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class ShaderAppearanceRetained extends AppearanceRetained (Code)
The Appearance object defines all rendering state that can be set as a component object of a Shape3D node.

Field Summary
final static  intSHADER_ATTRIBUTE_SET
final static  intSHADER_PROGRAM
protected  booleanisMirror
protected  ShaderAttributeSetRetainedshaderAttributeSet
protected  ShaderProgramRetainedshaderProgram

Method Summary
synchronized  voidaddAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained shape)
 voidclearLive(int refCount)
 voidcompile(CompileState compState)
synchronized  voidcreateMirrorObject()
 voiddoSetLive(boolean backgroundGroup, int refCount)
     This method calls the setLive method of all appearance bundle objects.
public  booleanequals(Object obj)
 booleanequals(ShaderAppearanceRetained sApp)
     Retrieves the current ShaderAttributeSet object.
     Retrieves the current shader program object.
 voidhandleFrequencyChange(int bit)
synchronized  voidinitMirrorObject()
     This routine updates the mirror appearance for this appearance.
 booleanisOpaque(int geoType)
synchronized  voidremoveAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained shape)
final  voidsendMessage(int attrMask, Object attr)
 voidsetShaderAttributeSet(ShaderAttributeSet sas)
     Sets the ShaderAttributeSet object to the specified object.
 voidsetShaderProgram(ShaderProgram sp)
     Set the shader program object to the specified object.
synchronized  voidupdateMirrorObject(int component, Object value)

Field Detail
final static int SHADER_ATTRIBUTE_SET(Code)

final static int SHADER_PROGRAM(Code)

protected boolean isMirror(Code)

protected ShaderAttributeSetRetained shaderAttributeSet(Code)

protected ShaderProgramRetained shaderProgram(Code)

Method Detail
synchronized void addAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained shape)(Code)

void clearLive(int refCount)(Code)
This clearLive routine first calls the superclass's method, then it removes itself to the list of lights

void compile(CompileState compState)(Code)

synchronized void createMirrorObject()(Code)

void doSetLive(boolean backgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)
This method calls the setLive method of all appearance bundle objects.

public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)

boolean equals(ShaderAppearanceRetained sApp)(Code)

ShaderAttributeSet getShaderAttributeSet()(Code)
Retrieves the current ShaderAttributeSet object. current ShaderAttributeSet object

ShaderProgram getShaderProgram()(Code)
Retrieves the current shader program object. current shader program object

void handleFrequencyChange(int bit)(Code)

synchronized void initMirrorObject()(Code)
This routine updates the mirror appearance for this appearance. It also calls the update method for each node component if it is not null.

boolean isOpaque(int geoType)(Code)

boolean isStatic()(Code)

synchronized void removeAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained shape)(Code)

final void sendMessage(int attrMask, Object attr)(Code)

void setShaderAttributeSet(ShaderAttributeSet sas)(Code)
Sets the ShaderAttributeSet object to the specified object. Setting it to null is equivalent to specifying an empty set of attributes.
  shaderAttributeSet - object that specifies the desired shader attributes

void setShaderProgram(ShaderProgram sp)(Code)
Set the shader program object to the specified object.
  shaderProgram - object that specifies the desired shader programand shader program attributes.

synchronized void updateMirrorObject(int component, Object value)(Code)
Update the "component" field of the mirror object with the given "value"

Fields inherited from
final static int ALL_SOLE_USERS(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int COLOR(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LINE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int MATERIAL(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int POINT(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int POLYGON(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int RENDERING(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TEXCOORD_GEN(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TEXTURE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TEXTURE_ATTR(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TEXTURE_UNIT_STATE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TRANSPARENCY(Code)(Java Doc)
ColoringAttributesRetained coloringAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)
LineAttributesRetained lineAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)
Object liveStateLock(Code)(Java Doc)
CompileState map(Code)(Java Doc)
AppearanceRetained mapAppearance(Code)(Java Doc)
MaterialRetained material(Code)(Java Doc)
PointAttributesRetained pointAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)
PolygonAttributesRetained polygonAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)
RenderingAttributesRetained renderingAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)
AppearanceRetained sgApp(Code)(Java Doc)
TexCoordGenerationRetained texCoordGeneration(Code)(Java Doc)
TextureUnitStateRetained texUnitState(Code)(Java Doc)
TextureRetained texture(Code)(Java Doc)
TextureAttributesRetained textureAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)
TransparencyAttributesRetained transparencyAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
synchronized void addAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained shape)(Code)(Java Doc)
void clearLive(int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
void compile(CompileState compState)(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void createMirrorObject()(Code)(Java Doc)
void doSetLive(boolean backgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean equals(AppearanceRetained app)(Code)(Java Doc)
ColoringAttributes getColoringAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
LineAttributes getLineAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
Material getMaterial()(Code)(Java Doc)
PointAttributes getPointAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
PolygonAttributes getPolygonAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
RenderingAttributes getRenderingAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
TexCoordGeneration getTexCoordGeneration()(Code)(Java Doc)
Texture getTexture()(Code)(Java Doc)
TextureAttributes getTextureAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
int getTextureUnitCount()(Code)(Java Doc)
TextureUnitState[] getTextureUnitState()(Code)(Java Doc)
TextureUnitState getTextureUnitState(int index)(Code)(Java Doc)
TransparencyAttributes getTransparencyAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
void handleFrequencyChange(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void initMirrorObject()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isOpaque(int geoType)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isStatic()(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void removeAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained shape)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void sendMessage(int attrMask, Object attr, boolean visible)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void sendRenderingAttributesChangedMessage(boolean visible)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setColoringAttributes(ColoringAttributes coloringAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLineAttributes(LineAttributes lineAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLive(boolean backgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setMaterial(Material material)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setPointAttributes(PointAttributes pointAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setPolygonAttributes(PolygonAttributes polygonAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setRenderingAttributes(RenderingAttributes renderingAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setTexCoordGeneration(TexCoordGeneration texGen)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setTexture(Texture texture)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setTextureAttributes(TextureAttributes textureAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setTextureUnitState(TextureUnitState[] stateArray)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setTextureUnitState(int index, TextureUnitState state)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setTransparencyAttributes(TransparencyAttributes transparencyAttributes)(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void updateMirrorObject(int component, Object value)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
int changedFrequent(Code)(Java Doc)
int compChanged(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean duplicateOnCloneTree(Code)(Java Doc)
NodeComponentRetained mirror(Code)(Java Doc)
int refCnt(Code)(Java Doc)
int refCount(Code)(Java Doc)
ArrayList users(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
void addAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained ms)(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void addUser(NodeRetained node)(Code)(Java Doc)
void clearLive(int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Object clone()(Code)(Java Doc)
void copyMirrorUsers(NodeComponentRetained node)(Code)(Java Doc)
void createMirrorObject()(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void decRefCnt()(Code)(Java Doc)
void doSetLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean getDuplicateOnCloneTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean getInImmCtx()(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void incRefCnt()(Code)(Java Doc)
void initMirrorObject()(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void notifyUsers()(Code)(Java Doc)
void removeAMirrorUser(Shape3DRetained ms)(Code)(Java Doc)
void removeMirrorUsers(NodeComponentRetained node)(Code)(Java Doc)
synchronized void removeUser(NodeRetained node)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void set(NodeComponentRetained nc)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setDuplicateOnCloneTree(boolean duplicate)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setFrequencyChangeMask(int bit, int mask)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setInImmCtx(boolean inCtx)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup, int refCount)(Code)(Java Doc)
void updateMirrorObject(int component, Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
final static int DONT_MERGE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int MERGE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int MERGE_DONE(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean inBackgroundGroup(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean inSetLive(Code)(Java Doc)
int mergeFlag(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean onUpdateList(Code)(Java Doc)
SceneGraphObject source(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
void clearLive(VirtualUniverse univ, int index, boolean sharedGroup, HashKey[] keys)(Code)(Java Doc)
void clearLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Object clone()(Code)(Java Doc)
void compile(CompileState compState)(Code)(Java Doc)
void doSetLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup)(Code)(Java Doc)
void doSetLive(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc)
SceneGraphObject getSource()(Code)(Java Doc)
VirtualUniverse getVirtualUniverse()(Code)(Java Doc)
void handleFrequencyChange(int bit)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isInSetLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isStatic()(Code)(Java Doc)
void markAsLive()(Code)(Java Doc)
void merge(CompileState compState)(Code)(Java Doc)
void mergeTransform(TransformGroupRetained xform)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setCompiled()(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLive(boolean inBackgroundGroup)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLive(SetLiveState s)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setSource(SceneGraphObject source)(Code)(Java Doc)
void traverse(boolean sameLevel, int level)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
int[][] listIdx(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
synchronized int getIdxUsed(VirtualUniverse u)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract VirtualUniverse getVirtualUniverse()(Code)(Java Doc)
void incIdxUsed()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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