requireStateControls.Count - 1;
    if (_savedControlState == null || n >= _savedControlState.Length) 

    for (Control parent = control.Parent; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent)
      if (parent.IsChildControlStateCleared)

    object state = _savedControlState [n];
    if (state != null)
      control.LoadControlState (state);
  public bool RequiresControlState (Control control)
    if (requireStateControls == null)
      return false;
    return requireStateControls.Contains (control);
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  public void UnregisterRequiresControlState (Control control)
    if (requireStateControls != null)
      requireStateControls.Remove (control);
  public ValidatorCollection GetValidators (string validationGroup)
    if (validationGroup == String.Empty)
      validationGroup = null;

    ValidatorCollection col = new ValidatorCollection ();
    if (_validators == null)
      return col;
    foreach (IValidator v in _validators)
      if (BelongsToGroup(v, validationGroup))

    return col;
  bool BelongsToGroup(IValidator v, string validationGroup)
    BaseValidator validator = v as BaseValidator;
    if (validationGroup == null)
      return validator == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty (validator.ValidationGroup); 
      return validator != null && validator.ValidationGroup == validationGroup;       
  public virtual void Validate (string validationGroup)
    is_validated = true;
    ValidateCollection (GetValidators (validationGroup));

  object SavePageControlState ()
    int count = requireStateControls == null ? 0 : requireStateControls.Count;
    if (count == 0)
      return null;
    object state;
    object[] controlStates = new object [count];
    object[] adapterState = new object [count];
    Control control;
    ControlAdapter adapter;
    bool allNull = true;
    TraceContext trace = (Context != null && Context.Trace.IsEnabled) ? Context.Trace : null;
    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) {
      control = requireStateControls [n];
      state = controlStates [n] = control.SaveControlState ();
      if (state != null)
        allNull = false;
      if (trace != null)
        trace.SaveControlState (control, state);

      adapter = control.Adapter;
      if (adapter != null) {
        adapterState [n] = adapter.SaveAdapterControlState ();
        if (adapterState [n] != null) allNull = false;
    if (allNull)
      return null;
      return new Pair (controlStates, adapterState);
  void LoadPageControlState (object data)
    _savedControlState = null;
    if (data == null) return;
    Pair statePair = (Pair)data;
    _savedControlState = (object[]) statePair.First;
    object[] adapterState = (object[]) statePair.Second;

    if (requireStateControls == null) return;

    int min = Math.Min (requireStateControls.Count, _savedControlState != null ? _savedControlState.Length : requireStateControls.Count);
    for (int n=0; n < min; n++) {
      Control ctl = (Control) requireStateControls [n];
      ctl.LoadControlState (_savedControlState != null ? _savedControlState [n] : null);
      if (ctl.Adapter != null)
        ctl.Adapter.LoadAdapterControlState (adapterState != null ? adapterState [n] : null);

  void LoadPreviousPageReference ()
    if (_requestValueCollection != null) {
      string prevPage = _requestValueCollection [PreviousPageID];
      if (prevPage != null) {
        if (getFacesContext () != null) {
          IHttpHandler handler = Context.ApplicationInstance.GetHandler (Context, prevPage);
          Server.Execute (handler, null, true, _context.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath, null, false, false);
          if (_context.Items.Contains (CrossPagePostBack)) {
            previousPage = (Page) _context.Items [CrossPagePostBack];
            _context.Items.Remove (CrossPagePostBack);
        IHttpHandler handler;
        handler = BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath (prevPage, typeof (IHttpHandler)) as IHttpHandler;
        previousPage = (Page) handler;
        previousPage.isCrossPagePostBack = true;
        Server.Execute (handler, null, true, _context.Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath, null, false, false);

  Hashtable contentTemplates;
  [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
  protected internal void AddContentTemplate (string templateName, ITemplate template)
    if (contentTemplates == null)
      contentTemplates = new Hashtable ();
    contentTemplates [templateName] = template;

  PageTheme _pageTheme;
  internal PageTheme PageTheme {
    get { return _pageTheme; }

  PageTheme _styleSheetPageTheme;
  internal PageTheme StyleSheetPageTheme {
    get { return _styleSheetPageTheme; }

  Stack dataItemCtx;
  internal void PushDataItemContext (object o) {
    if (dataItemCtx == null)
      dataItemCtx = new Stack ();
    dataItemCtx.Push (o);
  internal void PopDataItemContext () {
    if (dataItemCtx == null)
      throw new InvalidOperationException ();
    dataItemCtx.Pop ();
  public object GetDataItem() {
    if (dataItemCtx == null || dataItemCtx.Count == 0)
      throw new InvalidOperationException ("No data item");
    return dataItemCtx.Peek ();

  protected internal override void OnInit (EventArgs e)
    base.OnInit (e);

    ArrayList themes = new ArrayList();

    if (StyleSheetPageTheme != null && StyleSheetPageTheme.GetStyleSheets () != null)
      themes.AddRange (StyleSheetPageTheme.GetStyleSheets ());
    if (PageTheme != null && PageTheme.GetStyleSheets () != null)
      themes.AddRange (PageTheme.GetStyleSheets ());

    if (themes.Count > 0 && Header == null)
      throw new InvalidOperationException ("Using themed css files requires a header control on the page.");

    foreach (string lss in themes) {
      HtmlLink hl = new HtmlLink ();
      hl.Href = lss;
      hl.Attributes["type"] = "text/css";
      hl.Attributes["rel"] = "stylesheet";
      Header.Controls.Add (hl);

  [MonoTODO ("Not implemented.  Only used by .net aspx parser")]
  protected object GetWrappedFileDependencies (string [] list)
    return list;

  [MonoTODO ("Does nothing.  Used by .net aspx parser")]
  protected virtual void InitializeCulture ()

  [MonoTODO ("Does nothing. Used by .net aspx parser")]
  protected internal void AddWrappedFileDependencies (object virtualFileDependencies)
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